The sight of the scene became dark.

Like the hour of dusk.

In the center, two rows of figures in black cloaks appeared.

They all wore swords, bowed and bowed, with a respectful look.

And in front of them, stood a figure completely shrouded in black mist.

The figure was close to two meters, tall and slender, he couldn't see his appearance clearly, he could only vaguely see his figure and the sword on his waist.

"Antian, what do you mean? Ye Yan is your son-in-law?"

Martial God Taitian frowned and shouted at the black mist.

The thunderous sound was deafening, and many people became dizzy and tinnitus, and almost passed out.

"Any questions?"

Antian Martial God made a faint sound, not affected by Taitian Martial God's aura at all.

There was a strange light in Taitian Martial God's eyes.

With Ye Yan's talent, if he is the one who stepped into the seventh floor, there is no doubt that this person will be promoted to Martial God just around the corner.

If he is really the son-in-law of the Antian Martial God, it means that the power of the Antian Martial God will have two Martial Gods sitting in command.

This is bound to break the pattern of the underground dragon veins.

Two Valkyrie join forces, how can the other Valkyrie survive?

What's more, Ye Yan's talent is terrifying, and his achievements in the future will only surpass everyone else.

How can they bear it?

Ye Yan must be eliminated!

But the Antian Martial God obviously knew what the two Martial Gods were thinking, so he hurried into the city, intending to protect himself!

Martial God Taitian couldn't bear it.

But at this moment, Martial God Canglan smiled suddenly, squinted his eyes and said: "It turns out that this son is actually the son-in-law of Lord Antian. We didn't know about such a big event. I am ashamed and ashamed. Lord Antian, congratulations! I am so happy!" My son-in-law! Hahaha..."


Antian Martial God said indifferently.

"Ye Yan broke into the seventh floor and achieved unprecedented glory. Lord Antian, the future of this son is limitless!"

Martial God Canglan praised again.

Antian Martial God said nothing.

Martial God Taitian looked towards Martial God Canglan.

However, he was smiling all over his face, as if he didn't take Ye Yan's matter to heart.

Taitian Martial God's brows sank.

"Master Taitian, my master has said, please be calm!"

At this time, a casual cultivator standing not far from Taitian Martial God suddenly approached a few minutes and said in a low voice.

Martial God Taitian was startled, and glanced at the passerby, the frost in his eyes became more and more intense.

It turned out that Martial God Canglan had placed observers around him to eavesdrop on his conversation with his followers.

What a scheming!

Martial God Taitian snorted secretly, and said no more.

The three martial gods appeared together, and the medical and martial monks in the gate of the Dragon Palace could hardly keep standing. They either sat on the ground or knelt on the ground, all of them were shocked by the aura of the three martial gods.

Even those Valkyrie followers are not comfortable.

But the people in the Dragon Palace didn't know that there were three warriors sitting outside.

Lin Yang followed the crowd towards the gate on the seventh floor.

The moment he stepped through the gate, a spring-like feeling surged from his body inexplicably.

When he reached the seventh floor, Lin Yang was surprised to find that his physical body and Qi veins had been multiplied, and his cultivation had skyrocketed a lot.

Looking at other people, they also have joyful expressions on their faces.

"It's the reward of the sixth floor!"

Dark Moon exclaimed.

Only then did people react.

It turns out that the reward for the sixth floor is given by entering the seventh floor.

Lin Yang didn't speak, and looked back at the gate on the sixth floor, thoughtfully.

"Welcome to the seventh floor!"

At this time, an indifferent voice suddenly sounded in this silent space...

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