"Girl Yu'er, what are your plans!"

Lin Yang sighed and asked.

"Although grandpa is gone, life still has to go on. I want to move some bricks and tiles, repair and repair the pharmacy, and see if I can support the pharmacy again."

Yu'er wiped away her tears, and said in a confused way.

"Even if the pharmacy can continue to operate, how can you, a weak woman, survive safely in this Dragon Heart City?"

"If there is nothing wrong with Longxin City, if someone with special physique like Cang Lanao stares at you and harasses you, how do you resist?"

"If something happens to Dragon Heart City, can you guarantee that the next battle will not hurt you?"

Lin Yang asked one after another.

Yu'er said nothing.

How could she not have considered these issues?

But at this point, how could she have a choice?

Although she knows some medical skills, her martial arts skills are inferior.

In this underground dragon vein where the weak eat the strong, it simply cannot survive.

Only in an organized city like Longxin City can they still get some shelter.

But only a little shelter.

After all, Longxin City has no city lord.

The security of Longxin City is only maintained by the joint efforts of several big families.

"Brother Lin, you don't have to worry about me, I...I will take care of myself..."

Yu'er bit her cherry lips lightly, then raised her head suddenly, and said with a gentle and lovely smile.

Lin Yang couldn't see that the girl was just trying to calm down?

He took a deep breath, and calmly said: "Okay, Yu'er, don't open this pharmacy, come with me."

"Where are you going?"

"I will take you to the secular world."

"Secular world?"

Yu'er was stunned, a little hopeful, and murmured: "I heard from my grandfather that there is enough to eat and wear warmly, so you don't have to worry about getting scared. There will be a country to protect everyone's safety... But, the secular world is far from The underground dragon vein is too far away, and...with my cultivation base, it is impossible to pass through the door leading to the ground, how did I get there?"

Speaking of this, Yu'er smiled wryly at himself.

In fact, she has considered martial arts.

But this thing is about talent.

And she was one of those untalented types.

There are many people like her in the underground dragon vein.

And this kind of people may have specialties in other areas, but once they have no talent in martial arts, they can only be reduced to the lowest group of people in the underground dragon veins.

"Don't worry, I have a way to take you out. If you trust me, I will take you out of the underground dragon vein together."

Lin Yang said.

"But... I have no one to rely on in the secular world. If I go there, I... where should I go?"

Yu'er was still a little confused.

Lin Yang smiled slightly, and patted Yu'er's head.

"Since I take you there, I am your reliance!"

As soon as these words came out, Yu'er's tender body trembled, and she raised her head to look at Lin Yang with tears in her eyes.

"Brother Lin..."

"Go and clean up first, and then wait for me at your pharmacy. I still have something to do. I'll come to you when I'm done, okay?"

Lin Yang said softly.

"Okay, okay, Brother Lin!"

Yu'er wiped away his tears and nodded heavily.

Suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, and hurried to the pharmacy.

After a while, he took out a rusty iron box and handed it to Lin Yang.

"Brother Lin, this is a medicinal material collected by grandpa. It should have some effect. You should take it first."


Lin Yang was a little surprised, and wanted to refuse, but seeing the hot eyes of the little girl, he hesitated for a while, then took it and opened it.

However, the moment the iron box was opened, a burst of light overflowed from it!

"This is..."

Lin Yang's breathing froze.

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