Lin Yang frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

Mei Meng smiled again, and said: "Friend, don't tell me you can't break through? If you can't break through, how dare you stand up for the people of Martial God Tai Tian?"

"Of course I can pass through. If Miss Meimeng can't pass, you can follow me and go to the third floor with me."

Lin Yang said.

"That's not necessary, it's not difficult for me here."

Mei Meng shrugged.

"If that's the case, then I'll go ahead."

Lin Yang said calmly, then walked towards the stone sculpture.

Cang Lanfu and Qin Jiannv followed immediately.

The two looked solemn and serious.

But when Lin Yang was standing in front of the stone sculpture, he suddenly loosened his hand and dropped the sword in his hand to the ground.

Mei Meng was startled.

Both Qin Jiannv and Cang Lanfu were stunned.

"Teacher, do you think the weapon is not suitable for your hand? If so, my sword is still good enough!"

Cang Lanfu hurriedly said.


Mei Meng was slightly taken aback, and looked at Cang Lanfu in surprise.

Who dares to be the teacher of the son of the Martial God?

"It's not that the weapon is inappropriate, I just don't want to use a weapon."

Lin Yang shook his head and said.


The two were struck by lightning.

Meimeng's pupils trembled, she could hardly believe what she heard.

"Miss, is this man crazy?"

"No weapons? Is he going to fight this stone sculpture with bare hands?"

The people from the Blood Knife Family beside him were also stunned and said in disbelief.

Mei Meng came back to her senses, stared at Lin Yang for a long time, and said in a low voice: "Let's see what tricks this person has!"

"Miss, I think this person is an ignorant lunatic. He contradicted the Martial God before, and later offended Mr. Ye. Now, in front of us, he shows such a lunatic attitude. He is clearly an ignorant rat!"

Someone couldn't help scolding.

Mei Meng didn't respond.

Although she also felt that the people around her were reasonable.

But after observing, she felt that this person didn't seem like a brainless person!

"Friend, don't act recklessly. The sword in the hand of the mechanism stone sculpture is extraordinary. How can your flesh and blood stand against it? Use my sword!"

Qin Jiannv also panicked, and immediately pressed the soft sword in her hand.

"No, you wait for me here!"

Lin Yang shouted suddenly, took a step, and rushed directly to the stone sculpture.

The speed is so fast that people can't catch their eyes.

But the start speed of stone carving is also very fast.

The scarlet and ferocious figure moved suddenly, and swung the horizontal sword.


The blood sword drew a half-moon in the sky, and the terrifying sword aura was like a crescent moon soaring to the sky, cutting towards Lin Yang horizontally.

Lin Yang dodged to dodge, quickly approached the stone sculpture, and punched it.

However, the speed of the stone carving was extremely fast. Just after launching the sword move, he swung the sword again and slashed, and the second sword move fell.

Lin Yang had no choice but to give up the offensive again and dodge.

I saw his waist bent, his head tilted back, and the blood sword seemed to be slashing across his forehead.

After dodging this move, Lin Yang almost stood in front of the stone sculpture.

Almost zero distance.

Stone sculptures have no feelings, and will only ruthlessly kill anyone who gets close.

Although this move failed, it would not give up and was ready to launch the third ultimate move again.

However, at this moment, Lin Yang stood up suddenly, stretched out his hand suddenly, and directly clasped the stone carving's arm.


Mei Meng was stunned.

Qin Jiannv and Cang Lanfu all stared wide-eyed, almost petrified.

However, Lin Yang tightly clasped the stone carving's hand holding the blood sword, and exerted all his strength, intending to forcibly press down the killer move that the stone carving had stored up.

Stone carving's arm and Lin Yang's arm were trembling uncontrollably.

The two sides fought like this.

But the stone carving didn't give up, and then raised his left arm and waved towards Lin Yang.

However, Lin Yang also had two hands, and he raised his arm and pressed it against the left arm of the stone sculpture.

The two sides seem to be in sumo wrestling.

Looking at it now, it seems that Lin Yang's strength is comparable to that of the stone carving.

One person, one statue, just like this stalemate.

However, the ability of stone carving obviously does not stop there.

There was a roar in its body, and then the brightness of the secret patterns all over the stone carving became stronger and brighter.

not for a while.

boom! ! !

A large number of terrifying ripples erupted directly from the stone carving's body, viciously blasting around.

"Not good! Back off!"

Cang Lanfu turned pale with shock and immediately shouted.

He and Qin Jiannv hurriedly retreated.

"Miss Protection!"


All members of the Blood Knife Family rushed to the front and set up a human wall to protect Meimeng.

But as soon as they set up the human wall, the impact released from the stone carving had already arrived, shaking the members of the Blood Knife Family, and Mei Meng couldn't help but retreat from the impact...

After she stopped, she hurriedly looked towards Lin Yang.

It was only then that Lin Yang and the stone carving were still in a stalemate.

too horrible!

Meimengqiu's eyes widened enormously, she could hardly believe what she saw.

This person actually suppressed the mechanism stone sculpture with his bare hands?

She wouldn't believe it if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes!

It's just... what is this person doing this for?

With his strength, it is easy to pass the second level and enter the third level!

Why did he fight the stone sculpture with bare hands? Why suppress the stone carving?

Is there any point in doing this?

Mei Meng couldn't understand.

Qin Jiannv and Cang Lanfu also looked confused.

"What the hell is this friend doing?"

Qin Jiannv slowed down, stabilized her breath, looked at Lin Yang, and asked dully.

"have no idea."

Cang Lanfu smiled bitterly: "Teacher has always acted strangely, which is beyond human comprehension..."

"Do you want to help?"

Qin Jiannv asked.

"No need? The teacher said no help, we just watch here."

Cang Lan said again.

Qin Jiannv nodded, but at this moment, the doubts in her eyes became more and more intense, and a strange feeling emerged in her heart.

This is it so familiar?

Qin Jiannv was confused, but couldn't remember where she had seen it before.

Just when everyone was puzzled by Lin Yang's actions.


A shock suddenly resounded through the entire second floor of Dragon Palace.

I saw Lin Yang, who was still in a stalemate with the stone carving, suddenly threw away the stone carving's left arm, then raised his hand abruptly, and snapped off the blood sword held by the stone carving's right hand...

Take the sword?

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