There is a golden light in front of him.

That is the light emitted by countless gold and silver.

They piled up like a mountain, just like this in front of this huge open space.

In addition, there are a large number of diamonds and jade, all kinds of precious property.

Of course, in the eyes of warriors, these are dung.

But besides the belongings, there are also a large number of shelves made of gold.

The shelves are full of various cheat books and elixir.

Every secret book is sewn with golden leather paper, and every bottle of elixir is a medicine bottle molded from silver.

"Unrivaled martial arts, unrivaled elixir!"

Someone couldn't bear the temptation, rushed over like crazy, and frantically took it from the shelf.

The others couldn't sit still anymore, and rushed forward one after another.

"This is the benefit of the fifth floor! It is the benefit of the fifth floor!"

Cang Lanfu was also extremely excited, rushed to the nearest shelf, and stuffed the books on the shelf into his arms.

Lin Yang frowned slightly, walked over unhurriedly, took a cheat book from the shelf, and started to read it.

"This is the top-grade mental method."

Lin Yang murmured, looked at the medicine shelf next to him, took down a silver medicine bottle, and poured out a pill from it.

"What a mysterious pill?"

Lin Yang was no longer surprised.

The treasures on these shelves are not empty, but real benefits!

Is this a five-tier reward?

It's... too rich, right?

Lin Yang frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong, and immediately shouted: "Cang Lan Fu, don't take too much!"

"Why, teacher? There is no mechanism for these things, you can take them!"

Cang Lanfu suddenly turned around and said in astonishment.

"What? You don't listen to me?"

Lin Yang drank heavily.

Cang Lanfu couldn't understand it, but because of Lin Yang's majesty, he could only withdraw angrily.

"Brother, why don't you take it?"

Langya asked curiously.

"Is it because Ye Yan didn't take it?"

Qin Jiannv glanced at Ye Yan who was not far away, saw that he was only standing in front of the bookshelf and stared, but did not stretch out his hand, so she couldn't help but speak.

"It has nothing to do with Ye Yan, but I think something is wrong when I think about the previous level."

Lin Yang said hoarsely: "The benefits of the previous levels are all accompanied by dangers, such as the treasure chests on the third floor, some treasure chests contain real benefits, and some are traps! From the perspective of the Dragon Palace builder, he will not Giving away benefits for no reason, all rewards must be accompanied by danger, especially the rewards here are so attractive..."

"I checked the shelf, but there is no mechanism."

The Qin and Sword Nv Dao.

"The person who can build such a place wants to set up a mechanism, how can we easily detect it?"

Lin Yang shook his head.

Everyone stopped talking.

"Congratulations on entering the fifth floor. What is in front of you is a reward and gift for you. Please take it as much as you want!"

At this moment, an ethereal voice sounded.

Everyone was shocked, and quickly followed the source of the sound.

It turned out that behind this huge treasure stood a mechanism man like a wooden stake.

The organ man looks very simple, just a few wooden stakes put together, it seems that it has no lethality.

But this wooden stake can actually make a sound.

The world is all amazed.

"The power of ascension is stored in this mechanism, and the other party uses the power of ascension to wrap the sound and seal it inside, like the sound echoing in the empty valley. After being triggered, the sound is released. In this way, we can hear the sound of the wooden stake. Speak."

An Mingyue immediately understood the principle and said.

"I see."

Everyone suddenly realized.

"Please claim it as soon as possible. In ten seconds, the authority to issue rewards will be closed. Please claim it as soon as possible!"

The stake man spoke again.

People were startled, and when they heard that there were only ten seconds left, they immediately rushed to the bookshelves, taking them like crazy.

After a while, several people were already holding a large pile of books and medicine bottles in their hands, and they couldn't hold any of them.

"time up!"

The stake man shouted.

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