Facing the onslaught of the reward-offering building, the man appeared extremely calm.

He stimulated the power of ascension slightly.

In an instant, black air surged up from his body, making him look like a ghost.

Immediately afterwards, the black air began to boil like boiling water, and strange sounds continued to be emitted from inside.




The terrifying sound became louder and louder, making the scalp of those who listened numb.

But the masters of the reward building did not stop.

The sharp sword slashed heavily.

Yu Bihong and Jiuyu stared straight at each other, expecting the man to be chopped into pieces.

However, the next second.

whoosh whoosh...

The black energy from the man's body suddenly rushed out, slashing at those people like tentacles.

The masters of the Reward Building didn't hesitate at all, and encouraged the power of ascension to fight each other.

The tentacles transformed by the black air rolled crazily.

Terrible swords are also constantly waving between the tentacles.

Every time they collide, a large amount of black air splashes out.

Soon, the end of the corridor was filled with black mist.

People gradually lost track of the man.

"With such a method, it must be the person of Dark Sky Martial God!"

Tao Cheng clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth and whispered: "An Tian Martial God is too deceitful! Miracle doctor Lin is a distinguished guest of my reward mansion, but they dare to come here to kill people! Break the rules! This is a serious violation!"

"Manager Tao, has this man been dealt with?"

Yu Bihong asked in a deep voice.

She doesn't care about violations of rules or not, she just hopes that the enemy in front of her can be dealt with quickly.

"Don't worry, these are strong men who always protect my safety. They have followed me for many years, and they are absolutely easy to deal with a mere servant of the Valkyrie!"

Tao Cheng said coldly.


Yu Bihong was taken aback: "Aren't there any stronger players?"

"The mobilization of other masters requires approval, and I am in charge of this area. If I can't handle it, only the most powerful people will come to solve it. For a while, I can't easily mobilize stronger people!"

Tao Cheng's expression was unnatural.

Yu Bihong immediately understood.

Tao Cheng is in charge of this training area. If Tao Cheng can't solve it by himself, the higher-ups will think that he is not capable.

Therefore, Tao Cheng did not inform his superiors about the incident at all.

Yu Bihong can also understand.

But the ones making trouble here at the moment are the servants of the Antian Martial God.

How can it be an ordinary person?

Yu Bihong clenched her little hands tightly, sweat dripping down her face.

"Don't worry, Commander Yu, Manager Tao's subordinates are by no means ordinary people. To deal with this guy, they will definitely be easy to catch!"

Jiuyu is very confident.

After all, Tao Cheng's status in the reward building is not low, how can the person in charge of his safety be so skilled?

as expected.

The fighting in the black fog didn't last long, and then slowly stopped.

Several people looked at it.

It was silent inside, and no more sound could be heard.

"Here! Look? Isn't this over?"

Jiuyu said with a smile.

Yu Bihong's face was still full of tension, she stared at the black mist, then looked at Tao Cheng: "Manager Tao, be careful..."

"Miss Yu, don't worry so much? How can my masters not be able to deal with a Valkyrie attendant?"

Tao Cheng shook his head, and then shouted directly: "Zhang Tai! Ma An! Don't kill that man, capture him alive if you can. After all, he is a man of Valkyrie, and I have to hand it over to my superiors!"

However, when these words fell to the ground, no echo could be heard in the black mist.

Tao Cheng was slightly taken aback: "Zhang Tai? Ma An? Did you hear what I said?"

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