Through the dim corridor, everyone finally came to the sixth floor.

But as soon as the door on the sixth floor was pushed open, a strong light shot directly into everyone's eyes.

After a while, people opened their eyes.

When I fixed my eyes, I saw a golden light shining in front of me, which was extremely dazzling.

"Looks like glass?"

Dark Moon shouted.

Everyone walked in quickly, only to find that there were multi-faceted mirrors erected on the entire sixth floor.

The mirrors are turned into walls, freeing up passages, like a maze in a playground. When people walk in, they can see rows of mirror images.

"What is this thing?"

Cang Lanfu frowned, took out a sharp sword and slashed fiercely.


When the blade hit the mirror, sparks splashed out.

Cang Lanfu was bounced back, almost lost his footing.

On the other hand, looking at the mirror, there was not even a trace of it!

"It's so hard! Is this thing a mirror? Maybe it's a crystal?"

Cang Lanfu exclaimed.

"Ordinary crystals can't withstand your sword!"

Qin Jiannv stepped forward, caressed her lightly, her willow eyebrows stood upright: "It looks like some kind of special refining material."

"The passage leading to the seventh floor should be at the end of this mirror maze."

Ye Yan glanced at it, and then looked towards Lin Yang: "You take the lead, Qi Qingbai, you take charge of the rear!"

Qi Qingbai and the man beside him frowned, but neither objected.

"Let's go."

Lin Yang didn't refuse, and went straight inside.

Ye Yan and An Mingyue were caught in the middle.

There is no doubt that the middle is the safest.

And those who walk in the front are clearly the bait used to detect the traps of the mechanism.

"This bastard!"

Langya cursed secretly.

"Okay, Brother Langya, stay safe and don't be impatient, be careful, we are walking ahead, the more cautious we are."

Holding the evil sword in one hand, Lin Yang said in a low voice.

"That's right, Brother Langya, we can't run away now, we can only wait for the opportunity."

Qin Jiannv also lowered her voice, but there was something in her words.

Langya was startled, vaguely guessed something, and said no more.

Everyone walked forward along the tunnel formed by the mirrors.

Everyone is on tenterhooks, wary of the mirrors around them.

No one knows whether there are organs hidden in these mirrors.

But after walking for a few minutes, no half of the mechanism was activated.

"Could it be that I waited too much?"

An Mingyue made a sound in confusion.

However, in the next second, Ye Yan suddenly shouted loudly.


The team stopped immediately.

People are startled.

But soon, everyone realized that something was wrong, and they all looked at the mirrors on both sides in horror.

The mirror images in the mirrors on both sides stopped at this moment, and stared at everyone with ferocious eyes.


Ye Yan shouted, and immediately pulled out the bone sword.

And the moment the bone sword was pulled out, all the mirror images in the mirror also attacked everyone.

Everyone was shocked and hurriedly defended.

clang! clang! clang! clang...

Violent collision sounds one after another.

The sudden attack of the mirror image was overwhelming.

But fortunately, although the mirror image copied the appearance of everyone, it could not copy the moves.

After people reacted and launched an effective counterattack, the mirror images were beaten to pieces one by one.

"It doesn't look like much either!"

Cang Lanfu wiped off his sweat and said with a smile.

"Don't be careless, this is just the beginning."

Lin Yang said solemnly.

Cang Lanfu nodded.

Everyone adjusted their status slightly and continued to move forward.

Those who can stay are the best of the best, and this kind of mirror mechanism can't hurt everyone.

People move on.

Lin Yang exhaled, this time keeping his eyes on the mirrors on both sides, to prevent the mirror images from making another attack.

But Lin Yang was also very curious.

What kind of mechanism is it that can easily imitate others and attack and kill them?

The organs of the entire Dragon Palace are too weird.

There are many things that cannot be explained by science at all...

"Canglanfu, Miss Qinjian, you keep your eyes on the left, Brother Langya, you keep your eyes on the right, and observe the situation separately, you understand?"

Lin Yang stared at the front and drank in a low voice.


He said this, but there was no echo behind him.

"Canglanfu? Miss Qinqian?"

Lin Yang was startled, and looked back.

But with just one glance, Lin Yang was stunned.

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