Everyone was shocked, and everyone couldn't believe what they heard.

"The medicine...the poison of the medicine saint?"

"It's over! I'm afraid that no one can solve the entire underground dragon vein."


Cang Lanfu hesitated to speak.

Qin Jiannv stepped forward quickly, supporting Lin Yang, her eyes were red.


Lin Yang opened his mouth again, spitting black blood continuously, his face was extremely pale, and he looked terminally ill.

Langya next to him frowned tightly, wanting to say something more, but finally gave up.

If it was before, he would definitely fight Cang Lan Tianjue without hesitation.

But now, he has to think for himself.

After all, Lin Yang used them.

"I only killed two people this time, this fellow named Lin, and Qin Jiannv, if you are sensible, just roll aside obediently, especially you, Cang Lanfu, you bastard, who actually worshiped this kind of wages Master, you have completely disgraced our Canglan mansion!"

Cang Lan Tianjue walked over with a sword in hand, looking at Cang Lanfu with disgust in his eyes.

"Teacher for one day and father for life! Canglan Tianjue, if you want to touch the teacher, you should step over my corpse first!"

Cang Lanfu drank coldly and raised his sword to fight.

"You bastard, you dare to challenge me? It's ridiculous!"

Canglan Tianjue laughed back in anger, and nodded again and again: "Okay! That's okay! If this is the case, then I will clean up the house and get rid of you, a useless waste, for my father!"

After finishing speaking, Cang Lantian Jue raised his sword and rushed towards Cang Lanfu.

"Don't be complacent! My sword is not bad!"

Cang Lan covered his eyes with a fighting intent, and raised his sword to strike.

The two performed the Canglan Sword Art together.

Waves of sword energy flew across, colliding with each other.

You come and go, the sword energy is lingering, and the sword moves are swift and fierce.

But fighting and fighting, the deadlock was broken.

Cang Lanfu's sword move was perfect, with almost no flaws. Although the strength of the power of ascension was not as strong as Cang Lan Tianjue, it could barely parry it.

With sharp eyes, he aimed at a flaw in Canglan Tianjue, and blasted away with his sword.

Cang Lan Tianjue breathed hard and hastily parried. Although he blocked the sword, the attack was chaotic.

Seeing this, Cang Lanfu continued to attack.

His moves and swords are decent in offense and defense, and his sword moves are smooth, which is pleasing to the eye.

On the contrary, it was Cang Lan Tian Jue, who became more and more chaotic as the fight continued, and Cang Lan Fu could always catch the flaws in his moves at critical moments and launch an attack.

Every time this happened, he was overwhelmed.

Not long after, Canglan Tianjue had several sword wounds on his body.

If things go on like this, defeat will happen sooner or later...


Langya let out a voice of appreciation.

Cang Lan Tianjue looked shocked, and stared at Cang Lanfu in disbelief.

"When did your Canglan swordsmanship become so powerful?"

"It's not that my swordsmanship is too good, but that you are too bad!"

Cang Lanfu snorted coldly.

"Bastard! You bastard, how dare you look down on me?"

Canglan Tianjue was furious and wanted to do it again.

But at this moment, Qi Qingbai who was standing behind him suddenly shouted: "Young Master Canglan, don't be impulsive, this person's swordsmanship is above yours, the more impulsive you are, the less you can defeat him!"

"Then what can you do?"

Canglan Tianjue turned his head and asked in annoyance.


Qi Qingbai said lightly, then raised his hand and waved towards Canglan Tianjue.

whoosh whoosh...

A large number of silver needles pierced Canglan Tianjue.

In an instant, the aura of Canglan Tianjue began to surge.

"These silver needles are all smeared with the boosting medicinal solution given by my master. These medicinal solutions are enough to raise your strength to a higher level. Now you are invincible under heaven and man."

Qi Qing said indifferently.


Cang Lanfu and the others turned pale with shock.

"Hahahaha, good, good!"

Canglan Tianjue was overjoyed, and laughed loudly: "After I have slaughtered these bastards, I will go and clean up that pile of broken stones with Master Ye Yan!"

After that, he came up with a sword.

A terrifying aura rushed towards him.

People backed away again and again in shock, each one at a loss.

Cang Lanfu gritted her teeth tightly, so she had no choice but to rush forward to fight with him.

Although Cang Lan Tianjue's sword moves were still full of loopholes, relying on the tyrannical power of ascension, every block of Cang Lan Fu was extremely difficult.

Moreover, his sword blade slashed on Canglan Tianjue's body, and Canglan Tianjue's physical body was extremely strong, leaving only a shallow mark.

This increase...is terrifying!

"Go away!"

Canglan Tianjue let out a low growl, and slashed fiercely with his sharp sword.

Cang Lanfu subconsciously blocked.

The blades collided together.

But the explosive sword energy directly spread over the sword.


Cang Lanfu flew out, vomited blood, and fell heavily on the ground.

The sharp sword in his hand shattered into hundreds of pieces...

"What?" Everyone was dumbfounded.

"Ten times with one force! Although Canglan Tianjue's sword move is not as good as Canglan Fu, but in the face of absolute power, this so-called sword move is actually not necessary!"

Qi Qingbai folded his hands behind his back, silently staring at the head, with no joy or sadness on his face.

"Your increase is really interesting!"

Canglan Tianjue glanced at the sharp sword in his hand, the smile on his face became more ferocious, and then he walked towards Canglan Fu over there.

Cang Lanfu's eyes tightened, and he wanted to stand up and fight again.

But at this moment, he was unable to get up.

That sword might have shattered his energy channels.

Both Qin Jiannv and Langya's expressions changed, and they both stepped forward.

But Canglan Tianjue, who has been boosted at this time, is afraid that even they can't stop him.

"Get out of the way, I'll come!"

At this time, an indifferent voice came.

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