Seeing Lin Yang step forward, Lang Ya and the others were lying if they said they were not moved.

It was Lin Yang who stood up on the second floor earlier.

Now these eight people are the target of everyone's criticism, no one is willing to help them, only Lin Yang is not afraid of the force coercion of Ye Yan and other powerful clans, and is willing to stand up and support everyone.

"Friend, what's your name?"

Langya looked sideways at Lin Yang and asked in a deep voice.

"My name is Lin."

"Lord Lin, thank you for your words of help, but we are by no means greedy for life and afraid of death, Ye Yan, you can't scare us, you just back away, don't get involved, at worst, I will fight him!"

Langya said hoarsely, his eyes were full of fierce light.

Ye Yan didn't care about Langya and the others, but stared at Qin Jiannv for a while, and then turned his eyes to Lin Yang, with a hint of suspicion in his eyes.


At this time, Langya suddenly shouted, and led people to charge towards Ye Yan again.

They are not afraid to play chess.

But they can't tolerate being manipulated and driven like pawns!

What's more, Ye Yan repeatedly bullied them, how could they bear it?

Seeing Langya bringing people to kill, An Mingyue was the first to quit.

"Let you enter the chess game, that is to think highly of you, and dare to resist? Kill!"

Dark Moon shouted.

The people behind Antian Martial God rushed up together.

In their eyes, Ye Yan is already equivalent to the son-in-law of Dark Sky Martial God, so naturally he won't stand by and watch?

As for Taitian Martial God, Dark Sky Martial God is not afraid.

The two sides immediately fought to one.

"Don't waste your time!"

Ye Yan snorted coldly, raised his bone sword and rushed out, ready to join the battle.

He locked on to Langya directly, and slashed fiercely with the bone sword.

Langya's complexion changed drastically, and he resisted immediately.

But Ye Yan's attack was overbearing and extremely tricky.

The moment the sword edge struck, a terrifying sword force also came crashing down.

Before Langya had time to react, he was shocked by the power of the sword, and his body movements slowed down countless times.

"not good!"

Langya's heart skipped a beat, secretly screaming that something was wrong.

The bone sword was already heading towards his head.

Langya wanted to dodge, but it was too late.



Seeing this, the remaining followers of Taitian Martial God were all terrified, shouting one after another, wanting to help.

But they were all entangled by the masters of the Dark Sky Valkyrie, and there was no time to support them.

But at this critical moment, a long sword suddenly lay across in front of the bone sword.


The bone sword hit the long sword heavily.

The long sword exploded immediately.

However, the appearance of the long sword slowed down the falling speed of the bone sword. When Langya saw this, he dodged immediately and raised his eyes to look again.

It's Lin Yang!

He made a move!

But he shook Ye Yan's attack head-on, and his arm trembled violently, almost dislocated!


Langya shouted urgently!


Lin Yang supported his trembling arm, and immediately drank in a low voice.

Langya clenched his teeth, unwilling to leave.

Seeing this, Lin Yang yelled again: "If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood! Let's go!"

After finishing speaking, he directly dragged Langya back.

Langya had no choice but to shout: "Retreat! Retreat!"

Everyone immediately retreated to the entrance of the checkpoint on the second floor.

"Can't leave them! Kill!"

An Mingyue cried out urgently.

The people of Antian Martial God chased after him immediately.

Ye Yan's eyes were slightly cold, he raised his sword and caught up with him.

The bone sword flew horizontally, and the sword shadow hurried.

Langya and the others tried their best to stop them.

But Ye Yan's strength is too strong.

The two masters in the lead parried, but Ye Yan directly broke through the defense, sealed his throat with a sword, and died on the spot.

"Third brother!"

"Four sisters!"

Langya's eyes were red, and he screamed miserably.

Seeing this, Lin Yang endured the severe pain in his arms, grabbed the bodies of the two, and rushed towards the gate on the second floor...

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