"Stinky boy, what are you doing?"

Meiqiang was in a hurry, and immediately rushed forward to drag Lin Yang away.

He clasped Lin Yang's shoulders with both hands, trying to shake him off.

But no matter how hard he tried, it was of no avail.

Lin Yang's body was like a mountain, motionless.

Even if Meiqiang activated the power of ascension, it was useless.

"This guy has some strength!"

Meiyan's face turned cold, and she directly shouted: "Go, help your second master!"

The members of the Blood Knife Family hesitated, but they still stepped forward.

It can be next second.


A strong aura suddenly burst out from Lin Yang's body, shaking the people who came over directly away.

Everyone at the scene changed face.


Linghu Xiao also stopped and turned around.

As for Meimeng, she was completely dumbfounded.

"Is this how the blood knife family treats guests? Why is it so rude?"

Lin Yang glanced at Mei Ao and the others, and said with a frown.

"Stinky boy, you are so bold, dare to play wild with us?"

Meiqiang was also blown away, but quickly got up from the ground and cursed furiously.

"There are too many people running wild in your blood knife family, what can you do with them?"

Lin Yang said expressionlessly.

Meiqiang was stunned for a moment, unable to refute.

That's right, the blood knife family has become like this, why is he pretending to be majestic?

But Meimeng was in a hurry, and quickly persuaded in a low voice: "Mr. Lin, this matter...has nothing to do with you, please leave quickly."

"Miss Meimeng, what happened?"

Lin Yang asked deeply.

Mei Meng pursed her lower lip, and said in a low voice: "I'm going to marry into the Linghu family!"


Lin Yang was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of something, he quickly asked, "But that Linghu family from Dragon Claw City?"

"That's right!"

Meimeng sighed: "Mr. Lin, I know the purpose of your trip, it should be for Miss Qinjian, right? Don't worry, she is fine, she is currently taking care of my grandma in the backyard, you can go in and take her away, leave Dragon Heart City!"

"As for me, don't worry about it, the Linghu family is extraordinary, don't offend them because of me!"

When Lin Yang heard this, he fell silent.

"Boy, who are you? You are very courageous."

Linghu Xiao cast his gaze over, and sized up Lin Yang indifferently.

"Are you from the Linghu family?"


Linghu Xiao calmly said: "Then, you should now know who you provoked and what the situation will be?"

"I didn't think about it, but I learned that Miss Meimeng can't marry into the Linghu family!"

Lin Yang spoke directly.

"What did you say?"

Linghu Xiao narrowed his eyes.

"Mr. Lin!"

Mei Meng was also in a hurry, calling out quickly.

But Lin Yang didn't respond, and said directly: "Miss Meimeng once saved me! So I won't just sit and watch her go into the mouth of a tiger! This marriage, I think let it go! You can go back!"

He waved his hand, as if he had already made a decision for everyone.

"Stinky boy, how can you speak here?"

"Where is the wild dog? How dare you bark here?"

"Come on, get him out of here! Get out of here!"

Mei Ao, Mei Qiang and the others were in a hurry and shouted again and again.

But... Only a few people from the blood knife family stepped forward.

Most people just stood there, motionless.

Mei Ao was stunned, and then yelled at those people with an angry face: "I'm talking to you, you are all deaf? Roll over here, and drive this person away!"

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