Against the three Valkyrie at the same time.

This is extremely crazy in any era of the underground dragon vein.

Lin Yang himself felt crazy.

But sometimes fate likes to play tricks on people like this.

He knew that he was not qualified to compete against the three Martial Gods, not to mention the three, even a random Martial God would be enough for him to drink a pot, so Lin Yang had to swallow his anger.

"Just watch, it won't be long before the Dark Sky Martial God's people will arrive, and at that time, the Reward Building will end."

Lin Yang said calmly.

When the two heard this, they suddenly lost their expressions.

"In the end, we only have to be bullied..."

"If you want to blame, you can only blame us for being too weak."

Jiuyu sighed and shook his head.

Yu Bihong was a little downcast.

Lin Yang glanced at the two, did not speak, but silently put away the paper.

At this time.

Ding dong.

Tao Cheng's voice came from the microphone in the suite.

"Mr. Lin, I'm very sorry to disturb you. That's it. Our building manager, Mr. Xue, wants to see you."

Lin Yang frowned slightly when he heard the sound, and then calmly said: "Let's go, come with me."

The two looked at each other and nodded slightly.

Pushing open the door, he found that Tao Cheng was already standing at the door.

He looked apologetic, but hesitated to speak.

"The people of Dark Sky Martial God are here?"

Lin Yang asked lightly.

"Yes, and...not ordinary."

Tao Cheng lowered his voice.

"Okay then, lead the way."

"Mr. Lin, don't worry, I will do my best to get an explanation for you, and I will never let you suffer this loss for nothing!"

"There's Manager Lautao!"

Lin Yang nodded.

Soon, the three of them, led by Tao Cheng, came to the conference hall on the fourteenth floor.

At this moment, there are several people standing in the conference hall.

But on the sofa on one side, there was a man in a black robe sitting.

The man looked about thirty years old, but judging from the bone age, he was at least seventy years old.

At this time, the man was crossing his legs, with a cigarette in his mouth, and his eyes were indifferently scanning Lin Yang who came in.

It seemed that in the eyes of this man, everyone was as small as a grain of sand and had no value at all.

On top, stood a middle-aged man with white temples and a Chinese tunic suit.

The man's square face is very decent, his breath is restrained, and he can no longer gain insight into his cultivation.

Tao Cheng quickly walked up to the man and bowed slightly.

"Master Xue, the person has already arrived."

"Thank you, Manager Tao!"

The middle-aged man nodded, then walked towards Lin Yang, and stretched out his hand: "Hello, Mr. Lin, I am Xue Congming, the building manager of Xuanshang Building! Please give me your advice."

"Master Xue, hello."

Lin Yang shook hands with him.

"By the way, let me introduce you again. This is the follower of the Dark Sky Martial God, Master Qing Hai!"

Xue Congming said to the man smoking on the sofa.

Lin Yang glanced at the other party, but did not speak.

Qing Hai raised his eyebrows, but he didn't attack.

"I've already heard about the matter from Tao Cheng, Mr. Lin, I'm sorry for what happened. On behalf of everyone in the Xiangshang Building, I would like to express my sincerest apologies to you!"

After Xue Congming finished speaking, he actually bowed to Lin Yang.

"Master Xue, don't want to be like this, the matter has already passed, how can I care about it?"

Lin Yang smiled slightly, and immediately helped Xue Congming up.

But before Xue Congming could speak, Qing Hai over there had already spoken.

He puffed out the smoke ring, and said unhurriedly: "Since you don't care about it, then hand it over!"

The words fell to the ground, and the conference room was suddenly silent...

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