Lin Yang is a mean person. Sometimes he is a chicken with a small stomach. What's more, that Shuofang has no good intentions.

If Su Yan really agreed to Shuofang, with Shuofang's strength, to put Su Yan to bed, it is not easy?

Su Yan which Dou Guo Shuofang this kind of person?

Although the two have agreed on a time for divorce, Lin Yang can not tolerate the marriage.

After the divorce, Su Yan love how to do, with him, but did not leave, Su Yan's every move, is on behalf of him!

Hearing Lin Yang's attitude, Su Yan was a little confused.

She stares at Lin Yang, the red mouth tightly pursed, red eyes gush a little tears.

"You hardly take the initiative to ask me for divorce. The premise is to consider it for me. This time, you are angry, so you talk about divorce, right?" Su Yan looked at him in tears and asked.

"Yes." Lin Yang closed his eyes and walked away.

"Lin! Yang Su Yan stamped her foot and cried out.

Passers-by have attention, but did not care too much, thought it was a quarrel.

Lin Yang opened his eyes.

But see Su Yan painful way: "do you think you are wronged? You think you're the only one? I'm human too! I want to be head and head, too! Now there is a chance for me. Can I not cherish it? "

Finish saying, but see her raised hand, hoarse way: "you see, what is this?"

Lin Yang looked at Su Yan's hand inexplicably, but saw that his hand was empty, nothing.

However, at this time, Lin Yang suddenly realized something. Tong kongtun was stunned and quickly grasped Su Yan's hand. However, he took out a sharp knife from her intimate sleeve.

"Why did you hide a knife in your sleeve?" Lin Yang looked at the knife which was longer than his finger and asked in astonishment.

"This is what I specially prepared for this event." Su Yan wiped tears from the corners of her eyes and said hoarsely.

Lin Yang was greatly surprised.

"Lin Yang, don't think you are smart! No one is a fool, and you are not the only one who can see through it. Shuofang is a client I contacted not long ago. Yueyan has cooperation with his company. Originally, these small cooperation would not disturb his big boss, but in a business activity, Shuofang accidentally met me and invited me to attend this grand meeting! I su Yan who you do not know? I've seen more men who have ideas about me than you think. In fact, as long as I want to, I've already made great achievements. Why should I be reduced to seeing other people's faces like a dog today? But I su Yan is not such a woman, I can only rely on myself! I will seize every opportunity, and I have already prepared for it. I don't want to lose this opportunity, so I will try to go back to the grand meeting and have a chat with Shuofang to see if I can win the opportunity for Yueyan! If he makes unreasonable demands, do you think I will agree? I su Yan is the kind of woman who will sell her body? " Su Yan asked in tears.

If she wanted to, she would have been a rich lady. Why wait till now.

"But what if he coerces you with mean means? What should you do? " Lin Yang asked.

"I'll pull this knife out!" Su Yan gnawed her teeth.

"This knife? I'm afraid we can't deal with Shuofang, right Lin Yang glanced at the slender knife and frowned.

"Wrong, this knife is not for you." Su Yan shook her head.

"What is that for?" Lin yangleng asked.

"To keep my innocence." Su Yan frowned hoarsely.

This word falls to the ground, Lin Yang stays in place.

Su Yan's meaning is suicide!

Did she want to save her innocence by death?

"Are you crazy?" Lin Yang went back to the way of God.

"I'm not crazy!" Su Yan glared at him.

Those eyes with tears are full of helplessness and pain.

Lin Yang was stunned.

He never expected that Su Yan was gambling with his life in order to seek an opportunity...

at this time, Su Yan took out a contract from his pocket and handed it to Lin Yang.

Lin Yang took a look, the whole person suddenly silly.

"You... You want to transfer 10% of Yueyan group's shares to me?" Lin Yang Leng way.

"Businessmen have never had much dignity to talk about. In order to achieve business and negotiate projects, I have to kowtow to others, smile hard, and do things that go against my wishes. You are arrogant and arrogant. It is certainly impossible to do business. Even if you open a medical center in the future, it will not last long. With this 10% share, at least you will not die of hunger At present, Yueyan international has not got up, and there is not much money in these shares. You should keep them for a few years, which should be enough. "

Lin Yang took the contract, silence, and then returned: "I don't want."

"Take it!"

"You want to use this to persuade me to allow you to dance with Shuofang?"

"No, I've decided not to go." Su Yan took a deep breath and wiped away the tears from the corner of her eyes: "what you said is reasonable. I only think about my career, and I don't think about your feelings. You are a man, naturally can't accept your wife's hook up with other men. You're right. This seven green... I don't want it."Lin Yang stares at Su Yan.

This time, he is full of five tastes, and his feelings for this woman are also unclear...

"Xiaoyan, you can rest assured that Yueyan international will grow stronger. If you really want to represent that Qiqing, I will let you achieve your wish." Lin Yang took a deep breath.

"Don't give me a picture cake. Everyone will brag. If other people say that, I may pay attention to it a little, but you can forget it." Su Yan whispered.

Although she gave up obviously, she was still lost.

Lin Yang said nothing

"well, no more nonsense. You wait here. I'll go up there and say goodbye to Mr. Shuofang. Even if you don't want to stay in the meeting, do you still have to say hello? After all, we are nominally partners! I don't see you looking up. I'll see you down. "

"Yes, I'll wait for you here."

"I'll be down in a few minutes!"

Su Yan nodded, slightly adjusted her hair, wiped off the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then ran to the elevator in a hurry.

Lin Yang stares at Su Yan's leaving elevator. The cold frost rises in his eyes and his fist pinches tightly.

A moment later, he took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

In the elevator, Su Yan tried her best to rub her eyes and wipe her cheek. She didn't want others to see that she had cried.

After getting out of the elevator and entering the venue, Su Yan's face was full of smile again.

"Oh, Miss Su, are you back? Come on, come on, young master is over there! Young master, Miss Su is here One of Shuofang's men, with a smile on his face, walked towards Shuofang.

Su Yan was also ready to come to say goodbye, and did not refuse his enthusiasm.

At the moment, Shuofang is chatting with Smith.

Seeing Su Yan in an evening dress coming, Shuofang's face can't help but smile. Especially at the moment, Su Yan's eyes are slightly red and pathetic, which makes men crazy.

"Miss Su, you are back. Here, let me introduce you to Mr. Smith. This is Mr. Smith. This is Miss Su whom I said." Shuo said with a smile.

As soon as Smith's eyes lit up, he immediately reached out his hand and said with a smile, "Hello, beautiful lady."

Finish saying, it is to grasp Su Yan's hand to kiss.

Su Yan's face was embarrassed and subconsciously pulled her hand back.

Shuo Fang frowned, but he said with a smile: "Miss Su Yan, nothing. It's just basic etiquette."

"I'm not used to it." Su Yan squeezed out a smile.

However, at this time, Smith over there was shivering. Suddenly he turned his head and looked at Shuofang and asked, "Shuo, what did you call this lady just now?"

"Miss Su Yan, Mr. Smith, do you have any questions?" Shuofang asked strangely.

Smith was stunned for a moment, staring at him: "you say... Her name is Su Yan?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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