Having solved Cang Lanfu, Hong Niang let out a sigh of relief, and finally put her hanging heart back into her stomach a little bit.

But she didn't dare to be careless, and immediately walked towards Lin Yang with her sword in hand.

In her opinion, the most important thing to do now is to get rid of this person.

This Lin Yang gave her a great sense of insecurity.

She can't see through this man.

This man is not dead! Things are by no means over.

Thinking of this, Hong Niang quickened her pace.

But just when she was about to make a move, Lin Yang stood up slowly.

The matchmaker breathed tremblingly.

For some reason, she felt an unprecedented aura...

Lin Yang turned his head slightly and glanced at her.

With just one glance, Hong Niang's whole body tensed instantly, and she didn't dare to move an inch.

"kill him!"

Chu Lieqi next to him growled and roared, and immediately raised his sword and slashed at Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang didn't dodge or dodge, and let the sharp sword attack him.


The crisp sound spread.

Chu Lieqi's sword stably struck Lin Yang's forehead.

But the blade didn't cut his head open, not even a single mark, as if it had been cut on steel.


Chu Lieqi was dumbfounded.


The moment he came to his senses, a slender sword pierced his throat.

That is a sword painting pen!

The matchmaker trembled with fright.


With the rotation of the sword drawing pen, the soaring force on the sword immediately splashed around.

Chu Lieqi's head exploded on the spot.

Red and white things splashed in all directions.

The others were terrified, and quickly waved their weapons to attack Lin Yang.

But at this time, Lin Yang's physical body was extremely hard, and the Supreme Bone had absorbed ample energy here, and it was at this time that he completed ten stages of strengthening.

Even the incomparably weird sword energy here couldn't kill him, let alone the swords of these people.

clang! clang! clang! clang...

A series of crisp sounds came out.

The swords of these people couldn't cut Lin Yang's body at all.

All attacks are ignored.

Lin Yang was not polite either, holding a painting sword and slashing at the flesh of these people.

After a while, Chu Lieqi and others were all dead.

The shattered corpses splattered on the floor.


The matchmaker screamed and immediately turned to run.

But how could she escape the tunnel under such special circumstances?

Lin Yang looked at her.

"My lord, spare my life! Spare me!"

Hong Niang's legs were weak, and she knelt on the ground, shouting tremblingly.

Lin Yang stared at Hong Niang indifferently, thought for a moment, but put away the sword brush.

Seeing that the sword painting pen directly turned into a ray of light and fell into Lin Yang's palm, Hong Niang's heart twitched again.

What level of fit does this have to have such a means?

The matchmaker was trembling, but she also knew that she was safe for the time being.

"Master, kill her...kill this bitch!"

Cang Lanfu who was lying on the ground said angrily.

Although the matchmaker was invited by Tao Cheng to help him go to the Nether Forest to carry out the mission, the matchmaker never helped the two of them from the beginning to the end, and even made trouble for them.

Can Cang Lanfu not hate her?

But Lin Yang shook his head, and calmly said: "This person is still useful, wouldn't it be a pity to kill him?"

"it works?"

Cang Lanfu was startled, unable to understand the meaning of Lin Yang's words.

Lin Yang took out the silver needle, pricked Cang Lanfu's body a few times, and then stuffed a pill into his mouth.

"Get some rest first."

Lin Yang said calmly, then walked towards the skeleton at the end of the tunnel.

He can feel that there is something very similar to the Supreme Bone on the skeleton...

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