Everyone was dumbfounded, staring blankly at the lights on the ninth floor.

Everyone is stupid.

"Someone...has entered the ninth floor?"

"My God, after so many years, someone finally entered the ninth floor..."

"Who is it? Who is it?"

The scene boiled up.

Some people stared at Ye Yan with wide eyes, while others looked at the lights on the ninth floor in astonishment.

If Ye Yan hadn't appeared, people's reaction would not be too big. After all, in their minds, Ye Yan is the future Martial God, and he may be the most talented Martial God.

However...Ye Yan came out!

He didn't even break into the ninth floor.

Does that mean that he was defeated on the eighth floor?

And there was an existence with even more terrifying talent than him that passed the eighth level and entered the ninth level...

Look at Ye Yan again, how embarrassed he is at this moment.

There was blood all over his body, and the power of ascension was almost dried up.

No one could have imagined that the most outstanding genius of the underground dragon veins would end up in such a state.

"Who is this son? Who has entered the ninth floor!"

Martial God Canglan shouted immediately.

"Ye Yan, what happened?"

Martial God Taitian couldn't help but also stepped forward and shouted.

"Nothing happened, it's just a life-and-death thing, and while I was in a fierce battle with the eighth-level organization, I shot a sneak attack!"

Ye Yan said indifferently, then sat down cross-legged and recuperated.

People look at me and I look at you, amazed.

Qin Jiannv's complexion changed drastically, and she wanted to say something, but was stopped by Mei Meng next to her.

"The matter has come to this point, there is nothing to say, I can only pray for Mr. Lin's good fortune."

Mei Meng said in a low voice.

With tears in her eyes, Qin Jiannv nodded with difficulty.

"Ye Yan, so you were defeated by that person?"

Antian Martial God asked expressionlessly.

"Of course not. I'm going to kill him. I'm 100% sure. I just don't want to waste time!"

Ye Yan calmly said: "Because of the harassment of that thief, I have no time to break into the ninth floor, so I choose to quit."

"Is this an escape?"

Antian Martial God asked lightly.

"I have sealed him on the eighth floor."

"He will stay in Dragon Palace forever, tell me, am I escaping?"

Ye Yan closed his eyes and said while adjusting his breath.

The world trembled.

The Dragon Palace can only be opened once every few years.

Although the land gods can go without food for a long time, they are not real gods after all, and they don't have the ability to fast.

If you don't eat, it's not enough to survive for a year or two.

No matter how long it takes, they will not be able to get energy supplements, the power of ascension will be exhausted, and people will die from dehydration or starvation.

What Ye Yan did was to trap the opponent alive in the Dragon Palace.

Antian Martial God frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

Martial God Taitian showed a murderous intent, stared at Ye Yan for a moment, and then looked at Martial God Canglan.

Obviously, this Ye Yan is also a threat.

It must be Ye Yan's credit for these people to kill all the way to the eighth floor of the Dragon Palace.

This person's talent is so terrifying, he should not stay.

Martial God Canglan naturally understood the meaning of Martial God Taitian, and immediately winked at his own people secretly.

But at this moment, an indifferent voice drifted to this side.

"Ye Yan, come here!"

People were stunned.

Looking up, it was the voice of Antian Martial God.

Ye Yan seemed to feel something too, he opened his eyes and looked at the two Martial Gods, then got up and walked towards the Dark Sky Martial God...

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