Yu Bihong stood outside the organ room holding a sword, looking through the gate at Luanfeng, who was fighting fiercely inside.

The strength of the organ room has been raised to the highest level.

Even if Li Kuangren, the leader of the building team, is thrown into this level of mechanism, it is impossible to get out.

As for Luanfeng, he must be stronger than Li Kuangren.

But his injury was not completely healed, and he was defeated just after halfway through the fight.

And once the offensive stops, all the organs will repair themselves within 5 minutes. If they don't retreat to the open space in the center, they will fall into a tight siege and be torn to pieces by the organs.

Luanfeng knew this very well, so he had to retreat.

After staying in the agency room for a whole day, he couldn't get out.

"What is the purpose of the leader keeping him here?"

Yu Bihong was thinking in confusion.

At this time, Jiuyu came with the food.

Yu Bihong glanced at the delicacies on the tray, and was startled when she found that there were still a few bottles of pills.

"Who arranged this?"

"Alliance leader!"

Jiuyu said carefully.

"It's fine to give him food, why give him pills? Wouldn't this make him recover quickly?"

Yu Bihong asked in disbelief.

"The lord asked, what can we do?"

Jiuyu put the dishes into the hidden compartment next to the gate, and then pulled the gate.

The track in the dark compartment immediately sent the tray to the mechanism room, and after a while, it slowly rose in the central open space of the mechanism room.

Tired and exhausted, Luanfeng was also stunned when he saw the rising food and medicine.

He was silent for a while, and immediately started to eat, and when he was full, he opened the porcelain bottle and looked at the pills carefully.

"Ugin Dan?"

Yu Bihong glanced at the pill in Luanfeng's hand from a distance, and couldn't help exclaiming.

"What? That bottle contains Wu Jindan?"

Jiuyu was also stunned, and then he broke his liver and intestines with pain: "What serious illness has the leader committed? He actually wants to give such a good medicine to that bastard! Violence!"

"It seems that our lord didn't intend to lock this guy up at all. With the help of this kind of treasure pill, it will be a matter of time before he breaks through this trap room."

Yu Bihong snorted secretly, but couldn't understand it either, with a sullen look on her small face.

Sure enough, Luanfeng realized that there was nothing tricky about Wu Jindan, so he poured a whole bottle into his mouth.

With the increase of Baodan, Luanfeng's state immediately returned to its heyday.

He crossed his legs for a while, and when the pill in his stomach was completely digested, he let out a loud roar, and fought with the mechanism in the mechanism room again.

This time, Luanfeng's combat power was stronger, his moves were fiercer, and more vicious.

After a while, it was halfway through.

If it goes on like this, Luanfeng can break through the entire mechanism room, and it can be achieved in half a day at most.

"No, he's about to rush out!"

Yu Bihong was a little anxious, immediately raised her big sword, and wanted to go in to stop it.

Seeing this, Jiuyu hurriedly stopped her.

"Commander Yu, are you crazy? The leader told me that no one is allowed to enter the organ room to stop this person!"


"He wants to rush out of the prison room, there should be a while, why don't we go to the retreat room to find the leader and ask about the situation, how about it?"

Jiuyu gritted his teeth and said in a low voice.

Yu Bihong nodded, and said in a deep voice, "That's exactly what I mean too!"

"Go, find the leader!"

The two immediately ran towards the basement floor.

After the previous incident, the security of the basement floor is directly in charge of the building team.

Ten masters of the building team entered the basement floor of the group, all of them had a heavy and terrifying aura, and two of them even had the strength to reach the land fairyland.

"What are you doing here?"

Standing at the door of the presidential suite was Gong Changsheng, the deputy head of the building team.

He had met Yu Bihong, and he was quite disgusted with this woman, after all, this woman had forced their building team to compromise not long ago.

"Open the door, I want to see our leader."

"According to the rules, this door cannot be opened."

"If you don't open it, be careful that I will cause trouble to your superiors."


Gong Changsheng's face turned green and pale, and finally had no choice but to open the door.

However, as soon as the two entered the room, they were immediately stunned by the scene in front of them...

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