Leaving the reward building, Jiuyu led Lin Yang straight to the intersection and stood there.

"What are you doing here?"

Lin Yang couldn't help asking.

"Take the car."

Jiuyu laughed.

Lin Yang was startled.

Soon, a domestic car stopped next to the two of them.

"Did you go?"

The driver stuck his head out with a cigarette in his mouth and asked.

"Yes, sir, what's the price?"

Jiuyu approached and asked with a smile on his face.

"Ten top-quality panacea! No bargaining!"

The driver said fiercely.

Jiuyu immediately looked towards Lin Yang.

"what's the situation?"

Lin Yang was at a loss.

"My lord, there are many rules in the registration place. It will be very convenient if someone brings you in. Look..."

Jiuyu hesitated to speak.


Lin Yang immediately understood what Jiuyu meant.

It seemed that he couldn't bring Lin Yang into that place by himself.

Lin Yang immediately took out a small porcelain bottle from his body and handed it to the driver.

"Master, here are twenty top-quality panacea."


The driver was taken aback, took it quickly, uncorked the bottle and checked it.

After a while, the driver smiled happily, got out of the car and opened the rear door for Lin Yang: "Guest, please get on quickly, we're leaving now."

Lin Yang and Jiuyu got into the car straight away.

The car immediately sped towards the east of Longxin City.

Dragon Heart City is huge, outrageously big.

Even if you drive around the city, it will take several hours to complete a circle.

The entrance to the so-called Dragon Palace is in the eastern suburbs of Dragon Heart City, and is guarded by the city lord of Dragon Heart City.

Although there is an age limit for entering the Dragon Palace, not everyone can get close to it.

The Dragon Palace is an extremely sacred place in the eyes of the people of Longxin City.

Even the entrance to this sacred place was very troublesome in the past.

If you can find such a full-time driver to take you to the entrance, it will be very simple.

Sure enough, as soon as the car approached Longxin City, there was a three-step inspection and a five-step inspection.

But the driver seemed to scold the guards very much. Some of them just passed by after saying hello, and the more difficult ones were let go after they stuffed two pills.

Lin Yang immediately understood the role of these drivers.

Soon, the car stopped in front of a huge open space.

And in the southeast of the open space, there is a huge dragon head statue.

The dragon's head has a huge mouth, and there seems to be a channel in the mouth, while the dragon's body spreads towards the ground, extending all the way to the ground.

Countless figures stood beside the dragon, gathered in twos and threes.

"Guest, walk a little further into the dragon's mouth, and you will see the Dragon Transformation Stone. You only need to drop your blood on the Dragon Transformation Stone. If the stone glows blue, it means that you have successfully registered. You can enter the Dragon Palace on the day it opens. If the stone glows gray, it means that the registration has failed, and I wish you good luck."

The driver laughed.

"Okay, thank you, master."

Lin Yang nodded and got out of the car.

When the two were about to go to Longkou, the driver suddenly poked his head out and said, "By the way, there is a strange old man next to the Dragon Transformation Stone. You must not offend him. It is said that this old man may be from the Dragon Palace. Remember!"


Lin Yang raised his eyebrows and nodded: "Okay, I understand. Thank you, master."

"You're welcome."

The driver smiled, kicked the accelerator and drove away, and went to pick up the passengers again.

Lin Yang and Jiuyu walked towards Longkou.

But just a few steps away, the two suddenly heard a roar.

Then rows of Bentleys turned into long dragons and drove towards this side...

The two were taken aback.

But they saw that these Bentleys passed through the guards and drove all the way to the edge of the dragon's mouth before stopping.

Then, figures with terrifying breaths came down from above...

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