"Extraordinary and extraordinarily! The second person with divine light aptitude appeared in the Dragon Palace! This battle in the Dragon Palace will be the biggest ever!"

"Breaking news! The two followers of Dark Sky Martial God both died in the Dragon Palace, most likely beheaded by the second divine light aptitude!"

"Reward Daily, I will send you the latest and hottest news every day! If you want to master the underground dragon veins and consult first-hand, don't miss it!"

In the streets and alleys of Longxin City, newspaper sellers holding stacks of newspapers shouted in the streets and alleys.

Although in the secular world, things like newspapers have almost been eliminated by mobile phones and computers, but in places like the underground dragon veins, the existence of newspapers is still very necessary.

Practitioners practice in seclusion, but it doesn't mean they really don't care about worldly affairs.

Knowing more about the situation is not harmful to them. On the contrary, it can also help them quickly understand which new powers have been promoted, and let them know who is not easy to mess with and where there are sweet spots.

Therefore, the reward daily run by the Longxin City Reward Building has been selling very well.

This is one of the important sources of income for the reward building.

"Give me a newspaper!"

In front of the teahouse, a man shouted, and then threw a few top-grade panacea towards the newspaper seller.

The newspaper seller skilfully grabbed the air, then threw the newspaper at the tea table.

Newspapers spread out.

People around gathered around.

But I saw a few news articles densely published in the newspaper, and there were two pictures on it.

Looking at the person in the picture, some onlookers immediately recognized it.

"Isn't this Chen Zhong?"

"you know?"

"I know, how can I not know? Their family offended a big man before. That big man wiped out his whole family, but didn't kill him. He only abolished his martial arts, and he was a cripple. Begging at Longkou, hoping to get enough pills, rebuild the skills, and avenge the family!"

"Really? This buddy seems to have witnessed the second divine light aptitude last night, and also saw the attendant of the Dark Sky Martial God being killed, so he went to the reward building for an interview!"

"This Chen Zhong must have made a lot of money. The interview fee for the reward building is very high!"

"Speaking of which, who is it? Dare to touch the attendants of the Dark Sky Martial God? Isn't this boring?"

"It is absolutely extraordinary to have the aptitude of divine light! How can we compare?"

"However, these so-called Martial Gods are really sanctimonious. As soon as other people's aptitudes are revealed, their people will arrive. Doesn't this make it clear that they want to kill those geniuses in the cradle?"

"Otherwise, why do you think these Martial Gods have been able to sit in this position for a hundred years?"

"How hypocritical! Despicable!"

"Hush! Are you dying? Dare to talk about Martial God? Be careful with your heads!"

The expressions of the people in several teahouses changed one after another, and then they immediately dispersed without saying anything.

It's just that as the newspaper sold out, the entire Dragon Heart City has exploded and boiled.

Canglan mansion.

"grown ups!"

On the martial field, a follower ran over quickly, holding a reward daily report in his hand, and handed it to Martial God Canglan with both hands.

"Antian Martial God's Ashes and Ashes all died at the Dragon's Mouth!"

"In addition, there was another person with Shenguang qualifications in Longkou yesterday!"

The man shouted loudly.


Martial God Canglan frowned, and immediately took the newspaper and read it.

Cang Lanfu, who was practicing sword not far away, was slightly startled, and glanced here, thoughtfully.

"Do you know who did it?"

Martial God Cang Lan put down the newspaper and asked calmly.

"I don't know yet, but my subordinates have already sent people to investigate." The man said respectfully.

"Lord Martial God, could it be that Divine Doctor Lin?"

The person next to him asked carefully.

"It's also possible that this person can help Cang Lanfu leave the Nether Forest, but he also has some means..."

"My subordinates immediately send someone to kill this son!"


Canglan Martial God immediately raised his hand, and after thinking for a moment, he said lightly: "Taitian Martial God is about to arrive in Dragon Heart City, and he doesn't have time to take care of these cats and dogs right now, you send some people to reveal the news to Antian Martial God, and say hello Gu Huichuan was killed by Divine Doctor Lin, let Antian Martial God take care of him! Let's focus more on planning."


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