"Tao Cheng should have been deliberately dismissed by you, right?"

The woman looked at Qin Jiannv with a smile: "It seems that you guys want to fight me here? Hehe, the idea is very good, but it's a pity that you miscalculated a little, that is your strength!"

After speaking, the woman shook her fingers.

boom! boom! boom! boom..

All the Blood Knife family members who were restrained by the Qi beam were strangled, and their corpses were broken into rotten flesh, and they all died tragically.


Meimeng let out an angry roar, and brought the blood knife to kill the general.

But she is no match for women at all.

I saw the woman stretching forward lightly.


The attacking blood knife was instantly caught between her two fingers.

Meimeng shuddered and exerted force suddenly.

But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't free the blood knife from the woman's fingertips.

Then the woman exerted a little strength.


The blood knife exploded on the spot.

The terrifying force moved towards Meimeng along the blade.


Mei Meng also vomited blood and fell backwards.


The members of the Blood Knife Family quickly supported Mei Meng.

"Look at the sword!"

Cang Lanfu also raised his sword to kill, and the sharp sword was like waves, bombarding him layer by layer. ap.

But in the face of such an attack, the woman was still unafraid. With a flick of her finger, a burst of energy burst out from her fingertips, piercing through the sword energy like an arrow, and piercing through his body.

Cang Lanfu retreated again and again, supporting his body with the stabbing of the sword.

His injury was not well, and he couldn't exert much power.

"This is impossible...."

Qin Jiannv was dumbfounded.

Yu Bihong, Cang Lanfu and Mei Meng couldn't even hold a single move in front of this man.

How strong is this person?

"who are you?"

Qin Jiannv suddenly raised her head and asked blankly.

But the next second.


The terrifying air shrouded it again.

Qin Jiannv immediately drew her sword and slashed.

But this thread of air was like smoke, and my own sharp blade could only pass through it, but couldn't cut it into pieces at all.

The Qin and Sword Girl was horrified, she backed away again and again, and wanted to use the power of Ascension to resist.

But this terrifying gas thread bound him tightly in an instant.

Then his body flew towards the woman uncontrollably.

The woman raised her hand and grabbed Qin Jiannv's neck.

In an instant, Qin Jiannv's neck deformed and she couldn't breathe anymore, and she was held in the opponent's hand like a chicken.

The woman smiled coldly: "Listen, if you want to live, just tell me the retreat room of Miracle Doctor Lin immediately, you understand?"

"You kill me, I won't tell even if I die!"

Qin Jiannv gritted her teeth and said.

"Do you really think I won't kill you?"

A murderous intent flashed in the woman's pupils, and the strength in her hand suddenly increased a bit.

Qin Jiannv's pretty face suddenly flushed, and she was almost suffocating.

If this continues, she will be strangled alive.

However, Qin Jiannv did not struggle, but stared at the woman angrily.

Seeing this man's face against her mother's, she felt a surge of anger in her heart, and couldn't hold it back any longer, she raised her arm and slammed towards her face fiercely.

The power of manic ascension strikes.

The woman probably didn't expect that at such a juncture, Qin Jiannv dared to fight back, and immediately turned her head to dodge.

But she was still a beat behind, although she avoided the frontal bombardment of Qin Jiannv's palm, but the powerful airflow was hard to dodge.

Chi la!

A strange sound spread.

I saw half of the woman's face split open, revealing a fair and beautiful dimple.

But even if the face under this broken face

It looks good, but when put together with it, it also looks very hideous.

The woman was furious, seeing that the Qin and Sword Girl was so stubborn, she stopped talking.

"You want to die? Well, I'll make it happen for you!"

After all, he wanted to strangle Qin Jiannv to death.

But at this moment, Meimeng shouted violently.


"Huh? What? Do you want to tell me where Miracle Doctor Lin is?"

the woman asked lightly.

Mei Meng gritted her teeth, and said solemnly: "Mr. Lin is not in the reward building, even if you kill her, it won't help!"


The woman was stunned: "Doctor Lin left the reward building?"


"Where did he go? What did he do?"

The woman asked again.

Kemeimeng stopped talking.


The woman was not in a hurry to ask, and glanced at the Qin Jiannv in her hand, and suddenly took out two blood-red needles, and directly stabbed Qin Jiannv's body.

In an instant, Qin Jiannv's Qi veins were sealed off, and she could no longer exert any strength.

"No matter where he goes or what he wants to do, I think he will definitely attach great importance to this woman!"

The woman sneered: "When the man surnamed Lin comes, tell him to come to me, listen, tell him to come here as soon as possible, otherwise, we will have to collect this woman's body!"

After finishing speaking, the woman turned around and rushed upstairs.

"Notify Manager Tao!"

Meimeng screamed.

The members of the Blood Knife Family immediately ran towards the hall.

Mei Meng, Yu Bihong, and Cang Lanfu wanted to pursue them, but everyone had injuries, so they could only look at the ocean and sigh.

The woman took the Qin and Sword Girl to the hall like lightning, and rushed directly to the door of the hall.

The security personnel of the reward building in the hall were all stunned, and hadn't realized what happened.

On the other hand, Tao Cheng seemed to understand something, and immediately shouted: "Stop her!"

The security personnel hurried over.

"Go away!"

With a roar from the woman, the security personnel rushing on both sides were directly knocked back.

"Open the bounty barrier, don't allow her to escape! Take her down! Quick!"

Tao Cheng roared.

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