When these words fell, they were like a sharp thorn, piercing into the heart of Qinglian Palace Mistress.

"You dare to slander my achievements? Slander my accomplishments?"

The eyes of Palace Mistress Qing Lian suddenly turned blood red, making one's scalp numb.

Obviously, Lin Yang's words completely angered her.

"Slander? Slander? Is there?"

Lin Yang held the Tiansheng knife, with a pitiful look in his eyes.

"The poison you release is the poison that clings to your blood vessel wall, right? The substance in your blood vessel wall itself is non-toxic, but it can cause toxicity when the power of ascension is activated. This sudden comprehensive toxicity, In fact, it is not violent, and the effect of killing the enemy is extremely poor!"

Palace Mistress Qinglian heard the sound, her breathing trembled.

"You can actually see the principle of the poison I applied at a glance?"

"Didn't I say it before? Your poisonous skills are too low, and you can't stand it at all!"

Lin Yang shook his head, and said lightly: "If I were you, I would use the power of Ascension as a shelter, cut open the flesh of the chest cavity, and plant a poisonous vein around the lungs. This poisonous vein must use more than a hundred kinds of toxins to build Ascension Wrapped tightly with the power of the body and nurtured for ten years, the poison released will be a poison with no cure, and it can kill with one blow!"

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Palace Master Qing Lian trembled wildly when he heard the sound, his eyes widened, and his lips could not help murmuring, as if analyzing the possibility Lin Yang said.

But soon, she roared: "Before the poison vein is formed, it must be very fragile. If the poison vein is accidentally broken during the fight, isn't it certain death?"

"That's why there is no cure for inferior idiots. Once the poison veins are ruptured before they are formed, they can quickly mobilize the blood vessels and Qi veins in the body to wrap them up, prevent the poison from volatilizing, and then dig out the corroded part to restore the poison veins." Pulse, isn't it over?"

Lin Yang said with disdain in his eyes: "What's more, if you are beaten so badly that even your veins are injured, it can only prove that you are an incompetent waste. Even if you have poison veins, what's the use?"


The Lord Qinglian's lungs almost exploded.

"Besides, these things on your face are also very clumsy, ugly and superfluous, why? Can you see more by transplanting an extra eye on your forehead? Heh, this can't maximize your sight at all. On the contrary, it will affect your nerves because of the transplantation. Do you always have a splitting headache in humid weather? This is the performance of your imperfect transplantation. If I were you, I would transplant this eye to the back of the head. It can stagger more nerves, and it can also enrich the line of sight behind you! Let yourself have no blind spots in all directions!"

Lin Yang spoke eloquently again.

Palace Mistress Qing Lian's face turned pale, and she backed away again and again, her expression full of disbelief.

She really wanted to refute Lin Yang's words.

But...these words make a lot of sense!

Indeed, the transplanted eye would be more effective if it was placed in the back of the head.

And the effect of poison veins is obviously much stronger than her simple comprehensive effect....

"Besides, your mouth, nose and other organs... are all right..."

Lin Yang didn't stop, and continued to talk freely, belittling the transformation of the palace lord who belittled him to nothing.

The body of Qinglian Palace Mistress trembled more and more.

She found that what she was proud of was worthless in front of this young man...

The more you listen to the palace lord Qinglian, the more chilling you become, and the more you listen, the more painful you become.

Finally, she couldn't bear it anymore, and growled: "Enough! Shut up!"

Everyone felt their eardrums tremble, almost perforated, and backed away in fright.

Lin Yang looked at it indifferently.

"How? Do you still think I'm slandering you, slandering you?"

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