Who is this person?

An Mingyue's expression became tense, and she immediately grabbed the black sword, ready to walk towards Lin Yang with a murderous look.

No matter who he is, he must die here today.

The secrets here must not be revealed!

But just when An Mingyue was about to attack Lin Yang.


There was a sound of flesh being cut open.

Immediately afterwards, a figure flew over suddenly and fell heavily to the ground.

An Mingyue was startled, and stared down.

It's obviously his subordinate.

I saw that the man's neck was cut open, blood gushed out, and he seemed to die!

There is only one scar on his neck, nothing else!

Seal the throat with a sword?

One hit kill?

An Mingyue's face changed suddenly, and she immediately looked forward.

At this moment, Cang Lanfu was covered in blood, fighting desperately in the crowd like a sword god.

His eyes are sharp, and his sword moves are fierce and violent, especially tricky.

Even though he was besieged by several people, he was able to handle it with ease.

In the blink of an eye, another subordinate was beheaded.


Dark Moon is unbelievable.

She could hardly believe her eyes.

At this moment of Canglanfu, the sword moves are almost perfect.

Every slash, every thrust, can't find any faults.

His defense was quite weak, but his attack was so sharp that it was suffocating!

His subordinates couldn't catch Cang Lanfu's sword at all.

With such a dazed effort, Cang Lanfu had already slaughtered nearly half of the people!

Is this the illegitimate son of Martial God Canglan?

Is this the one who is least valued by others?

An Mingyue's nerves were tense, her pace was a little bit, and she rushed into the crowd with her sword in hand, fighting with Cang Lan.

Fighting against An Mingyue, who was dubbed the "Successor of the Martial God", the pressure on Cang Lanfu immediately increased.

He gritted his teeth and greeted hastily.

But An Mingyue's swordsmanship was much better than his.

After several moves, Cang Lanfu's body was covered with sword marks.


Lin Yang stood up slowly, lowered his palm from his right eye, and shouted.

"Yes, Master!"

Cang Lanfu gritted his teeth, gave up attacking and retreated abruptly.


An Mingyue quietly kept an eye out, and did not pursue, but stared at Lin Yang coldly.

"who are you?"

She asked in a deep voice.

"It doesn't matter who I am, listen, you get out of the way, let's go, understand?"

Lin Yang said hoarsely.

He doesn't want to waste time with these people.

He wanted to deal with his supreme pupil in a hurry.

"Leaving in such a hurry? Could it be possible to get something good in that stone mountain?"

An Mingyue snorted coldly: "I said, if you keep your things, you have to keep your lives too! Whether you can leave or not is not up to you."

After all, everyone raised their swords again, urging the power of ascension, and wanted to fight again.

But Lin Yang seemed to have lost his patience.

"Are you sure...it's not my decision?"

There was a emptiness in the sound.

An Mingyue's soul couldn't help but twitch.



Lin Yang's figure disappeared.

Everyone didn't react.

An Mingyue's heart also tightened, and the five fingers clasping the sharp sword immediately tightened countless times.

At this time, Lin Yang who had disappeared suddenly appeared in front of her, with a golden light flashing in his hand, a natural knife appeared, and fiercely slashed at An Mingyue.

An Mingyue's hair seemed to stand on end, and she immediately turned to the side to avoid the oncoming Tiansheng knife.


The terrifying knife force immediately acted on the ground, tearing the earth apart.

A crack several miles long appeared.

The ground shook wildly, causing the rest of the people to stagger.

Seeing this crack, An Mingyue's eyes widened a lot.

A genius like her can clearly estimate the power of the knife just now.

She knew that she would definitely not be able to resist this kind of attack.

But that doesn't mean she's subdued.


An Mingyue put away her shocked state of mind, stared at Lin Yang over there, and took the initiative to attack with a black sword.

Lin Yang didn't hesitate, and with a flick of the natural knife in his hand, it turned into a golden light and sank into his palm. Then the golden light rose again, and the painting sword pen appeared.

An Mingyue was shocking, but the attacking black sword did not stop, and the blade swung wildly, attacking and killing fiercely.

Lin Yang also threw away the sword brush.

The swords and shadows of the two sides intertwined wildly, causing a lot of sparks.

An Mingyue kept attacking, staring at Lin Yang's sword move, as if trying to find a flaw.

But no matter how fierce her offensive was, she couldn't tear Lin Yang apart.


An Mingyue's heart beat wildly.

This person's sword skills are extraordinary!

And...how come this man's sword moves are so similar to Cang Lanfu's?

Could it be that...he is the Canglan Martial God?

Thinking of this, An Mingyue's killing intent became even stronger.

If these two people are not eliminated here, once the news reaches the ears of Martial God Cang Lan, how will she explain it?

"Forget it, use that trick!"

An Mingyue let out a cold snort, suddenly bursting with the power of ascension all over her body, and then the black sword she swung radiated the light of stars.


Lin Yang was slightly taken aback, still unable to understand what kind of move An Mingyue was going to use.


The black sword that crazily collided with the sword painting pen suddenly exploded and shattered into thousands of fragments, and then all the fragments bypassed the sword painting pen like silver needles, and quickly hit countless dead spots on Lin Yang's body.

Like acupuncture points with silver needles!

Lin Yang's face tensed.


An Mingyue shouted, and grabbed the air with her palm.

Those cracked fragments seemed to have magical power, quickly gathered in her palm, and turned into the appearance of the black sword again.

Then the black sword stabbed straight at Lin Yang's heart like a black star.

The sword was so sudden that almost no one had time to react.

Even Lin Yang couldn't resist the blow within such a short period of time, he could only watch helplessly as the tip of the black sword stabbed at him.


Cang Lan shouted urgently.

But it was too late.



With a crisp sword sound resounding, the tip of the black sword has already pierced Lin Yang's chest...


just against the chest...


"This is impossible...."

An Mingyue's eyes froze, and she murmured.


Without the slightest hesitation, Lin Yang swung at Anmingyue with a drawing sword.

An Mingyue turned pale with fright, and retreated like crazy.

But the distance between the two was too close, even if her reaction was already at the limit, she still couldn't completely avoid the sword.

Chi la!

A strange sound came out.

Seeing that An Mingyue's arm holding the black sword was chopped off by Lin Yangsheng.

Blood spurted.

An Mingyue clutched her broken arm and retreated uncontrollably, her breath becoming messy.

All the subordinates were dumbfounded.

No one expected that An Mingyue, known as one of the top geniuses of the underground dragon veins, would suffer such a big loss here...

"Miss Protection!"

With a shout, everyone rushed over and surrounded Lin Yang...

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