Before the chessboard.

Mei Meng's big peach blossom eyes widened, and she stared blankly inside.

At this moment, the chessboard is full of blood, and the ground is full of pieces of meat.

Most of those stone carvings were destroyed.

Only the statue of the Son of Heaven and two statues of generals are left.

Although there are only three statues left, there is no doubt that these are the three most difficult stone sculptures.

However, until now, it is unknown how many people have been lost.

Under the persecution of Ye Yan, several people from powerful clans had no choice but to step into it, and fought bloody with the stone sculpture to the death.

Each clan keeps one or two people as seeds, and only waits for the chessboard to be cleared and enter the fourth floor to gain benefits.

The same is true for the Blood Knife Family.

People from the Blood Knife Family would never let Mei Meng take risks, and would rather take the initiative to enter the chessboard.

But now, there are only less than half of the strong men left in the blood knife family.

Most of these dead people grew up with Meimeng, and they are all direct descendants of the blood knife family!

Mei Meng only felt her heart hurt like a twist, and the eyes she looked at Ye Yan were also full of hatred.

But she knew that she couldn't possibly be Ye Yan's opponent.

And Ye Yan doesn't care about people like her at all.

At this moment, Ye Yan turned his gaze towards the Blood Knife Family.

It's the blood knife family's turn to send someone!

Everyone from the Blood Knife Family looked pale.

"I'll go!"

A young man stood up, with a resolute expression, and slowly drew out the blood knife at his waist.


Meimeng let out a cry.

"Miss, take care..."

The young man named Ah Chen said hoarsely, and then jumped into the anticipation, and fought with the stone carving of the general.


Mei Meng knelt on the ground, crying bitterly.

There is an age limit for entering the Dragon Palace. Those who can reach this level are all the favored ones of heaven, with unmatched talents.

The same is true for these people who follow Meimeng.

They all practiced hard for ten years, who is not eager to stand out?

No one wants to die tragically as a tool of others.

Why doesn't Meimeng hope that these clansmen can achieve something?

However, Ah Chen, who entered the chessboard, only persisted for less than a minute, and was killed by the general's stone carving with a sword on the spot!

Mei Meng was so weak that she almost collapsed on the ground, Qiu Mou stared blankly at the figure lying on the ground, as if she had lost her soul.



The Blood Knife family beside him also roared in extreme pain.

"Don't go...don't go again..."

Mei Meng murmured, almost insane.


Ye Yan still shouted mercilessly.

The rest of the clan were all silent.

Some people collapsed, some were angry, and some were murderous.

An Mingyue had lingering fears, looked at Ye Yan, but saw that he was still calm.

I don't care about their emotions at all...

All he wants is results!

Although people have thousands of resentments in their hearts, but due to Ye Yan's power, they can only bear all this silently.

After all, the entrance to escape from the third floor has been completely blocked by the people of Dark Sky Martial God.

They're all caged birds...

"Miss Meimeng!"

Just then, a hoarse voice came from the side.

Meimeng raised her head with difficulty, only to realize that it was Qi Shaoqing, son of the Qi family, who spoke!

"Do you have the heart to watch the members of the Blood Knife Family continue to be used by Ye Yan like this and die unexpectedly?"

Qi Shaoqing gritted his teeth and asked in a low voice.

"What do you have to say, just say it..."

Mei Meng said in a low voice.

"You and I join forces, lead people out and escape from here!"

Qi Shaoqing's eyes were full of determination.

"get away?"

Meimeng shuddered, and soon, there was a trace of fighting intent in that peach blossom's eyes...

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