Cang Lan couldn't believe it.

He knew that Lin Yang was very strong, but he never thought that Lin Yang's methods were so extraordinary.

With that kind of serious injury, even if his father came, it would take a lot of effort to revive him.

"Who the hell are you...?"

Cang Lanfu swallowed her saliva and asked in a low voice.

"You really want to know?"

"I don't know the depth of your martial skills, but your medical skills... even if placed in the underground dragon veins, it is also at the top level..."

"I can only tell you that I am not from the underground dragon."

Lin Yang said calmly: "I will tell you about other things later, let's go inside first."

"Are you still leaving?"

Cang Lanfu looked hesitant: "The strength of the enchantment just now... has exceeded my limit. If I encounter a more powerful enchantment again, even if you use silver needles to protect my lifeline, I will not be able to hold it. ...."

"Hold it? Why do you want to hold it?"

Lin Yang shook his head, and said calmly: "Block all the barriers, isn't it over?"

"Block it? can I do this?"

Cang Lanfu said in surprise.

"Your sword technique is the sword technique of Martial God Canglan?"

Lin Yang asked.

"Yes, but my talent is extremely poor, I am not good at learning, and I failed to master that man's means. Now I am only half-baked."

Cang Lanfu said with a downcast expression.

"I can see that there are too many problems with your sword skills! Listen, I will command later, and you will do it, understand?"

Lin Yang said.

"You command? Command what?"

Cang Lan asked in a daze.

"Command your sword skills."


Cang Lanfu was dumbfounded, and said in astonishment: "Doctor Lin, my sword skills...but that guy's, he is a martial god, this sword skill is exquisite, you...can you see through it?"

"It's not too difficult."


"What? Don't believe me?"

"'s this time, who else can I trust besides you?"

Cang Lanfu took a deep breath and said hoarsely, "Then try it!"


Lin Yang nodded.

Cang Lanfu moved forward again.

After a few steps, another barrier appeared.

And the strength has been improved again.

Cang Lanfu's face became tense.

Before the enchantment approached, the terrifying aura of destruction swept over.

Cang Lanfu trembled all over.

But at this point, he had no choice at all.

However, just when Cang Lanfu was about to raise his sword and chop, Lin Yang suddenly spoke.

"Crush the Baihui with anger, and slash the southeast with the sword!"

Cang Lanfu was startled, but immediately followed suit.


The sharp sword slashed towards the oncoming enchantment.


The enchantment exploded again and turned into countless fragments.

"Stick to the heart of the sword, and control it with qi..."

Cang Lanfu retracted the sword again, and wiped the blade with his fingers.

Chi la!

Endless sword energy burst out and hit those enchantment fragments.



Tunnel entrance.

It took a while for the matchmaker to recover.

She looked at the dark tunnel, then turned and squeezed out of the entrance of the stone mountain.

After exhausting all his strength to get close to the entrance of the stone mountain, he took a breath and slashed at the entrance.


The stone mountain entrance slowly opened.


The matchmaker fell straight out and fell to the foot of the rocky mountain.

The Anmingyue group who were waiting all around immediately cast their gazes.

"Miss! They came out!"

Someone exclaimed.


An Mingyue was quite surprised and walked straight over.

"Eldest...Eldest Miss, please forgive me..."

The matchmaker said weakly.

It took all her strength to rush out. At this time, she is a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, and it is good to be able to protect her lifeline.

"What about the other two?"

An Mingyue glanced at the gradually closing stone mountain, and asked lightly.

"Miss, he...they are dead, we can't rush in..."

The matchmaker raised her head with difficulty.

"Can't rush in? Then why didn't you die inside?"

"Miss...I also narrowly escaped death...Miss, for the sake of my life and death for you, just let me go..."

The matchmaker shivered.

"I'm afraid it will be difficult. This matter is not honorable. If it gets out, it will damage my reputation. You should understand?"

An Mingyue said calmly, and then slowly drew out the black sword at her waist.

Murderous gallop.

The matchmaker was startled and said urgently: "Miss, don't kill me! In this way, I... I will go in again! I will go in to find the way, how about it?"

"You are already like this, how did you find the way?"

"Give me some time, I... I can go in when I regain my strength."

The matchmaker's face was pale, and her eyes were full of horror.

An Mingyue thought for a while, and said with a blank expression: "Okay, I'll give you a chance, you can escape from the dead, and you have experience in it, I will bring a group of people later, you go in with them, With you here, the success rate should be much higher."

"Yes, yes, I am familiar with the inside, I am familiar with the inside!"

The matchmaker hurriedly said.

An Mingyue waved her hand and threw a few pills on the ground.

Hong Niang quickly picked it up and swallowed it into her mouth, and the elixir entered her stomach, and her vitality finally recovered a little.

"Thank you Miss, thank you..."

The matchmaker knelt down and kowtowed.

An Mingyue ignored her, closed her eyes and waited quietly.

Not long after, a group of people came from a distance.


The visitor bows to the dark and bright moon.

An Mingyue glanced at these people, and the other party was also looking at her.

When they saw that it was An Mingyue, the successor of the Martial God, everyone's expressions became extremely exciting.

"The strength of these people is good! Go in."

An Mingyue didn't hesitate, split the stone mountain again, and said to Hong Niang: "You lead the team!"

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