"What's wrong?"

The matchmaker who followed behind glanced at Lin Yang, who was pale and sweaty, and asked in confusion.

"No, nothing, nothing..."

Lin Yang regained his composure quickly, squeezed out a smile and said.


The matchmaker smiled disdainfully and continued to move forward.

Lin Yang quickly closed his eyes, secretly pushing the power of the supreme bone to the limit.

In an instant, the surrounding aura poured directly into his body.

To be precise, it invaded into the supreme bone.

Lin Yang quickly removed the supreme bone, his heart beating wildly.

Can be sure!

This power floating in the Nether Forest is actually the same as the Supreme Bone!

Could it be... There is a unique connection with the original owner of the supreme bone here?

Or...that Ye Yan has been here before?

Impossible, although Ye Yan has the Supreme Ring and the Supreme Inheritance, but if he wants to let this aura float in the entire Nether Forest, he will definitely not be able to do it, and there is no need to do so.

Lin Yang took a deep breath and followed the two of them forward.

He didn't dare to expose his bones too much. After all, this matchmaker is not a simple person. If she attracts her attention, it will be troublesome.

"Is this the power floating out of the Nether Forest? Why is it so suppressed?"

After walking a few kilometers forward, Cang Lanfu sniffed the power in the air, and couldn't help frowning.

The force in the air is no less than a hundred times stronger than that at the entrance.

Even Lin Yang felt a little suffocated, and even the Qi veins in his body were a little blocked.

It seems that everyone is walking towards the deep sea, and the resistance and suffocation of the sea water are oppressing them crazily.

"The Nether Forest is full of this aura, and the deeper you go, the more intense it becomes. Moreover, once you go in, you won't be able to get out!"

The matchmaker laughed.

"Why do you say that?"

Lin Yang asked strangely.

"You can go back and try now."

The matchmaker narrowed her eyes.

Lin Yang and Cang Lanfu looked at each other, then immediately turned around and walked towards the exit.

But with this step, both of them were startled.

It turned out that the breath behind them actually formed a kind of thrust, and the further they walked back, the more terrifying this thrust became.

If they are not strong enough to resist this thrust, they will be like drowning people being swept back by big waves, and sooner or later they will be submerged in this sea-like nether forest!

"how so?"

Cang Lanfu's eyes widened, and he turned his head to look at Hong Niang full of fear: "How can we get out of trouble? How can we get out of trouble?"

He rushed outward like crazy, but even with all his strength, he only moved back about ten meters.

Wanting to rush out of the Nether Forest at this speed is simply a dream come true!

Cang Lanfu was in despair.

The matchmaker looked at Cang Lanfu's funny behavior, and suddenly let out a charming smile, her body also trembled, and Lin Yang on the side couldn't help but look a few more times.

"Hahahaha, you're only thinking of going back now? Is it too late? What about your fearlessness before? Hahahaha..."

Cang Lanfu gritted her teeth tightly, clenched her fists tightly, and growled, "Aren't you afraid of death?"

"With my strength, it is not difficult to leave. I know the limit of my progress!"

The matchmaker shrugged.

Cang Lanfu's eyes froze.

"How far is the Nether Fireworks?"

Lin Yang asked lightly.

"Go one kilometer further, and you can almost find it."

The matchmaker laughed.

"Cang Lan Fu, let's find Nether Fireworks first, and find a way to go back after finding something."


Cang Lanfu knew that he had nowhere to go, so he could only bite the bullet and move on.

as expected.

The three of them continued on for about a kilometer, and indeed they saw patches of blue flowers blooming in front of them.

These flowers all grow from the cracks in the stones, and the petals are like butterfly wings, beautiful and beautiful.

"Is this the Nether Fireworks?"

Cang Lanfu was agitated, and immediately rushed forward, carefully picking off a flower.

The petals trembled slightly, like flames, extremely dazzling.

so amazing!

Lin Yang stared at these petals, feeling extremely incredible.

How did the trees and flowers grow here?

What are their nutrients?

Could it be... the underground of this land... is there something unique that is powering them?

Lin Yang thought silently.

But at this moment, the matchmaker over there also plucked a Nether Firework, and was about to turn around and leave.

"Where are you going?"

Cang Lanfu was startled, and shouted hastily.

"Go back, what else are you doing?"

The matchmaker laughed.

"Then how do we go back?"

Cang Lan asked in a daze.

"That's not what I'm thinking about!"

The matchmaker narrowed her eyes.

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