As expected of the sword of the dark sky warrior, it has such spirituality!

The martial arts practiced by Lin Yang is completely different from that of Dark Moon.

And this sword must have been handled by the Dark Sky Martial God before it was handed over to An Mingyue.

Only Dark Moon can be used.

If other people use it, they will be backlashed!

Lin Yang stared at the black mist in his hands, raised his left hand, covered his right eye, his pupils flickered suddenly.

In an instant, the black mist trembled a few times, and seemed to be restrained, but it did not dissipate.

"It looks like I only have half an hour!"

Lin Yang thought about it, and immediately quickened his pace.

When everyone rushed to the chessboard on the third floor, there was no one there.

There are dead bodies everywhere.

There are traces of the war everywhere.

The chessboard is full of broken pieces of meat and stones.

The entire chessboard has been stained red with blood.

And the stone carving of the Son of Heaven was split into two halves including the man and the horse.

At the chessboard where the Son of Heaven stone carving was broken, there appeared a step extending downward.

That is the passage leading to the fourth floor.


At this time, a cry came.

Mei Meng rushed to a pile of broken corpses, knelt on the ground and cried.

These are all people from the blood knife family.

"Ye Yan killed them all!"

Langya stared coldly at the corpses outside the chessboard, clenching his teeth.

"It's not surprising that this person will go to any lengths to achieve his goal! You have never seen his true strength!"

Lin Yang glanced at the tunnel, then turned his head and said: "I hope you stay here and don't go down anymore, otherwise, if there is an accident, I may not be able to take care of you!"

"Brother, what do you mean? Are you looking down on us?"

Langya was a little annoyed: "Are we the ones who are greedy for life and afraid of death? Since you came here with you, how can there be any reason not to fight Ye Yan?"

Lin Yang wanted to persuade him again, but seeing the determination in everyone's eyes, he nodded and said hoarsely, "Okay, let's go down."


Everyone jumped into the chessboard and walked towards the tunnel.

Everything inside the tunnel is still unique.

Lin Yang walked down for more than ten steps, and the surroundings were pitch black, and he couldn't see anything, and there was no light source at all.

And the steps under their feet are like an escalator at this moment, leading everyone to move down at an extremely fast speed.

"Help me up!"

In the darkness, Langya cried out urgently.

People hurriedly supported the walls on both sides, only to realize that even the walls moved together at this moment.

I don't know how long it has been like this.

whoosh whoosh...

Everyone was thrown out by the weird steps and thrown into a bright school yard.

Lin Yang turned over and landed firmly on the ground.

The others also immediately adjusted their bodies and landed.

Only Cang Lanfu was a little embarrassed, and his reaction was a little slow. One of them didn't stand firmly, and fell like a dog eating shit.

At this time, there were several figures standing on the school field.

Ye Yan stood alone in front of the school field, as if he was looking at his side.

An Mingyue, who was wounded, sat cross-legged beside him, swallowing pills continuously to heal his broken arm.

Not far from Ye Yan's other side, there were still a few figures standing.

It was Qi Qingbai and the others with extraordinary potential. These people were the best of the best, the best of the best.


Seeing Lin Yang and others coming suddenly, everyone here frowned.

"Heaven has a way, you don't go, how dare you come?"

An Mingyue got up immediately, pointed at Lin Yang and shouted: "Brother Ye, they are here! It is the one named Lin who stole my father's peerless evil sword. Please help me get back the evil sword!"

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