The mirror wall cannot be attacked, otherwise the amount of power released will be reflected back.

If you can't break the mirror wall, you can't break the cage.

If it goes on for a long time, something will happen.

Even if there is no change, as time goes by, you will be trapped in life and death.

Lin Yang put away his drawing sword and pen, and sat down cross-legged. While recovering from his injuries, he looked around and thought about countermeasures.


At this moment, the whole space trembled.

Lin Yang was startled, and raised his head abruptly.

But I saw that the space above was sinking a little bit.


How could the owner of the Dragon Palace let everyone stay in this closed space and wait for death slowly?

Lin Yang stared at the ceiling above.

The ceiling gradually fell, and although the movement was slow, it only took 20 minutes to completely crush Lin Yang!

Lin Yang jumped up and stabbed at the ceiling with the peerless evil sword, intending to use the evil sword to hold the ceiling.

But the surging power is not something Lin Yang can contend with.

One person and one sword were pushed down slowly...


completely useless.

The strength of the ceiling is still astonishing, and the attack also shows signs of rebounding.

We must find a way to break the situation!

Lin Yang stopped and took a few deep breaths to calm his mind.

Lin Yang looked around slowly, listening and observing silently.

This is a nearly perfect mechanism.

There is no hope of escape.

But he believes that nothing in this world is truly perfect.

There must be flaws in this organ.

If you can't see it with your eyes, listen with your ears.

Lin Yang allowed his breathing to be even, his heartbeat to be gentle, and let his whole body be empty.

As if wanting to integrate myself into this mirror wall...

There was silence all around.

It was as if time had stopped.

But at this moment, Lin Yang suddenly noticed something, opened his eyes suddenly, pointed his sword at the right side of the mirror wall, and stabbed it hard.


The moment the blade collided with the mirror wall, the force bounced back again.

But Lin Yang immediately mobilized all the power of ascension in his body, stabilized his body, and prevented himself from being blown away, and then stabbed the Peerless Evil Sword fiercely.


The mirror wall made a crisp sound.

The blade of the sword pierced into the mirror wall with ease.

It's weird.

Lin Yang didn't dare to hesitate, and immediately opened his right pupil wide!

Supreme pupil!



A heartbeat-like sound came from Lin Yang's right pupil.

Afterwards, the pupils became white suddenly, and the pupils were about to split apart, a ray of divine light shot out from the pupils and hit the mirror wall.

In an instant, everything in the mirror wall was understood by Lin Yang in the supreme pupil.

"I see..."

Lin Yang gasped,

No wonder this mirror wall is so terrifying. Its internal structure is actually made of thousands of copper wires in the form of magic circle talismans. Not only that, but also a large number of pure energy sources.

Randomly taking any one of this energy source and throwing it in the underground dragon veins will cause competition.

But now, each of these mirror walls has a separate energy source...

With the continuous supply of energy, the nearly 3,000 enchantment circles in the mirror wall will continue to operate. In this way, the strength of the mirror wall is beyond imagination.

However, the location of the energy source has been captured by Lin Yang, so Lin Yang naturally would not give up the opportunity, and immediately injected the power of ascension into the Peerless Evil Sword.

The power is transmitted along the sword body to the inside of the mirror wall, and then quickly hits the energy source.

bang bang bang...

The fragile energy source couldn't last long at all, and was torn to pieces by the force of ascension on the spot.


The mirror wall in front of him immediately collapsed, turning into pieces and scattered all over the ground.

After the shattering, the other side of the mirror wall was surprisingly full of vicissitudes.

At this time, he was lying on the ground, covered in blood, dying...


Lin Yang immediately stepped forward and helped Cang Lanfu up.

"Teacher? Is it you? God, I'm not dreaming!

Cang Lanfu burst into tears on the spot, hugged Lin Yang's hand and began to cry.

The despair of being trapped is unbearable for anyone.

"never mind."

Lin Yang gave Cang Lanfu a few pills, and said in a deep voice, "We have to save the others as soon as possible!"


Cang Lan recovered and nodded again and again.

"On the other side of the wall, there should be Qin Jiannv!

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