
Shuofang's whole neck was strangled by Lin Yang, and he couldn't breathe.

The huge force pinched his neck into shape.

What a horror!

If it goes on like this, Shuofang is afraid not to be strangled to death by Lin Yang?

Smith, hiding in the corner in the distance, screamed wildly and shivered.

He had never seen such a terrible sight.

This head's small tool is already roaring: "quick, go to save the young master, young master, if there is something wrong, you'll all be finished!"

Hearing the sound, the bodyguards scrambled up and rushed to Linyang.

It's a pity that Lin Yang can't keep his hand. When he subdues Shuofang, he immediately raises his hand and wants to blow off some of Shuofang's Qi. He actually intends to scrap him directly.

But Shuofang is not an ordinary person. If he can be rated as a seed player by the general assembly, it is not only his poor Kung Fu?

Shuofang tried his best to hit Linyang's chest with both hands. His fingers were like eagle hooks and pinched on several acupoints on Lin Yang's body.

When the acupoints were attacked, even the nerves in the body were affected, and Lin Yang's hand was not loosened.

Shuofang takes advantage of the situation to kick Lin Yang's chest.

The two separated immediately.

Lin Yang stepped back a few steps and stabilized himself.

And Shuofang rolled on the ground for several times, coughing and standing up.

There were scarlet fingerprints on his neck and his face was purple.

Lin Yang had a shoe print on his chest.

Shuofang took the dust off his chest again.

"It seems that I underestimate you, Dr. Lin. your speed and strength are amazing. It's a pity that your moves are poor. Like a beginner, a martial artist has only strength and quickness, but no moves. It's also a failure and a flaw."

Shuofang smiles, and then his eyes burst out with a sense of killing. Instead, he rushes to Linyang.

Lin Yang immediately raised his fist.

However, Shuofang held his arms high and hit Lin Yang's arm sideways.

Lin Yang failed with one blow and swept again.

Shuofang is to raise the fist of Lin Yang.




there is a dull noise.

Where does Linyang use its power? Shuo's convenience is to attack Linyang's weak places, avoid its edge and attack its weakness.

Every one can dissolve Lin Yang's moves.

With a murmur, Lin Yang directly launched the moves learned from the worship of religion.

"Poison Xuanquan!"

He murmured, his fist changed greatly, and the direction of his fist attack was no longer as disorderly as before, but it was tricky.

Both sides you come and I go, the fight is inseparable, the scene of the table, chair and bench, all smashed and overturned.

The bodyguards rushed, but did not know how to start, for fear of causing trouble to Shuofang.

Only after a round of fighting, Shuofang found something wrong.

He found that although Lin Yang's movements were clumsy and he had taken advantage of him, no matter how he attacked Lin Yang, he had no effect.

His fist or slap in Lin Yang's body, can not give him any impact!

As if their own fists are marshmallows!

What's more, Shuofang was more surprised that after such a high-intensity battle, Lin Yang's breath was not a bit messy, but his physical strength began to run out.

Is this Yiwu?

Shuofang frowned.

If you keep going, if your physical strength declines and your speed and strength can't keep up with you, Doctor Lin is bound to be able to reverse the situation and defeat himself.

And once it's in his hands, it's over.

Thinking of this, Shuofang did not dare to have the slightest hesitation any more, and directly whispered: "draw the gun!"

"Yes, young master!"

Small should answer a way, and then to those bodyguards urgent cry: "all take out the guy!"


The bodyguards took out a black pistol one after another from the arms, and the muzzle of the gun was all aimed at Lin Yang.

"Shoot me! I will bear all the consequences! "

Shouts Shuofang, and then steps a little bit, directly and Lin Yang opened the distance.

Lin Yang's face was cold, and he flashed to the bar beside him.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

a terrible tongue of fire erupted from the muzzle of the gun.

The bullet fiercely hit on the bar table top, the goblet, the drink all smashed.

The scene was a mess.

"Ah, Shuo, you can't hurt Miss Lin, you can't!"

Smith covered his ears and shrieked in the corner.

But no one paid attention to him at the moment.

"Ha ha, Doctor Lin, your medical skills are more powerful than bullets? After all, you are just a mere mortal. Now you are not an ancient swordsman! Manpower is no bigger than technology. " Shuofang said with a smile."Then you are wrong." Lin Yang behind the bar responded faintly.

"You said I was wrong? Then why do you want to hide? " Shuofang shook his head and sneered.

"In that case, I won't hide."

Lin Yang directly stood up and walked out of the bar.

Xiaoju was stunned.

The bodyguards were also stunned.

But Shuofang was cruel and cruel. He squinted and said, "what are you doing? Shoot

"Yes, young master!"

The bodyguards gritted their teeth and pulled the trigger one after another, shooting at Linyang.

At this time, Lin Yang waved his hand.

Whoosh, whoosh...

a lot of silver needles wrapped in breath flew out of his finger tips and hit the bodyguards.

But the silver needles exploded in midair and spattered with sparks.

Dang! Dang! Dang! Dang! The sound of "Dang"...

kept ringing.

Lin Yang and his bodyguards are full of sparks, especially weird.

What's more strange is that none of the bullets fired by the bodyguards actually hit Lin Yang.

The bodyguards are stupid.

Xiaoju and Shuofang are all stupid.

"What's going on?" Shuofang was shocked.

"Shoot! Keep shooting The little one roared.

The bodyguards pulled the trigger madly, and the fire tongue was vomiting.



There was a strange noise.

All pistols no longer spit fire, pull the trigger and no bullets fly out.

The bullets in the magazine... Have been shot out!


Shuofang looked at Lin Yang in shock, and then suddenly realized something. He looked at the ground in a hurry and found that the ground was covered with twisted silver needles and hot bullets.

"Did you... Open the bullet with a silver needle? Blocked the bullet? " Shuofang lost his voice.


Lin Yang waved again.

The silver needle flew out again.

Chi Chi Chi...

a silver needle appeared in all the bodyguards' muscles, and then one by one seemed to be frozen and all remained motionless.

Shuofang's eyes tightened.

Lin Yang turned and walked towards him.

"Now, no one can help you?"

Shuofang's face was gloomy, which ever thought that Lin Yang's strength was so terrible.

He took a deep breath and set out for the fight.

However, at this time, Lin Yang is the silver needle toward his body.

"No more playing with you! Let's make a quick decision. My wife is still waiting for me

"What do you say?" Shuofang was stunned.

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