Within half a year after the Battle of the Valkyrie ended, the entire underground dragon vein was in turmoil.

The people of Canglan Martial God and Taitian Martial God wantonly searched for the whereabouts of Antian Martial God.

The two Martial Gods dispatched all their power to search for clues about Antian's lineage.

Anyone suspected of harboring or knowing the whereabouts of the Antian Martial God will be executed if they refuse to tell the truth.

Even if it is only suspected, it will end miserably.

At the reward building.

Tao Cheng sighed, looking at the empty hall, a little dazed.

Longxin City, which experienced the Battle of the Valkyrie, is no longer as prosperous as it used to be.

Most of the original residents in the city were forced to participate in the roundup of Antian Valkyrie, and more than half of them were killed or injured.

Many others fled.

Therefore, the passenger flow of the reward building is also decreasing day by day.

"Manager Tao!"

At this moment, building manager Xue Congming came over.

"Master Xue, what's the matter?"

Tao Cheng came back to his senses and asked with a smile.

"It's like this. The higher-ups demanded to assist the residents to rebuild Longxin City as soon as possible, restore the organizational system of Longxin City as soon as possible, and make the city prosperous again. Therefore, a few tasks have been assigned. I will take people to repair the city wall later, on the side of the square. Master Chen is in charge of the repair work, Manager Tao, your task is to bring more than a hundred people to the Dragon Palace to carry out the repair work."

Xue Congming said.

Tao Cheng nodded: "Indeed, our reward building is located in Longxin City. Now that the city has gone through a war, it is dilapidated. If it is not repaired as soon as possible, outsiders will not come to our Longxin City!"

"Hurry up and take someone to do it."

"Okay! I'm leaving now."

Tao Cheng said, and immediately gathered the people under his command, took the tools, and headed towards the Dragon Palace.

Although the participants of the previous Dragon Palace had entered the eighth floor, they still hadn't opened up the Dragon Palace, and the Dragon Palace still needed to exist.

And it is one of the main reasons for attracting masters from all over the world to come to Longxin City.

This is almost the landmark of Dragon Heart City, so its repair work is very important.

When Tao Cheng and his group came to the entrance of the Dragon Palace with hoes and shovels, they saw that the place was already in ruins.

The entrance gate has collapsed, leaving only a small dark opening, which can make people tell that this is the way to the Dragon Palace.

"Let's do it, first clean up the rubble, dig out the gate of the Dragon Palace, and then find a craftsman to repair the entrance and registration point..."

Tao Cheng shouted loudly and began to arrange work.


Everyone nodded and got busy one by one.

This is where the battle between the three Valkyries first broke out. Therefore, the degree of destruction here is also the most penetrating.

Many places still have the aura of the Valkyrie. As long as people get close to it, they will become insane and vomit continuously.

Therefore, the excavation and cleaning work proceeded very cautiously.

It took three days to clear the entrance.

"Everyone rests, and then starts to clean up the gate."

Tao Cheng shouted, and then sent an expert to go in and investigate.

He wanted to find out how much of the Valkyrie's remaining power was in the area in front of the gate, otherwise he would only cause a lot of casualties if he started the work blindly.

"Look carefully. Wherever there is a Martial God's breath, you must mark it. Try to spare the place with the remaining Martial God's power first, and deal with it later when the breath is diluted, understand?"

Tao Cheng said seriously.

"Yes, Manager Tao."

One nodded, and then drilled inside.

Tao Cheng stood outside, waiting patiently.

However, after a while, a scream came from inside.


Tao Cheng shivered all over.

The construction teams resting behind were also stunned, and got up one after another to come together.

"What happened?"

Tao Cheng shouted anxiously.

But seeing the person who went in before suddenly get out of it, he said with a shocked face: "Manager Tao, you...you will know when you go in and have a look..."

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