Qin Jiannv was at a loss, unable to understand what happened at all, and quickly comforted her biological mother.

"Mother, don't cry, what happened? Tell me quickly!"

Qin Jiannv was in a hurry and said again and again.

"What's the matter? You're helping the evildoer, helping a wild boy who came out of nowhere to deal with Young Master Linghu and Lord Canglan Martial God. Do you know that if you do this, the Qin and Sword family will be wiped out!"

The woman was crying, looking heartbroken.

People looked at each other in blank dismay, all surprised.

Qin Jiannv was also stunned.

But soon, she took a deep breath, and said hoarsely: "Mother, hasn't the Qinjian family already surrendered to Martial God Taitian? With the protection of Martial God Taitian, how can they be exterminated? What's more, I have already left the Qinjian family , being expelled by you, I am no longer a member of the Qin and Sword Family."

"You... unfilial daughter, unfilial daughter..."

The woman stopped crying, but she looked annoyed.

"Mother, could it be that Linghu Yu called you here? He wants you to trick me out of the reward building so that he can attack me and use me to threaten Brother Lin? If so, mother, I would rather die than It will kill Brother Lin."

Qin Jiannv's face was determined, and there was no doubt in her star-like eyes.

The woman was stunned, and Xuan'er sighed: "Forget it, forget it, since you have this attitude, then I won't force you as a mother!"

"Mother...Did Linghu Yu force you to come? What about the others? How are they doing now?"

Qin Jiannv hurriedly asked.

"They indeed found us and forced our Qin and Sword Family to send someone to lure you out, so that they can take you as a hostage, force Mr. Lin to leave the reward building, and kill him!"

The woman sighed.


People were taken aback.

"So, the person sent earlier is really Linghu Yu's?"

Yu Bihong asked coldly.


The woman nods.

"Linghu Yu is so bold! How dare he pretend to be Martial God Canglan and pass on orders? If Lord Martial God finds out, he'll be overwhelmed!"

Tao Cheng's brows sank, and he drank coldly.

"Mother, are you all right? Why don't you stay in the reward building and don't go back. Otherwise, if you can't complete the mission, then what should Linghu Yu do if he attacks you?"

Qin Jiannv said quickly.

"Silly girl, how can I not go back? Otherwise, wouldn't it arouse Linghu Yu's suspicion even more? But don't worry, we have taken refuge in Taitian Martial God, even if Linghu Yu is upset, he can't do anything to us Home."

The woman comforted her.


Qin Jiannv showed hesitation, but she had no better way,

"Don't worry girl, mother will be fine!"

The woman touched Qin Jiannv's small face and smiled slightly: "Let's go, take me to see where you live."

"Mother, you..."

"What? I want to see my daughter's living environment. Could it be that you are in a hurry to drive me away?"

The woman blamed a little.

"No, no, mother, that's not what I meant!"

Qin Jiannv waved her hands again and again, then squeezed out a smile and said, "Mother, please come this way."

"That's right!"

The woman smiled slightly, and took Qin Jiannv's hand and left.

Seeing this, everyone dispersed.

In people's eyes, everything is safe and sound, and there is no need to worry about anything.

But Tao Cheng frowned, standing in the hall for a long time, as if he was thinking about something.

Second floor, guest room.

"Mother, this is where I live. Brother Lin and the others take good care of me, and they pay for the room fee."

Qin Jiannv led the woman to an exquisite wing room and said with a smile.

"Oh, well, well..."

The woman glanced briefly at the furnishings in the room, and then said with a smile: "Your Brother Lin seems to care about you very much!"

"Yes, if it wasn't for Brother Lin, I might just be in Dragon Palace."

Qin Jiannv smiled, her face was full of sweetness.

The woman's eyes moved slightly, and she said with a smile: "Your elder brother Lin is so kind to you, a mother should thank him very much! My daughter, hurry up and take me to see your elder brother Lin, mother wants to be Thank you to him!"

"Ah? This... Brother Lin...he..."

"What's wrong with him? Is it inconvenient?"

the woman asked strangely.

"Brother Lin, he is in retreat...Mom, I will take you to see him when I have a chance in the future."

Qin Jiannv evaded.

"Where is he retreating?"

"Mother, why are you asking this? Brother Lin is in seclusion, so don't disturb him."

"Silly boy, I didn't want to disturb Mr. Lin, I just wanted to stand at the door and guard Mr. Lin, and thank him at that time."

The woman said with a smile.

"Mother, there's no need to do this."

"Other people have saved my daughter many times and treated you so well. Could it be that a mother can't even do this? That's all right, girl, take me there quickly."

The woman urged.

Qin Jiannu had no choice but to say: "Mother, please wait here for a while, I will go say hello to Miss Yu and the others."

"What did you tell them?" The woman frowned.

"Mother, you don't know. Miss Yu has always been in charge of Brother Lin's safety. Now that he is in retreat, no matter who he is, he is not allowed to approach at will. If you insist on standing guard for Brother Lin, I have to inform her anyway. Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be a misunderstanding!"

Qin Jiannv earnestly persuaded her.

"Makes sense."

The woman nodded and said with a smile: "Well, you can go quickly."

"Good mother, you wait for me here!"

Qin Jiannv smiled slightly, then ran away.

The woman stared silently at the back of Qin Jiannv, her eyes flickered, as if she was thinking about something.

After about two minutes, Qin Jiannv trotted over.

"Mother, it's all right!"

"Okay, let's go now."

The woman smiled, and immediately followed Qin Jiannv forward.

They walked through the hall on the first floor and down the stairs.

The woman glanced at the retreat rooms, and was about to walk towards the retreat rooms, but Qin Jiannv called out: "Mother, Big Brother Lin is not over there, he is below."

"Oh... yes... is it? Okay, okay..."

The woman squeezed out a smile and nodded, then followed Qin Jiannv and walked towards the second basement floor step by step.

But just as the woman entered the second basement floor, a sword suddenly appeared from behind and directly touched the woman's neck.

"Don't move!"

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