The two were startled.

Jiuyu quickly explained: "My lords, we are the subordinates of the one inside! We have important matters to see the one inside, so please let us in!"

"Go away!"

The two guards were resolute and did not discuss it at all.

Jiuyu was startled, a little at a loss.

"Two friends, we must see the one inside now, please don't embarrass us!"

Yu Bihong's eyes were getting colder, she was very impatient.

"I think you are embarrassing us!"

"The rule of this room is that once the master enters the retreat, no matter what happens, you must not disturb him unless the master comes out on his own!"

"If you are sensible, leave immediately, otherwise, we have the right to kill both of you!"

When the words fell to the ground, the two of them took a step forward together, as if they were about to make a move.

The pressure on Jiuyu and Yu Bihong doubled.

"Commander Yu, these two bastards don't make sense at all, why don't we go to Manager Tao and ask Manager Tao to come forward and forget it!"

Jiuyu was a little angry and couldn't help cursing.


Yu Bihong nodded silently.

Although she wasn't afraid of the two of them, if she really wanted to do it, she didn't have full confidence that she could deal with the two guards.

After all, Jiuyu has no cultivation base yet, so he can't help at all.

Now it seems that finding Tao Cheng is the most suitable choice.

"It's useless for you to find Manager Tao!"

A guard snorted coldly, then sheathed the knife.

The two stared at the two guards fiercely, and turned to leave.

But the moment the two just turned around, they couldn't help being taken aback.

At the end of the corridor, a man in black appeared at some unknown time.

The man had long hair, a pale face, and a handsome appearance. He seemed to be in his early twenties.

With a smile on his face, he walked slowly towards this place.

A bell hangs from his waist.

As the man approached step by step, these bells also made crisp sounds from time to time.

"How strange is this person?"

Jiuyu muttered, but didn't really care.

But Yu Bihong seemed to have realized something, and hurriedly put her hand on the giant sword behind her again.

"Imperial Commander? What's wrong with you?"

Jiuyu asked in surprise.

"This person... so dangerous! I can't see through his cultivation!"

Yu Bihong lowered her voice.


Jiuyu's eyes widened in disbelief.


Yu Bihong said hoarsely.

The two stared at the man.

The man also lightly examined Yu Bihong and Jiuyu.

But soon, he turned his gaze to the guard behind them.

Obviously, these two people are not in the man's eyes.

"Do you want to go to the room at the end?"

Seeing the man ignoring the room all the way and going straight to the end, Yu Bihong gripped the giant sword tightly and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, miss, do you have any questions?"

the man asked with a smile.

When Jiuyu heard it, he immediately understood what was going on.

"Who are you?" Yu Bihong asked deeply.

"Miss, this is not something you can inquire about."

The man laughed, then ignored Yu Bihong and continued on.


Jiuyu wanted to do something else, but was stopped by Yu Bihong.

She winked at Jiuyu, signaling him not to act rashly.

"Can't you just do it directly?"

Jiuyu lowered his voice and asked.

Yu Bihong shook her head: "I... have no chance of winning..."

"Now what?"

Jiuyu frowned helplessly.

Yu Bihong thought for a while, and said in a low voice: "Go to Manager Tao quickly and tell him to quickly invite the masters from the reward building!"

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