The relationship between Lin Yang and Langya, Cang Lanfu and even Qin Jiannv is seen by everyone.

Although it is not said how long these people have known each other, but they support each other, it can be said that they share weal and woe.

No matter what the reason is, he shouldn't take the initiative to persuade these people to die!

You know, the person who stays at the back is definitely the safest.

Because as long as you follow Ye Yan, you will definitely survive a catastrophe and pass the test safely.

But at this time, Lin Yang couldn't wait to ask them to die...

"Is this guy crazy?"

Dark Moon murmured.

Ye Yan's eyes were also full of confusion, and his brows were slightly wrinkled, as if thinking about the reason.

But after thinking about it for a long time, I have no clue at all.

"Teacher, why?"

Cang Lan's lips were trembling, and she stared at Lin Yang with doubts and disbelief.

"If you still think of me as your teacher, just obediently follow Brother Langya! Remember, whichever door he chooses, you will go through that door, understand?"

Lin Yang said coldly.


Cang Lanfu was in a hurry, pointed at Lin Yang fiercely, then swung his arm, turned around and walked towards the door.


Langya didn't understand Lin Yang's behavior either, but he waved his hand without asking any further questions.

"Zi Lu! You follow me and Cang Lanfu goes to the middle! Xuan Tong, you lead people to the right door, Ao Jie, you lead people to the left door!"

"yes, Sir!"

Everyone shouted and came straight to the door.

"I'll count one, two, three, everyone go in together!"

Langya shouted.


Langya pulled out the saber at his waist, mobilized the power of his soul, fixed his eyes on the door in front of him, and then let out a low growl.





Everyone roared in unison, yanked the door open, and then filed in.

An Mingyue, Qi Qingbai and the others all raised their eyes.

Ye Yan also watched quietly.

"Mr. Lin, why on earth is this? Why do you want so many of them to die?"

Qin Jiannv's eyes were red, and she choked up and questioned Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang shook his head without explaining.


When everyone did not enter the gate, the gate closed by itself.

Ye Yan immediately stepped forward, stood in the middle of the three doors, closed his eyes, as if he was listening to something.

Soon, there were faint and intense fighting sounds from the left and right doors.

Only the middle is calm and there is nothing.


Ye Yan opened his eyes suddenly, opened the door and rushed in.


Without hesitation, Lin Yang grabbed Qin Jiannv and rushed towards the center.

An Mingyue and Qi Qingbai also hurriedly followed.

Just when everyone rushed into the middle gate, the voice of the wooden stake man sounded again.

"The five minute limit is up!"

The voice fell to the ground.


Black holes the size of eggs suddenly burst out from the seventh floor of the earth, and then streams of pale flames spewed out from the black holes.

"Different fire?"

Qi Qingbai, who had just entered the gate, frowned and let out a secret cry.

Lin Yang at the front suddenly looked back when he heard it.

At this moment, the entire seventh floor is filled with strange fire.

The blazing high temperature seems to melt people!

If you can't make a decision within five minutes, I'm afraid people have been burned to ashes by the strange fire...

Everyone was terrified, but they were lucky to move quickly.

It was pitch black inside the gate.

People fumbled forward with Ye Yan, moving forward slowly.

"There is no breath of ascension power! In other words, there is no fighting here, and this place is very safe!"

Ye Yan whispered a few words, and suddenly quickened his pace.

Soon, everyone rushed out of the tunnel and came to the eighth floor!

The penultimate floor!


Outside the gate of the Dragon Palace, the lights on the eighth floor lit up immediately.

This time, the entire Dragon Palace gate scene was silent...

The eighth floor...

This height, I am afraid it is impossible to break!

And... having reached this level, what needs to be considered now is how to enter the ninth floor, completely break through the Dragon Palace, and obtain the true inheritance of the Lord of the Dragon Palace!

"Young son Ye Yan...don't stay!"

Martial God Taitian murmured to himself.

"At such an age, he possesses the strength of the eighth level... I am afraid that within three years, he will enter the realm of the god of war... Is the underground dragon vein coming to dominate?"

There was a murderous intent in Canglan Martial God's eyes, but he quickly restrained himself, and only clasped his fists at Antian Martial God over there: "Congratulations, Lord Antian, your son-in-law has created history! It has shocked the past and the present! "

Antian Martial God did not answer, but said faintly: "I order that all shadow guards be transferred to Longxin City, and I order that the four great shadow saints return quickly!"


The person beside him immediately turned into a shadow and left in the air.

Everyone at the scene was terrified, and immediately understood the meaning of Antian Martial God!

He wants to transfer all his forces here for support.

He will use all means.

He wants to kill Bao Yeyan!

Martial God Canglan and Martial God Taitian both frowned.

"Why does Dark Sky Martial God call so many people? Don't you think this place will be crowded?"

Martial God Canglan smiled.

"It's a mixed bag here, and I don't feel safe if I don't have some trustworthy people around me."

Dark Sky Valkyrie said calmly.

Of course, everyone knew that the insecurity in his mouth was not about himself.

"Oh? Dark Sky Valkyrie would feel unsafe? That's our fault!"

Martial God Canglan showed a look of surprise, and then said calmly: "Old dog!"

"What is the master's order?"

"Go, call all the people who can fight in the mansion, and garrison the Dragon Palace!"

Martial God Canglan smiled and said, "Master Antian must feel safe!"

"Yes, Master!"

The old man cupped his fists and turned to leave.

Martial God Taitian didn't speak.

His lair is too far away, and it is impossible to transfer people.

But Martial God Canglan's full strength is enough.

Now that Ye Yan is not in a good position, a martial god is enough to kill him!

As long as the Antian Martial God is restrained, both Canglan and Taitian can be killed!

Everyone at the scene felt their scalps go numb, and they were all trembling.

They know that a great battle from ancient times to the present is about to be staged here...

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