Seeing the panic and resentment in Meimeng's eyes, Lin Yang could understand it.

After all, it is the sword of Martial God Antian, how can it be so powerful?

But Lin Yang didn't express his opinion, he just turned his head and quietly watched the battle over there.

"Mr. Lin?"

Mei Meng was in a hurry, calling out one after another.

Ke Linyang didn't say a word.

Mei Meng is almost going crazy.

She could only helplessly look at those who were fighting, and was about to speak to tell them to flee.

If these people don't listen, Mei Meng is going to leave on her own.

It's not that she is unkind, but that she has seen An Mingyue's methods.

She knew the horror of that evil sword.

It is absolutely impossible for these people to resist that evil sword!

However, after Meimeng turned her gaze to this side, the words that reached her throat suddenly stopped.

She stared at the battle over there in a daze, and her expression gradually became more exciting.

However, Cang Lanfu, who fought against An Mingyue, was actually able to parry An Mingyue's terrifying ultimate move.

Although he fought extremely hard, he was not defeated yet.

"How can this be?"

Mei Meng was stunned, she could hardly believe her eyes.

What shocked her even more was that the people on Taitian Martial God's side were actually fighting against the Antian Martial God.

Xuantong and his party went down the mountain like fierce tigers, chasing Antian Martial God's men and attacking fiercely.

Their movements are smooth and flowing, and their swords are overbearing and wild, just like a storm.

The people of Antian Martial God were all shocked, and they couldn't understand why the moves of Xuantong and others suddenly became so fierce?

After fighting back and forth with only a few dozen moves, the Dark Sky Martial God couldn't stand it anymore, and his body suffered more and more injuries.



Following Xuantong's sword to seal his throat.

The neck of a Dark Sky Martial God was cut open.

Blood splashed into the sky.

Everyone was surprised.


An Mingyue's complexion changed drastically, she drank it immediately, and the evil sword in her hand erupted with evil energy, hitting Cang Lanfu like a huge wave.

Cang Lanfu breathed hard, trying to stop.

But the power of the evil sword is too terrifying.

He held his sword horizontally in front of his chest, in a posture of parrying, but the evil spirit broke the sword and hit his chest directly.


Cang Lan spat out blood, flew back upside down again, and fell heavily on the ground, her chest sunken a lot.


Langya roared, and hastily raised his sword to meet An Mingyue.

Langya's skill is obviously much stronger than Cang Lanfu's. The two sides fought fiercely, and Langya was always looking for a chance to kill An Mingyue.

But An Mingyue's methods are not weak, and with the blessing of the evil sword, even if Langya gets Lin Yang's advice, he can't defeat him.

The two sides fought hundreds of moves, and finally, An Mingyue urged the power of the evil sword again, and the sword intent of the evil sword broke the sword in Langya's hand, forcing Langya to retreat.

An Mingyue retreated again and again, looking at Langya in shock.

"Your swordsmanship...why did you suddenly improve?"

"What? Are you scared?"

Langya held the broken sword, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said with a sneer.

"Hmph, you bastards, why should I be afraid?"

An Mingyue was annoyed, and wanted to fight with swords again.

However, at this moment, a weak moan sounded from the side.

"Miss... hurry... run..."

An Mingyue was startled, and looked sideways.

All I saw was the Antian Martial God powerhouses who were fighting with Xuantong and the others. At this moment, they were all dead and wounded. They were extremely miserable and extremely embarrassed.

On the other hand, Xuantong and his group were almost uninjured, and they kept beating Antian Martial God's men.


An Mingyue Qiu's eyes widened, almost daring not to

trust your eyes...

"Miss, they...their moves are so weird. Compared with before, they look like two different people. Let's go! Go...or you will be surrounded! Doom!"

A man from the God of Valkyrie shouted anxiously.

An Mingyue's scalp was numb, and her heart was beating wildly.

She never imagined that things would evolve to such an extent.

Why did this group of Taitian Martial Gods suddenly increase in strength?

Thinking about it carefully, the tricks they used are completely different from before.

The current method is more perfect and more amazing!

An Mingyue was startled suddenly, as if thinking of something, she looked at Lin Yang who was standing beside Mei Meng.

"It's your fault!"

An Mingyue gritted her teeth and roared.

Back then, Cang Lanfu had to be guided by this person, so he was even able to fight himself.

This group of people must have been guided by this surname Lin, and their strength has grown by leaps and bounds just now!

"Has Ye Yan entered the fourth floor?"

Lin Yang put his hands behind his back and asked lightly.

"Stop rambling! Brat, you are against me everywhere, I swear to kill you!"

An Mingyue roared, holding the evil sword, and rushed towards Lin Yang.

"You're courting death! How dare you touch me, Brother Lin? Stop!"

"Teacher, be careful!"

Cang Lanfu also rushed forward immediately.

Qin Jiannv, Xuantong and others also made moves together, intending to stop the furious An Mingyue.

But at this moment, An Mingyue's murderous intent was overwhelming, and she wanted to tear Lin Yang's corpse into thousands of pieces!

She mobilized all the power of ascension and injected it directly into the Peerless Evil Sword.

In an instant, the Peerless Evil Sword burst out endless evil energy, directly filling the surroundings. ap.

Everyone felt as if they had fallen into an abyss of purgatory, each and every one of them shuddered, and the energy channels in their bodies seemed to be frozen at this moment.

A series of shrill howls emanated from the evil sword.

The evil sword trembled wildly.

The sword intent is soaring!

All the powers in the world are extremely weak in front of this evil sword.

Canglanfu, Langya, Qinjiannv, Xuantong and others who rushed forward were all blown away by the power of the evil sword.

The evil sword at this moment is unparalleled in the world!

"It's over!"

Mei Meng, who was next to her, knelt on the ground under the coercion of the evil sword, raised her head with difficulty, and stared blankly at this scene.


An Mingyue roared, and a sword fell, cutting Lin Yang's head straight!

But the next second.


The sound of the shock spread.

The falling evil sword stopped abruptly.

Everyone trembled and stared.

But seeing Lin Yang raised his hand, he forcefully clamped the falling evil sword with his two fingers!

"This is impossible!"

The dark moon is about to collapse...

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