"I didn't expect you two to dare to come in?"

Canglan Tianjue smiled slightly, and came here full of murderous intent: "I was still worried that you ran away, and I regretted coming in earlier!"

"Canglan Tianjue, come to me if you have anything to do, don't embarrass him! He is just speaking quickly, we will settle the matter between you and me!"

Qin Jiannv gritted her teeth and said.

"Don't worry, of course I have to settle the matter between you and me. Since you refuse to marry me as a wife, I won't force it, but I still want to take your spirit sword body, you can't run away!"

"But before that, I want to deal with this person!"

Canglan Tianjue squinted his eyes and said: "Didn't you say that you can defeat me within ten moves? Now is your chance, let me see how you can defeat me!"

"Means? There are no means, just a couple of casual moves."

Lin Yang shook his head.

"Still so crazy? It doesn't matter, don't worry, I won't kill you. My father said that he wants to save your life and take you back to torture slowly. After all, no one dares to humiliate my Canglan clan like this!"

Cang Lan Tianjue stepped forward, the smile on his face became more and more intense.

"I will abolish your cultivation first, break your limbs, make you a human pig, and then take you out of the Dragon Palace!"

"Oh, by the way, before you leave, I will put on a show for you. Don't you want to protect this bitch? Then I will practice together with this bitch in front of you!"

"How? Is this show good?"

Canglan Tianjue smiled lightly, the excitement and fierceness in his eyes became more and more intense.

At this moment, there was no one at the entrance of the first floor.

People like Ye Yan, An Mingyue and others will not provoke Canglan Tianjue.

Others were even more afraid of this person and fled early.

There are only three people in Lin Yang left.

"Stop being presumptuous!"

Qin Jiannv couldn't bear it anymore, let out a low growl, raised her sword and slashed over.

She dared not have the slightest reservation.

After all, this person is the successor of Martial God whose talent is higher than that of An Mingyue, and he is also the direct descendant of Martial God Canglan.

She doesn't have the power to fight without trying her best!

buzz buzz...

The constantly trembling sword body gave out bursts of sword sounds, like the sound of trembling strings, covering Canglan Tianjue, as if to disturb his spirit.

However, Canglan Tianjue took a drink, and the vigor in his body vibrated outward like a wave, and it actually scattered the sound of the sword like the sound of strings.


Qin Jiannv's breath trembled.

"Small tricks, how dare you use an axe in front of me?"

Canglan Tianjue snorted coldly, and directly slashed with his sword.

Qin Jiannv quickly parried.


The moment the two swords collided, Qin Jiannv felt her whole body tremble, and the hand holding the sword seemed to have been hit by some huge force, shaking non-stop.

He almost lost his grip on the sword in his hand.

She gritted her teeth and refused to let go.

But Canglan Tianjue's terrifying sword move strikes again.

One after another.

Like raging waves.

The Qinjian girl's pressure doubled and she frantically resisted.

But in the face of absolute strength, she simply can't last too much.



The sword in Qin Jiannv's hand was broken by Canglan Tianjue.

Qin Jiannv was shocked.

Canglan Tianjue's sharp sword has already struck.

She simply cannot resist.

However, Canglan Tianjue didn't seem to want to kill her, but suddenly turned the sharp sword around, and hit Qin Jiannu's abdomen hard with the hilt.


Qin Jiannv vomited blood, flew out, and fell heavily on the ground, unable to get up.

"Killing you like this is a waste of the body of the spirit sword. I'd better send you on the road after I finish the co-cultivation."

Canglan Tianjue said lightly.

Qin Jiannv's silver teeth were about to be crushed, and her eyes were extremely angry. She wanted to fight again, but she was powerless.

She raised her hand slowly, only to see that all five fingers were broken, and the tiger's mouth was dripping with blood.

In terms of strength, she has already lost too much to Canglan Tianjue!

There is no chance of winning at all!

She slowly closed her eyes, grasped the broken sword with difficulty, secretly accumulating the strength to take off.

If it really got to the point where she could no longer fight, she could only choose to blew herself up in order to correct her chastity.

But Canglan Tianjue did not attack Qin Jiannv again, but turned his sword and pointed at Lin Yang.

"Okay, now it's your turn!"

Canglan Tianjue smiled.

"Then hurry up and do it."

Lin Yang said disapprovingly.

"Okay, I will fulfill you!"

Canglan Tianjue didn't hesitate, and with a flick of his sharp sword, he cut directly at the Qi veins in Lin Yang's chest.

With a short pulse, most of the power of ascension will be vented.

He was going to abolish his cultivation first, and then break his limbs.


Qin Jiannv exclaimed.

This sword is as fast as lightning, like a poisonous snake attacking, although the range is very small, seemingly no big deal, but it is so subtle that even she can't react.

However, at the moment when the sword was about to hit, Lin Yang suddenly turned sideways and dodged it lightly.

The sharp sword immediately cut through the air.


Qin Jiannv was stunned.

Canglan Tianjue was also a little dazed, looking at his sword in astonishment, then at Lin Yang with a calm face, and then nodded repeatedly.

"Walk away, I don't want you to have some strength."

"But your strength is so disappointing!"

Lin Yang shook his head: "This is already the first move, as I said, you will be defeated within ten moves, so your chances are running out!"

"you wanna die!"

Canglan Tianjue was furious, and raised his sword again to slash.

The power of ascension was like surging waves, surging around his sword.

"Sword of Surprise!"

Following Canglan Tianjue's shout, the sword body struck, as if thousands of waves were rolled up, and fell towards Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang didn't rush, and the pace was a little bit more, his body moved, and he passed sideways through the gap of the sword energy, avoiding the sword perfectly.

Qin Jiannv was completely stunned.

Canglan Tianjue was also dumbfounded.

"How can it be?"

No one has ever been able to avoid his sword in this way!

This is just crazy!

Because of a little carelessness, Lin Yang would be torn into powder by his own sword energy.

Cang Lantian is by no means an idiot, although Lin Yang just moved his body at the moment, he could vaguely feel that the person in front of him seemed to have seen through his own moves!

"Who the hell are you?"

Canglan Tianjue growled.

"You still have eight moves."

Lin Yang said calmly.


Canglan Tianjue's face was full of ferocity, and he raised his sword again to strike and kill.

He didn't hold back at all, the power of ascension was frantically urged, and the divine sword in his hand slashed at Lin Yang like crazy.

"The waves of swords are shocking!"

"Canglang fold!"

"The stormy sea!"

"Wave Sword Slash!"

"Sword God Wave Slash!"

Canglan Tianjue roared continuously, and the sharp sword in his hand blasted out one terrifying move after another.

But no matter how he attacks, Lin Yang can prepare in advance and dodge skillfully.

So five strokes in the past.

Lin Yang...unscathed!

Canglan Tianjue was completely petrified.

"Seven tricks were used in total! It's almost there!"

Lin Yang put his hands behind his back and looked indifferently: "The next three moves, it's my turn!"

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