What kind of person is the owner of the strange medicine house? The poisons he made are unique, and they are all ancient poisons, which are very complicated.

If we really want to compare the poisonous powder he just sprinkled, it can even be comparable with the ancient hedinghong.

On this kind of poison, unless he is now on the operating table, and then find the top domestic doctors for his surgery, otherwise there is no way to live!

But now... The miracle Doctor Lin has detoxified his poison in just ten seconds!

And it's quiet and easy!

The people in the special pharmacy were all stupid.

The owner's face was pale and his eyes were hard to keep calm.

"How do you detoxify?" He asked in a low voice.

"Mr. Yao, we are all adults. How can you talk about this childish problem? Will you tell your opponent the formula of your poisons? " Lin Yang said slowly.

The owner of the house was stunned, and his expression was cold. He snorted: "it seems that I underestimate you. Doctor Lin, you really have two talents."

"It's not that I have two sons, but your poison is too bad." Lin Yang shook his head.

"Presumptuous! Don't talk too early

The owner drank violently, and then his feet rushed to him, and his palm was raised again. The particles like substances flew out and spread towards Linyang.

These particles are very dense, but the coverage is not large. In principle, if Lin Yang's body method is better, he can react quickly enough to dodge.

It's just that... He stood still and let the particle hit him.


The particles touched Linyang's skin and immediately turned into liquid like melted ice, wetting his clothes.

Lin Yang immediately appeared a large number of yellow spots.

The homeowner did not stop and moved his fingers.

Whoosh, whoosh...

a pill flew out.

Without any accident, these pills also hit Lin Yang's body, and then they all split, sending out wisps of wax yellow breath, which was inhaled into Lin Yang's body.

Seeing this scene, everyone was confused.

Why doesn't Dr. Lin hide? You're standing there like a log?

"What is he doing?"

"Is he stupid?"

"It's not giving up, is it?"

"No, if you give up, why can he detoxify the homeowner?"

The people in the strange pharmacy whispered and worried.

"I'm afraid... There's only one reason to explain it..." at this time, a student from a special pharmacy couldn't help muttering.

However, the next lecturer Tang immediately drank: "Yuan Hua! Shut up

The student, who was called Yuan Hua, could not help but tremble and immediately lowered his head.

But many students' faces have changed.

What Yuan Hua means is understood by all fools.

If the other party can detoxify the homeowner's poison, it means that the other party is not afraid of the homeowner at all. But now the other party does not hide from the owner's poison. What does this mean?

This means that the other party doesn't care about the owner's poison at all!

Dr. Lin... I'm afraid it's no longer in the eye of the owner!

A lot of people are breathing.

The sight falls on Lin Yang again.

People hold their breath and concentrate, staring at Lin Yang, waiting for the poison.

At present, there is not much poison in the hands of the owner.

The previous preparation time was too short to refine too much poison, and the medicinal materials were limited.

After all, who would have expected that the seven or eight kinds of poisons refined by the owner of the strange medicine house could not defeat the doctor Lin.

I'm afraid the owner himself did not expect it.

When the two poisons went down, the owner of the strange medicine stopped.

He stares at Lin Yang tightly, waiting for the poison, and his expression is especially nervous.

In fact, he saw something wrong.

The other side didn't dodge on purpose.

He believes that this is not the other side stupid, but the other side... Confidence!

"No way! Absolutely impossible, you can't ignore my poison The owner of the strange drugstore looked at it directly and murmured in his mouth.

But before long, the signs of poisoning on Lin Yang disappeared again!

His waxy skin returned to normal, and his dim eyes revived. After a while, the whole person was in a good state of mind. If his clothes were not stained with some traces of toxic dust, no one even dared to believe that he had been poisoned!

The owner of the strange medicine room retreated several steps in succession, his body was staggering, and finally he sat on the ground with shock on his face.

As for the people around the strange pharmacy, there was no sound for a long time.

People's eyes are as round as jujube, their mouths are wide and their expressions are dull. They all stare at Lin Yang, and they are totally stupid.

"What's the matter with this

The owner of the strange medicine looked at Lin Yang Road powerlessly."Want to know the answer?" Lin Yang lightly nods: "just, that tells you."

With that, he opened his mouth and took a pill out of his mouth.

This pill is the one that Lin Yang had taken before.

But at the moment the pill was black, like a briquette, quite different from its previous color.

All eyes were fixed on the pill.

The owner of the strange medicine house is no exception.

"That's it. Did you detoxify yourself?"

"Yes, that's it. Any of your toxins has no use in front of it. As long as it is there, your poison will not pose a threat to me at all!" Lin Yang said quietly.

"This... What is this? Is it the pill you made? "

"Of course, it was refined by me, and I refined it with the herbs provided by your Qi pharmacy." When Lin Yang broke it off, the pills cracked, and there were fresh slime inside. Many people could identify what kind of medicinal materials were mixed in the mud.

The owner of the strange medicine has no voice.

"In fact, this pill is not an antidote, but a common pill. But it has one characteristic: it can synthesize the properties of salt flower of grass leaves. All your poisons are based on the leaf salt flower. But if the leaf salt flower is gone, your poison will lose its property. Naturally, it will not kill people. So I just need to contain such a" poison avoiding bead. " You lose. As I said earlier, your medicine is just like this. " Lin Yang said quietly.


the owner of the strange medicine room was extremely pale, pointing to Lin Yang, he could not speak.

He never thought that Lin Yang could see through his medicine completely! Even in such a short time, I came up with a way to deal with it...

"now, let's look at my poison!"

Lin Yang raised his hand and spread it out.

There is a pill.

But the next second, he took the pill, crushed it completely, and released his hand.

The powder swayed with the wind and floated directly to the owner of the strange medicine house.


The owner of the strange medicine was in a hurry to escape.

But the next second, the wind blowing, the dust all hit him.

The owner of the strange medicine room faltered and fell to the ground. It was difficult to get up.

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