With a cry and falling to the ground, Lin Yang walked into the teahouse with Cang Lanfu.

People looked at the two of them one after another, their eyes full of doubts.

"Are these two idiots idiots? Have no eyesight at all?"

"How dare they come in? Can't they find death?"

Several Antian Martial God's subordinates whispered to each other, their faces full of displeasure.

As far as their battle is concerned, most people dare not enter the teahouse at all.

But the two sat on the table in the middle as if no one else was there.

The clerk stared blankly at the two, not knowing what to do for a while.

"Shopkeeper, didn't you hear me? Serve tea!"

Lin Yang tilted his head slightly and said calmly.

The clerk trembled all over, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and respond: "Two customers, wait a moment, serve tea right away, right away..."

After speaking, the clerk ran off in a hurry.

Cang Lanfu was quite nervous, he looked around and said in a low voice: "Master, there are quite a few followers of Antian Martial God here, as well as some masters from other forces, we have to be careful."

"It's okay, let's drink tea."

Lin Yang said calmly.


Cang Lanfu nodded, waited for the clerk to serve the tea, and poured it for Lin Yang immediately.

Lin Yang picked up the teacup and took a sip, then turned his head slightly and looked towards An Mingyue.

An Mingyue met his four eyes, and his whole body trembled like an electric shock.

She quickly turned her face away, her small face was extremely pale, and she didn't dare to look at Lin Yang at all.

"Miss, are you alright?"

The person next to him noticed something was wrong and asked quickly.

"No... nothing..."

An Mingyue said in a hurried tone.

The man was slightly taken aback, turned his gaze to Lin Yang, thought for a while, and went straight up to drink: "Who are you two?"

"What a dare, you are worthy of asking about our identities?"

Cang Lanfu put down his teacup and hummed coldly.


The man was furious, and immediately drew out the sword from his waist, ready to strike.

Cang Lan covered the bamboo chopsticks on the table with quick hands and quick hands.


The bamboo chopsticks pierced through the man's palm.


The man let out a scream.

The surrounding beings rushed over immediately, drew out their sharp swords and pointed at Cang Lanfu.

Cang Lanfu was not afraid, and immediately got up to activate the power of ascension, and said expressionlessly: "Want to do it? Let's see if you have the life!"

"What a big tone! Do you know who we are? Do you know who is sitting over there? Let me tell you, the one over there is the daughter of Lord Antian Martial God, our young lady An Mingyue! Are you What bastard, dare to shout here?"

Drink cold for one person.

"Ignorant rats! Still want to bully the other side with the Martial God of Dark Sky? Do you know who is facing the sword now? Let me tell you! This is Cang Lanfu, the son of Martial God Canglan! If you do anything to him, it is Hit Lord Canglan Martial God in the face!"

At the table next door, the young master laughed again.

With this voice falling, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"It's just an illegitimate child! My subordinates haven't even heard of it, and I want to scare people with it? What's more, does Martial God Canglan recognize you?"

An Mingyue knew that she couldn't escape, so she immediately spoke out coldly, trying to save face.

"What did you say?"

Cang Lanfu's eyes tightened, staring fixedly at An Mingyue.

He wanted to do it.

But in this town, if they act like this, under the watchful eyes of everyone, not only the grievances between the two will be involved, but it will also drag the two great warriors to their end.

Therefore, Cang Lanfu was very hesitant.

"So, are you insulting Cang Lanfu?"

At this moment, Lin Yang, who had been drinking tea, suddenly spoke.

An Mingyue breathed slightly, frowned and did not speak.

But Lin Yang said calmly: "Since you look down on Cang Lanfu, then use your force to speak!"

"What do you mean?"

An Mingyue asked deeply.

"You fight with Canglan!" Lin Yang said directly.

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