Yu Bihong's few words actually shook the people in Qinglian Palace.

This was completely beyond her expectations.

Lin Yang owns the "Ten Thousand Swords Picture", and he has no advantage at all in fighting with the lord of the palace.

If she didn't rely on Qinglian Palace's overall strength to contend, she might die here today.

"Don't listen to that traitor's gossip to confuse the crowd. Listen to the order and kill the thief for me! If anyone refuses to obey, I will tear him apart and refine them into pills! Kill him!"

The Mistress Qinglian let out an angry roar.

Someone subconsciously wants to make a move.

But most people stood where they were, hesitating.

Those who wanted to do it couldn't help but stop.

"What are you doing in a daze? Could it be that you didn't hear me?"

Palace Mistress Qinglian was taken aback for a moment, and quickly shouted angrily.

However, people just lowered their heads one after another, with no intention of doing anything at all.

Palace Mistress Qinglian was furious.

"Old witch! People are against each other! Everyone sees what you do on weekdays. Do you really think that there will be people who are willing to work for you?"

Yu Bihong clutched her chest, gritted her teeth and said, "Today is your death day!"


Palace Mistress Qing Lian was trembling with anger, but she quickly calmed down and growled, "Okay! Very good! I knew you bastards are unreliable! If that's the case, don't blame me!"

After finishing speaking, Palace Mistress Qinglian suddenly raised her hand and waved it towards the sky.


A circle of blood-red powder mist suddenly exploded from her palm, spreading directly to the surroundings, quickly submerging the crowd.

"What's this?"

Yu Bihong's face froze, and she lost her voice: "Could it be that this old witch wants to poison everyone to death?"

"This is not poisonous gas!"

Lin Yang's eyes tightened, and he shouted in a low voice: "Yu Bihong, you all go back quickly, don't inhale this gas!"

Yu Bihong was taken aback, and wanted to say something, but at this moment, she finally realized something was wrong.

I saw those who were swallowed by the blood-red poisonous powder coughing crazily one by one, and their eyes gradually became blood-red, their pupils became hollow, and they seemed to be losing their self-awareness little by little...

"Isn't this poisonous gas?"

Yu Bihong said blankly.

Lin Yang sniffed it, and said hoarsely: "This seems to be a kind of powder mist that can affect other people's minds. If my guess is correct, these people have already been controlled by Palace Master Qinglian."

"How can there be such a medicine in the world?"

Yu Bihong could hardly believe what she heard and saw.

Lin Yang shook his head: "Palace Master Qinglian planted Gu poison in these people's bodies, it should be in the brain nerves, if I guessed right, you may have it too, this kind of Gu poison will not attack , until it is activated by this powder poison, it will quickly control the brain!"

"Now, she only needs to issue some special orders, and these people will act according to her instructions, you, go!"

Yu Bihong was dumbfounded when she heard the sound.


He only heard a cold cry from Qinglian Palace Mistress.

In an instant, all the people from Qinglian Palace rushed towards Lin Yang.

Lin Yang's eyes were cold. He never expected that the master of Qinglian Palace would be so cruel, and poison the brains of every person in Qinglian Palace to control their bodies.

In her eyes, this palace of pity and pity is just a tool that can be used!

"So, I will help you get rid of it!"

Lin Yang said hoarsely, and activated the "Ten Thousand Swords Picture" with one hand.


whoosh whoosh....

Wan Jian invaded.

The terrifying Excalibur rushed out of the catalog behind him like a flood, and slammed into the crowd fiercely.

For a time, the blood was soaring, and the sword was flying...

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