"Is this a heavenly mission?"

Yu Bihong next to her frowned slightly, and said in a low voice: "The Reward Building releases ten heaven-level missions every year, and they are also missions that many experts compete for. These missions are rich in rewards, and they are not impossible for experts. Director Tao wants to hand over this sky-level task to us adults alone?"

"Miss, you don't know, this information is from a year ago."

Tao Cheng hesitated for a while, then lowered his voice and said.

"A year ago?"

"Yes, a year ago, our people evaluated him as a heavenly class, but this year, a total of six people took over the task, but without exception, they all failed, so our building re-evaluated it. The difficulty should have reached the 'monster level'."

"Demon level?"

Both Yu Bihong and Jiuyu were shocked, their faces turned pale several times.

"what is that?"

Lin Yang asked in a low voice.

"The tasks in the Reward Building are divided into six levels. Those who can be picked up in the lobby on the first floor are heaven, earth and people. The sky level is the highest, and it is released once a year, followed by the prefecture level, which is released once a month. Human level tasks are issued every day. And above the missions at the level of heaven, earth and human, there are gods, demons and demons. These three levels of tasks are only a handful of tasks we have heard...not to mention the difficulty."

Yu Bihong explained.

"That's it..."

"My lord, the completion rate of these tasks is extremely low. As far as I know, the completion rate of the three levels of God, Demon and Demon may not even reach 20%. And it was canceled, so...you can't accept this task!"

Yu Bihong persuaded again, her eyes were a little anxious.

"Hey, you don't need to panic. Although it is rated as a monster level, it is the weakest level. In fact, it is far from reaching the standard monster level difficulty!"

Tao Cheng quickly explained with a smile on his face.

But a few people didn't believe it at all, and they also understood that Tao Cheng was worried that Lin Yang was afraid of rejection.

"Master Lin, let's take a look at this task first. If you really think it's inappropriate, we won't object if you refuse!"

Tao Cheng sighed helplessly, obviously he didn't intend to force Lin Yang to complete it, he could only give it a try.

Lin Yang opened the document and read the contents.

After a while, his face darkened, and he put the document in his hand on the table and pushed it back.

"Yu Bihong."


"Have you heard of the Nether Forest?"

"Who doesn't know about the underground dragon veins? It's a forbidden area, and anyone can enter and cannot exit."

"That's right, don't talk about you, I've heard it too!"

Lin Yang said solemnly: "You want me to go to the Nether Forest to get Nether Fireworks? Isn't that telling me to die?"

"Master Lin, you can't say that, but there are rumors that someone entered the Nether Forest and escaped. This is recorded!"

"Get out of the way? Huh, I know, it's just that all of them have lost their minds, gone crazy, and completely lost their minds!"

Lin Yang said expressionlessly.

Tao Cheng opened his mouth, finally sighed, and stopped talking.

The name of Nether Forest is too loud.

To go here to perform a mission, no one will agree.

That's why Tao Cheng didn't dare to hide it, and directly revealed that this task was as high as a 'ghost level'.

"Master Lin really doesn't want to go?"

"If Director Tao wants me to die, he can do it now, instead of telling us to go to the Nether Forest to suffer."

Lin Yang said in a deep voice.

"No, no, Mr. Lin misunderstood. I'm not the kind of bully. Since Mr. Lin doesn't want to go, then let it go, let it go!"

Director Tao squeezed out a smile and waved his hands again and again, but his face was full of helplessness.

"Oh? Director Tao won't pursue our previous responsibilities?"

"It's all trivial things, and I don't bother to care about them. I don't know how many people make troubles in our building every day. If I want to investigate them all, won't I be exhausted?"

Tao Cheng sighed: "Seeing that Miracle Doctor Lin is very capable today, I wanted to give it a try and complete this task. Since Miracle Doctor Lin refused to go, I have no choice but to give up."

"Okay, thank you Director Tao!"

Lin Yang said calmly, got up and left.

Although he really wanted to help Director Tao complete the task in exchange for information about Ye Yan.

But the Nether Forest was too dangerous, Lin Yang would not risk his life to make fun of Ye Yan.

If you really want to work hard, it should be when you see Ye Yan.

"Please go ahead."

Tao Cheng lost interest, and he no longer treated Lin Yang and others with the same enthusiasm as before.

But just as the three of them were about to leave, a slender figure suddenly pushed the door open and entered.

"Don't leave in a hurry."

The visitor said calmly and released his breath at the same time.

In an instant, a mysterious and domineering force hit Lin Yang head-on.

Lin Yang's face tensed, and he stared at the person coming.

Tao Cheng turned pale with shock, and hurriedly stood up and knelt down.

"Tao Cheng pays his respects to the Chief Attendant of the Martial God!"

"Valkyrie attendant? Chief?"

Lin Yang was stunned.

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