The crowd stared wide-eyed, staring blankly at the scene.

No one expected that Martial God Canglan would really kill him.

Cang Lanfu was already out of human shape at this moment, without a piece of good flesh on his body, his whole body was almost torn apart.

But he still has his last breath left.

He still wanted to move, but at this moment, he was like a pig, unable to do anything.

"Isn't he dead yet?"

"It's good to have perseverance!"

Martial God Canglan stared at Canglanfu with cold eyes, and snorted coldly: "As my son, he is so rebellious that he intends to kill his father! How abominable?"

"I want to kill you, but I don't think you have any regrets at all! Just killed you like this, I don't understand my hatred!"

"Come on!"


Several people from the Canglan mansion stepped forward quickly.

"Take this rebellious son back, put him in death row, and hang him with medicine. When he repents, send him on his way. If he doesn't repent for a day, let him suffer forever!"

Martial God Canglan shouted.

When the people in the Canglan mansion heard this, their faces changed and they looked at each other.

If he killed Cang Lanfu directly, then it would make sense, after all, Cang Lanfu was going to challenge the Martial God Canglan.

Didn't expect Martial God Canglan to torture Canglanfu like this?

Although Cang Lanfu is an illegitimate child, he is still a son after all!

Martial God Canglan is so cruel and ruthless?

"What? Didn't you hear me?"

Martial God Canglan drank coldly.

"Yes... my lord..."

The few people shivered for a while, not daring to hesitate, they immediately walked over and got a few needles on Cang Lanfu's body, and then left with their bloody body.

Langya and the others clenched their fists tightly, and their teeth were about to be crushed.

Qin Jiannv opened her mouth in pain and helplessness.

It would be great if Lin Yang was here!

She closed her eyes and lowered her eyebrows in thought.

"What? You want to help her?"

Taitian Martial God looked at Qin Jiannvdao expressionlessly.

"This has nothing to do with you, Lord Valkyrie, right?"

Qin Jiannv clenched her silver teeth.



The people on Taitian Martial God's side were furious, and one by one they unleashed their momentum and headed towards Qinjiannu Town.

Langya, Xuantong and the others froze and wanted to come out immediately to make a rescue.

But at this moment, a voice came from the gate.

"Master Taitian Martial God, you are one of the Seven Martial Gods, how can you bully a weak woman in front of everyone? Are you not afraid that the world will laugh at you?"

Hearing this voice, everyone's eyes moved away.

Then I saw a gorgeous and beautiful figure walking out of the Dragon Palace.

It was Meimeng!

"It's Miss!"

"Oh my god, the lady came out too, and the lady is fine!"

"Bless the ancestors! The ancestors have appeared!"

The people from the Blood Knife Family rushed over with tears of excitement in their eyes.

Mei Meng walked out with a smile on her face.

Langya and the others were very confused, Mei Meng had separated from them a long time ago, why did she come out just now?

"Meimeng, have you also reached the eighth floor?"

An elder from the Blood Knife family hurriedly asked.


Mei Meng hesitated for a while, then smiled slightly.

"Very good!"

"Looks like my Blood Knife Family is about to rise!"

People are excited.

But Martial God Taitian snorted coldly and directly overwhelmed the situation.

"The girl is so bold, how dare she disrespect this deity? Are you afraid that this deity will destroy your family of blood swords?"

The voice fell, and the murderous intent was surging.

The members of the Blood Knife Family hastily turned and stared at Martial God Taitian, extremely vigilant.

Mei Meng smiled, and hurriedly stepped forward and bowed her body.

"Senior Taitian has a lot of adults, how can he know as much as a girl like me? Just now, it is absolutely not disrespectful to senior, but Miss Qinjian has helped me many times in Dragon Palace. She has an upright character and offended senior, so she can't bear to speak out! Meimeng is here Apologize to senior!"

"So, you plan to use your clever mouth to settle this woman's disrespect to this deity?"

Taitian Martial God Shen said.

Meimeng slightly frowned, thinking about how to answer.

But at this moment, a calm voice came.

"Master Taitian, if you feel that the girl's apology is worthless, then I can apologize to you with my old bones, shouldn't it be fine?"

The voice fell to the ground, and a large group of figures with blood knives rushed into the Dragon Palace.

And among them, a wooden sedan chair was being carried, on which lay a white-haired old woman.


Mei Meng shouted hastily.

"Meet the ancestor!"

Everyone in the blood knife family knelt down.

The world was stunned.

The Blood Knife Grandmother is here!

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