The people at the scene froze.

People stared wide-eyed, staring blankly at this scene, with disbelief written all over their faces.

How could Linghu Sheng's terrifying power be blocked by someone's arm?

How incredible is this?

Are you crazy?

How strong is this person's strength...?

The world trembled.

But don't wait to think about it.


Lin Yang flicked his arm suddenly, throwing Linghu Sheng's hill-like body away.

The huge mountain of meat flew directly to a pavilion not far away.


With the fall of Roshan, the pavilion was directly smashed into ruins.

Dust was flying and debris was flying.

The earth trembled...

"It hurts! It hurts! It hurts... Brother, Ah Sheng hurts..."

Linghu Sheng cried like a child.


Linghu Yu cried out, then turned her head to stare at Lin Yang: "You... are courting death!!"

"Linghu Yu, I gave you a chance!"

"But I didn't intend to give you a chance!"

Linghu Yu roared, and couldn't hold it back any longer, directly pulled out a long sword from his waist, and went towards Lin Yang to kill the general.


The tyrannical power of ascension is like the roar of a mad dragon, flying forward with the blade of the sword.

In an instant, it seems like a streamer is empty.

The people of the world only felt that their eyes were brightened, as if the golden light filled their vision, and they couldn't see anything clearly.

When he came back to his senses, the sharp sword was already approaching in front of Lin Yang.

But Lin Yang didn't rush, he raised his hand and clasped it.


The sound of swords exploded.

In an instant, the sword that was attacking Lin Yang was frozen in mid-air.

The tip of the sword was already firmly held by Lin Yang...


Linghu Yu couldn't believe it.

"Is it that much strength?"

Lin Yang hummed lightly, and exerted force with his arm.


The golden sword was thrown back abruptly.

Linghu Yu retreated one after another with the golden sword in his hand, almost unable to stand still, he took seven or eight steps back to stabilize his body...


Linghu Yu suddenly raised her head and looked at Lin Yang with an incredulous expression on her face.

"This person can take my sword with bare hands, and his strength... is clearly far above me? How is this possible?"

"Who the hell are you?"

Linghu Yu growled.

But Lin Yang ignored him and walked towards Linghu Yu step by step.

Murderous rage.

Linghu Yu's scalp went numb from shock.

This person's even higher than him!

How can it be?

I am the peerless arrogance of the underground dragon veins!

But why is there someone who is more talented than me now?



Linghu Yu couldn't think.

The people next to him have already persuaded.

"Young Master Yu, this person doesn't seem to be easy to mess with. How about... calm down and let me leave?"

But as soon as these words came out, Linghu Yu directly slapped that person hard on the face.


The man was blown several meters away and fell heavily on the ground. When he raised his head, his mouth was already spitting out his teeth, his mouth was full of blood, and he looked extremely ferocious.

The people of the Linghu family around were startled.

"Leave? If I leave, how will the world judge me, Linghu Yu? Listen, if I don't kill this person today, I will never leave!"

Linghu Yu growled.

People were terrified, how dare they disobey Linghu Yu? Hastily clasped his fists and said yes.

"Don't worry, even if you want to leave, you can't!"

Lin Yang said with a blank face, and then moved towards Linghu Yu in an instant.


The drawing sword pen appears.

Lin Yang picked up the drawing sword and brush, and slashed at Linghu Yu fiercely.

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