"Master Lin knows someone from the Blood Knife Family?"

Tao Cheng who came out couldn't help asking.

"In the Dragon Palace, I met Miss Meimeng from the Blood Knife Family. She helped me before, so it can be regarded as some kind of friendship."

Lin Yang said lightly.


Tao Cheng frowned.

"What? Is Miss Meimeng okay?"

Lin Yang seemed to have noticed something, and couldn't help but speak.

"Not very good!"

Tao Cheng shook his head, and said in a low voice: "The blood knife grandma of the blood knife family was forced to participate in the battle of the martial gods, but was severely injured by the dark sky warrior in the battle, and her life was in danger. Mother-in-law was seriously injured, but the paper could not contain the fire, and the news spread like wildfire in the end, and those enemies of the Blood Knife Family and those who coveted the Blood Knife Family took advantage of this opportunity to attack the Blood Knife Family."

"During this period of time, the Blood Knife Family can be described as restless and restless!"

Speaking of this, Tao Cheng sighed again and again.

"There is such a thing?"

Lin Yang was stunned.

"Otherwise, why would people from the Blood Knife Family come to my reward building to heal their wounds? It is because the treatment room of the Blood Knife Family is overcrowded! There is no place to place the wounded, so they send them here!"

Lin Yang pondered for a moment, then said in a low voice, "Let me go to the Blood Knife Family!"

"Mr. Lin, don't intervene, the power to attack the Blood Knife family is not simple! It is said that Miss Meimeng wanted to go out half a year ago to find medicine to heal the blood knife grandmother, but she was chased and intercepted by her enemies as soon as she walked out of Dragon Heart City, and was forced to return! The blood knife family is hopeless! If you get involved, you will only cause trouble!"

Tao Cheng hurriedly advised.

"I, Lin Yang, am a person with clear grievances and grievances. Miss Meimeng has helped me, so she is my friend. As for a friend, if he sees death and refuses to save him, then it is not me, Lin Yang!"

Lin Yang smiled faintly: "What's more, let me go over to see how the blood knife grandma's injury is. If it can be cured, I will help her. If the blood knife grandma's injury is cured, won't all problems be solved?"

"Mr. Lin's medical skills are indeed unimaginable. I am afraid that the entire underground dragon vein is comparable to the medicine sage's vein, and he may be able to go there, but Tao still thinks that Mr. Lin should not put himself in danger!"

"Don't worry, I'll go back as soon as I go."

Lin Yang smiled, gave Yu Bihong and Yu'er a few words of advice, then hurriedly left the reward building and rushed towards the Blood Knife Family.

Blood knife family.

There are ruins everywhere.

There are messy scenes everywhere.

The streets around the family have become a vacuum.

All the people who used to live there moved out.

And the people in Longxin City deliberately avoided this.

Obviously, everyone knows the situation the Blood Knife Family is currently facing!

In the aristocratic family, the halls, side rooms, and courtyards are all wounded.

The air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Moans and howls came out frequently and lasted for a long time.

Mei Meng shuttled among the wounded with the blade still stained with blood, her small face was full of anger and pain.

These are her people.

She never imagined that the blood knife family, which is so famous and brilliant, would have such a dilapidated and embarrassing day...

"Miss, all the stewards, please go to the main hall to discuss the matter!"

A servant came quickly, his voice hoarse.

"I see."

Mei Meng raised her tired eyes, responded, and hurried to the main hall.

In the main hall, several figures with heavy breaths were sitting on the seats on both sides.

These are Meimeng's uncles and aunts.

"Uncle, Second Uncle, Fourth Aunt, Fifth Uncle..."

Mei Meng walked into the main hall, bowing and greeting each of them.

She is a little strange.

What's going on here?

Why are the backbones of the blood knife family gathered in the main hall?

Could something big happen?

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