"Taitian Martial God is here?"

Lin Yang was startled, and immediately asked.

Yu Bihong still wanted to explain something, but when she saw a pair of soldiers running up the spacious avenue in front of her, she immediately got off her horse, pulled Tianma and led Lin Yang to the side of the road.

"My lord, Martial God Taitian didn't come, but his order has arrived!" Yu Bihong said solemnly.

"His order? Could it be... the bell just now?"

"That's right! That's the Valkyrie bell. It will ring only when the Valkyrie has conveyed his will. After a total of six strikes, it means that the order from the sixth Valkyrie Taitian has come!"

"So fancy?"

Lin Yang was a little surprised.

At this time, the soldiers who came running were already standing in front of the gate in two rows on the left and right. At the same time, a figure who looked like a soldier stood in the center of the gate with his hands behind his back and shouted: "By the order of the Sixth Taitian Martial God , Starting today, we will strictly investigate the people who enter the city! The wanted criminal Lin Yang killed the attendants of the Martial God, slaughtered the people in Qinglian Palace and Shanhe Town, and committed a heinous crime. Anyone who knows should report to us as soon as possible. Those who are killed without mercy!"

The shouts fell, and soon, two more soldiers came, holding a few portraits in their hands.

Seeing this, Lin Yang immediately dragged Jiuyu and Yu Bihong to the back of the person, quickly took out the silver needle with his fingers, and stabbed them in the face, and at the same time gave himself a few needles.

In an instant, the appearances of several people changed again.

"My lord, this is..." Jiuyu asked in astonishment.

"It seems that Martial God Taitian has tracked down Shanhe Town. Fortunately, we rode Tianma and entered Longxin City one step ahead of time. Otherwise, if we want to enter the city again, we will definitely expose our identities."

Lin Yang said hoarsely.

Yu Bihong glanced at the door.

At this moment, these soldiers have already begun to check everyone, and even use the most advanced medical techniques to identify whether their appearance is disguised.

Not only that, the portraits of Lin Yang, Yu Bihong, and Jiuyu were also pasted at the door.

And there are two portraits of Lin Yang, one is the original face, and the other is the face after disguise...

Seeing this, Yu Bihong gasped.

"This Martial God Taitian's investigation is really amazing. He can even find out and describe your appearance after disguise..."

"It's a Valkyrie after all, and the means are naturally beyond our imagination."

Lin Yang said hoarsely: "However, since his order has been passed here, we will come to Longxin City to inquire about Ye Yan quickly, try to get rid of Ye Yan as soon as possible, and leave this place!"


The two nodded and immediately headed towards the center of the city.

"There are two information exchange points in Dragonheart City. The first one is the reward building in the center of the city. This reward building gathers the reward tasks of the entire Underground Dragon Vessel. It is the largest reward point of the Underground Dragon Vessel! The building's daily passenger flow Over 10,000, extending in all directions, all kinds of people, of course, the most convenient way is to pay for consultation, as long as the money is in place, you can ask anything you want.”

"The second method is the taverns everywhere. The information inquired here may not be accurate, but there are a lot of information that are not included in the reward building."

"My lord, where shall we go first?"

Yu Bihong asked.

"Let's offer a reward to the building."


After debating, the three of them walked through the busy street for nearly forty minutes before arriving at the gate of the reward building.

"Sir, please register first!"

The staff at the door immediately stopped the three of Lin Yang and said with a smile.

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