At that moment, Ye Yan felt as if Lin Yang had seen through his whole body.

The pupils became whiter than snow and deeper than the starry sky.

It seems that in his right eye, there is a snow-white starry sky!

What kind of power is this?

Ye Yan immediately closed his eyes, kept stepping back, not daring to meet Lin Yang's gaze.

Then the next second.


The barrier formed by the bone sword directly created cracks.

not good!

This defense was seen through by Lin Yang!

Ye Yan's face darkened, his eyes filled with endless concentration.

If this continues, it won't take long for this person to break through the bone sword barrier.

Once entangled by him, Ye Yan doesn't think his chances of winning are great just relying on that supreme pupil!


But if you go this way, you will definitely be caught up.

Ye Yan stared at the barrier, and after a while, as if he had made a decision, he stretched out his hand and stabbed at his chest.

His five fingers were like knives, piercing deeply into the flesh.


Blood flowed out from the hole pierced by the fingertips.

But Ye Yan didn't stop, but exerted all his strength, digging out the flesh from his chest, exposing his red heart.

Seeing this, Lin Yang's expression froze.

"Strengthen with essence and blood, protect each other with life?"

"I've only seen one crazy person like you so far. It looks like you won't stop until you are sealed here forever!"

Ye Yan's mouth overflowed with blood, and while spitting, he pressed his hand on his heart.

I saw a hair-thin blade air overflowing from his fingertips, and the blade air gently stroked, cutting a little bit of the heart.

Then a streak of golden blood spewed out from the heart, directly pouring on the barrier.

In an instant, the entire barrier bloomed with a golden color, and its strength rose in a straight line.

Lin Yang activated the supreme pupil again and looked towards the barrier.

The strength and structure of the barrier immediately appeared in his mind.

It's just... the cumbersome and heavy structure of this structure is completely beyond imagination.

Even if it is to be broken, it is absolutely difficult to do it in a short time.

After all, almost Ye Yan's life has been poured into the barrier at this moment.

After releasing the essence and blood of his life to strengthen the barrier, Ye Yan seemed to be drained of strength, almost fell to the ground.

With difficulty, he took out the elixir from his body, stuffed it into his mouth, then took out another medicine bag, and applied it on his chest, then he didn't dare to stay for a moment, and ran out staggeringly.

"This barrier is absolutely impossible to break within a day, and after a day, the entrance and exit of the Dragon Palace will also be closed. Although I can't kill you, I can trap you to death. Don't worry, when the Dragon Palace opens next time, I will I will come over to collect your corpse, and take your supreme pupil by the way!"

Ye Yan walked to the corner, took a deep look at Lin Yang, and then staggered away.

After seeing Ye Yan leave, Lin Yang calmed down.

He knew that it would be impossible to kill Ye Yan again.

What should be considered now is not how to chase Ye Yan, but how to escape from here.

This sword and shield lasted at least three days, and it was strengthened by Ye Yan's essence and blood. If he wanted to break it, even if Lin Yang tried his best, it would take a day.

Using essence and blood will inevitably damage one's cultivation.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yan paid such a price in order to prevent him from killing himself.

Lin Yang took a deep breath, sat down straight cross-legged, thinking about the next step.

Should we continue to attack the sword and shield, or... give up?

Lin Yang turned his head slowly and looked towards the entrance of the ninth floor.

Blindly attacking the sword and shield will only waste energy, and you can't escape here before the Dragon Palace is closed.

That being the case...and not as good as...

Lin Yang's eyes turned cold, as if he had made some decision...

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