A wilderness.

Jiuyu picked up firewood and lit it, then took a few medicine powder packets that Lin Yang took out, and boiled the soup.

After feeding the two of them, Lin Yang was relieved, and Yu Bihong also slowly opened his eyes.

"My lord, how do you feel?"

Jiuyu hurriedly asked.

"It's almost there. After a few more days of conditioning, you will be able to recover."

Lin Yang said lightly.

"That's good."

Jiuyu breathed out, then looked at Yu Bihong: "Commander Yu, do you want another bowl?"

"Drink it yourself."

Yu Bihong fiddled with the blindfold, looking a little disappointed.

Lin Yang glanced at her, and asked calmly, "What are your plans for the future?"

Yu Bihong was stunned for a moment, then shook her head: "I don't know, I grew up in the Qinglian Palace since I was a child, now that the Qinglian Palace is gone, and the owner of the palace is also dead. "

"Commander Yu, why not follow your lord with me, wouldn't it be great!"

Jiuyu said with a smile.

Yu Bihong glanced at Lin Yang, but said nothing.

"Yu Bihong, your eyes are very special. If no one protects you, you will inevitably be caught and studied by others. Instead of this, why not follow me back to the Nirvana Realm. Although the cultivation environment in the Nirvana Realm is not as good as the underground dragon veins, at least It's safe, and with your strength, there are not many people in the Annihilation Domain who can move you, how about it?"

Lin Yang took the opportunity to throw out an olive branch.

Although Yu Bihong lost to Palace Master Qinglian, she is also a good player in the underground dragon veins, and it is even more unquestionable in the field of nirvana.

Yu Bihong was silent for a moment, then suddenly raised her head and asked, "If I am willing to follow you, would you...will you help me heal my eyes?"

"Even if you don't follow me, I can still heal your eyes."

Lin Yang smiled calmly.

Yu Bihong breathed tremblingly, opened her mouth, and asked after a while: "Why..."

"Because... you, like me, are a poor man."

Lin Yang shook his head, but sighed lightly, his eyes full of deepness.

Yu Bihong quietly stared at Lin Yang's handsome and extraordinary face, her face was slightly flushed, but she quickly looked away and said in a low voice: "Well, Master Lin, I am willing to follow you."

"You'll be glad you made the decision."

Lin Yang smiled, then waved: "Come on, come to me!"

Yu Bihong's tender body froze, hesitated for a while, and moved over with her head down.

"My lord...do you have any orders?"

"I'll show you your eyes, and you take off the blindfold."


Yu Bihong's complicated expression flashed away, and then she took off her blindfold, revealing her eyes that seemed to be filled with magma.

Lin Yang took out two silver needles and gently pierced them into the eye sockets.

"My lord, your injury is still unhealed, so you can't use your power to ascend!" Jiuyu hastily reminded.

"No problem."

Lin Yang said calmly, then lightly rotated the silver needle.

After a while, he pulled out the silver needle.

However, the root of the silver needle is red all over, as if it has been baked by high temperature and almost melted.

"My lord, how should this be treated?"

Yu Bihong asked carefully.

"If it is an ordinary person, it will be difficult to cure, but you are very lucky. I understand different fires, and different fires are the key to healing your pupils!"

Lin Yang laughed, then stretched out his hand to cover Yu Bihong's eyes, and said in a low voice: "Be patient, it will hurt later!"


Yu Bihong nodded, her face full of seriousness.

I saw Lin Yang exert his strength suddenly.


Immediately, a strange fire rose from her palm.

However, as soon as the strange fire was born, they rushed into it as if they were attracted by Yu Bihong's eyes.

Suddenly, a hot burning sensation hit.

Yu Bihong kept humming in pain, her face was covered with sweat, and her whole body was shaking slightly.

But soon, she felt that the strange fire that had entered her eyes was fading rapidly, and it seemed to be stripped from her eyes again, taking something with her.

A cool feeling arises spontaneously.

She had never felt like this before.

Good is comfortable.

This went on for about two minutes.

Lin Yang put his hand down.

But the moment his palm fell, Lin Yang suddenly fell to the ground, trembling all over.

"grown ups!"

Yu Bihong and Jiuyu shouted together.

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