
This is absolutely impossible!

That is the poison master refined!

This person...why can expel the poison so easily?

Qi Qingbai wouldn't believe it if he hadn't seen it with his own eyes.

"And you said that your master is not a person who is in vain? This person is detoxifying, and he forced out your master's toxin so easily. It can be seen that the so-called medicine saint is just in vain!"

Canglan Tianjue said coldly.

Qi Qingbai was silent.

He stared at Lin Yang, as if he wanted to see something.

After a while, he took a deep breath, and said hoarsely: "It's not my master who is poisonous, but this person's medical skills, there is a saying..."

Although Lin Yang's acupuncture and massage techniques seem to be very simple, Qi Qingbai can't understand the rules at all.

This is a very old and very unique technique.

There are nearly a thousand changes in a simple massage.

This is by no means a method that ordinary doctors and martial arts can master.

This person's medical skills... must be terrifying.

"Hmph, be stubborn! I still can't rely on you at critical moments!"

Canglan Tianjue growled lowly, and raised his sword again to kill Lin Yang.

But at this time, the toxins in Lin Yang's body have been exhausted, so why be afraid of the chaos?

"I killed you once, but I killed you twice. Canglan Tianjue, don't you give up? Then I will make you completely desperate!"

Lin Yang drank coldly, but this time he didn't show mercy, he jumped, and a golden light exploded from his palm.

Then a slender sword appeared.

It is indeed a drawing sword pen!


Cang Lan Tianjue was startled.

"Let me show you what the real Canglan Tianjue is like!"

Lin Yang's eyes were full of fierce murderous intent, he clasped the drawing brush with one hand, and waved the peerless evil sword with the other.

Two sword shadows, one gray and one black, intertwined with each other, overlapped and stirred, and shot out one after another a mountain-shattering wave of swords, which ruthlessly swallowed towards Canglan Tianjue.

Cang Lan Tianjue was terrified, and frantically stopped his body and crossed his sword to resist.

But the big wave condensed by the sword energy is terrifying.




Canglan Tianjue only resisted the third wave before he was sent flying, his sword broke, his body was ripped apart, and he fell to the ground and was unable to get up.

Qin Jiannu, Cang Lanfu and even Langya were all stunned.

Even Qi Qingbai had an unbelievable expression on his face!

The Canglan Sword Art performed by Lin Yang is indeed impeccable.

But what really defeated Canglan Tianjue was not this sword art, but Lin Yang's powerful ascension power.

He defeated Canglan Tianjue's defense from the front!

What kind of shocking method is this?

"This person's martial skill is actually so much stronger than the boosted Canglan Tianjue?"

Qi Qingbai gasped, feeling extremely incredible.

Lin Yang held his two swords and walked towards Canglan Tianjue.

Cang Lan Tianjue's ferocious face finally showed fear.

" Qingbai, heal me me!"

Canglan Tianjue screamed at Qi Qingbai while crawling back.

But Qi Qingbai ignored it.

He glanced at the door behind him, and ran straight away.

"Qi Qingbai? You fucking come back to me!"

Canglan Tianjue yelled and cursed furiously.

But Qi Qing didn't even look back.

"Qing'er, killing a person will destroy the bones. If you use drugs to destroy the body, it is still easy to plant the root of disaster. You must completely reduce him to ashes, so as to eliminate future troubles forever!"

Lin Yang turned his head sideways and said hoarsely, and then he will sacrifice the strange fire to completely wipe out Canglan Tianjue.

Qin Jiannv nodded dully, her expression dull.

Cang Lanfu tilted his head slightly, his heart was greatly shocked.

But just when Lin Yang was about to make a move, a low shout came.


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