Lin Yang didn't talk nonsense, his eyes were full of fighting intent, he shook the evil sword suddenly, and cut the blade along the bone sword towards Ye Yan's palm.


Ye Yan shook his head, and spun the bone sword with his backhand, which instantly dispelled Lin Yang's offensive. At the same time, he spun the bone sword quickly, and the power of the ascension exploded, rolling out thousands of sword flowers and swallowing towards Lin Yang.

Lin Yang immediately used the Canglan Sword Art to fight against him.

But after several head-on fights, Lin Yang was no match for Ye Yan at all.

"what happened?"

Cang Lanfu looked at Lin Yang in astonishment, with disbelief written all over his face.

"What's wrong?"

The Qinjian girl next to her asked strangely.

"Why is Master's Canglan Sword Art so rotten?"


"Otherwise? Even I can't dance such a clumsy Canglan Sword Art. How can the teacher only have this level?"

Cang Lanfu was puzzled.

as expected.


Only a crisp sound came out.

Then seeing the evil sword being shaken away, Lin Yang fell towards him and hit the ground heavily.

People stare at each other.

His chest had already been cut open, and blood gushed out, which made one's heart shudder.


Langya rushed over immediately and helped Lin Yang up.

"Brother Langya, I'm fine!"

Lin Yang was out of breath, swallowed a few pills quickly, and said in a low voice: "I have expended too much energy before, and I can't show my full strength. Brother Langya, I can't fight any more, I must retreat!"

"Is it just going away?"

"If you keep Qingshan here, you won't have to worry about no firewood. There's no need to waste time with him. Don't let everyone lose their lives for nothing because of a moment of enthusiasm! Let's go!"

Lin Yang was determined.

Langya felt unwilling and furious.

But he also saw that none of the people on his side were Ye Yan's enemies, so he could only choose to endure.

"Okay, brother, I listen to you!"

"Want to leave? I'm afraid it won't be that easy this time!"

Ye Yan said calmly, and threw the bone sword in the air.

In an instant, an unrivaled coercion swept across the four directions, covering the entire school grounds.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, their bodies bent suddenly, and they felt a layer of terrifying coercion covering their shoulders at some point.

This coercion is like a mountain, and everyone can't breathe...

This is Ye Yan's power?

How can it be?

Can such terrifying power be unleashed just by relying on the power of the sword?

Everyone's scalp was numb, and they raised their eyes to look at Ye Yan with difficulty, and everyone couldn't believe their eyes.

At this moment, Langya realized how ridiculous the idea of ​​wanting to kill Ye Yan was!

In the previous battle, Ye Yan didn't use his full strength at all.

"Lord Ye Yan! Please don't get angry!"

"Forgive me!"

"The people I'm waiting for are all innocent!"

The people on Qi Qingbai's side seemed to be unable to bear the coercion, and they all gritted their teeth and shouted.

Qi Qingbai's brows were tightly furrowed, and sweat was pouring out of his face, but compared to the others, he looked quite relaxed.

And under the pressure of this sword, Langya and others wanted to escape, but it was also whimsical.

Langya held the long sword tightly, staring at Ye Yan with blood red eyes.

Since you can't escape, then die with him!

Thinking of this, Langya wanted to move.

But Lin Yang next to him grabbed him.


Langya looked back in astonishment.

But Lin Yang shook his head and said in a low voice: "Ye Yan didn't intend to kill us, otherwise, he wouldn't just suppress it."


Langya was taken aback.

Sure enough, I saw Ye Yan with his hands behind his back, staring at the world indifferently.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you! But you must be obedient, otherwise, I will kill you without a whole body!"

"Why don't you kill us?"

Langya asked angrily.

"Because I want you to help me clear the next level!"

Ye Yan said calmly.

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