Jian Fenghai's popularity was not light, each of them gritted their teeth, their faces full of unwillingness.

But Gui Jiansheng made up his mind, and there was nothing they could do.

Counting swords cannot defeat Lin Yang, and Gui Jiansheng's heart is also filled with endless unwillingness.

But he would not lose his mind because of this, and immediately got on the horse and pulled the rein.

"What's your name?"

Gui Jiansheng asked in a deep voice.

"Lin Yang."

"Lin Yang?"

Gui Jiansheng murmured, as if he had heard the name before.

Someone next to him suddenly heard something, and hurriedly whispered a few words in Gui Jiansheng's ear.

Gui Jiansheng suddenly understood.

"It's no wonder you can count my swords without defeat. So you are the Lin Yang who killed the servant of the Martial God and was wanted by Taitian Martial God!"

"It's me." Lin Yang admitted generously.

"You are really stupid."

Gui Jiansheng shook his head: "Since you are wanted, how dare you tell your real name? Are you not afraid that I will tell God Tai Tian about your whereabouts?"

"Young Master Gui is a man of temperament. He asked my name in order to achieve great cultivation in the future. He asked me to fight again in order to regain the qualification of being a Martial God candidate. So, why should I tell him by an alias?"

Lin Yang said lightly.

Gui Jiansheng frowned slightly, looked at Lin Yang carefully, and nodded: "It's good to know what I mean, listen, the qualifications for the Martial God candidate are only temporarily stored with you, and I will look for you again soon. At that time, if we fight with swords and guns, I will defeat you!"

"I'm waiting for you."

Lin Yang said lightly.

"Listen, anyone who dares to reveal Lin Yang's whereabouts today will be killed without mercy!"

Gui Jiansheng turned his head and shouted coldly at his subordinates, then pulled the reins and galloped out of the town.


The people in Jianfenghai shouted in unison, and immediately followed.

All the people in Jianfenghai left.

The crisis in the town was resolved.

Many people heaved a sigh of relief and fell limply on the ground.

"Master Lin, thank you! Thank you so much! If it weren't for you, our town would have suffered!"

Zheng Meng was supported and walked over, showing a grateful look to Lin Yang.

"It's just a matter of raising your hands! In the future, keep your eyes bright and don't be fooled by others."

Lin Yang said lightly.

"Yes Yes...."

Zheng Meng felt ashamed.

Thinking of his previous attitude towards Lin Yang and others, he felt a little ashamed.

"Everyone, let's kneel together and thank Master Lin. If Master Lin hadn't made a move today, we might all have become the souls of Jian Fenghai's sword!"

Zheng Meng turned around and shouted.

"Thank you, Master Lin!"

People in the town bowed down one after another.

The scene was quite spectacular.

"Get up, everyone."

Lin Yang was a little unaccustomed to such occasions, so he spoke.

"Thank you, my lord!"

Everyone shouted.

At this time, an old man stepped forward and said to Zheng Meng: "Ah Meng, Master Lin has shown great kindness to our town, so you must show it well. I think we should have a big banquet tonight to thank you for your kindness." Life-saving love!"

"You're right, you must put on a show and express your gratitude to the adults!"

Zheng Meng said hurriedly.

"There is no need for the banquet, we still have to hurry, so there will be no delay."

Lin Yang said calmly, then winked at Yu Bihong and Jiuyu, turned and left.

However, the old man led a large group of people to rush forward, blocked Lin Yang, and knelt down.

"My lord, you repaid our grievances with kindness. Regardless of our previous rudeness, you saved our entire town. We have nothing to repay, but we can only prepare a little drink as a thank you. If your lord refuses to agree, how guilty should we be? I beg you, my lord." Let's take this chance!"

After speaking, the old man knelt down first.

Others followed suit.

People were sincere and moved to tears.

Lin Yang frowned, a little embarrassed.

At this time, Zheng Meng seemed to have thought of something, and asked, "My lord, you came to my town to buy horses, but you have to hurry?"


Lin Yang nodded.

"Then please rest for one night, my lord, we would like to dedicate the best Pegasus in the town to the three lords!"

Zheng Meng laughed.


Yu Bihong and Jiuyu behind were stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but lose their voice: "Do you have a Tianma in your town?"

"That's right!"

Zheng Meng nodded and smiled.

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