The woman abducted Qin Jiannv in the reward building. This matter was not only related to Lin Yang, but gave the reward building a slap in the face.

A few minutes after Tao Cheng went to report, the first-level alarm of the reward building was sounded.

Everyone in the hall raised their heads and looked up.

But there was a tremor in the upper echelon, and the sound of a large number of footsteps rushing.

"This is a first-level warning order!"

Jiuyu looked shocked: "It seems that the Reward Building attaches great importance to this incident!"

"Even the War of the Valkyrie Reward Building didn't sound the alarm. It seems that the high-level executives of the Reward Building are angry this time!"

"Dare to kill and kidnap people in the reward building, how can the people in the reward building give up?"

Mei Meng gritted her teeth: "Mr. Lin cares about Miss Qinjian very much. If we let Mr. Lin know that Miss Qinjian was kidnapped, how can we explain to him? We must act immediately and find a way to rescue Miss Qinjian."

"But you are all injured now, what can you do? In my opinion, you should stay here and wait for the news."

Jiuyu sighed.

"No! As long as you can move, you can't give up!"

Mei Meng gritted her teeth, swallowed a few pills, called a few experts from the blood knife family, and walked out.

Seeing this, Yu Bihong and Cang Lanfu also bit the bullet and walked out.

Jiuyu sighed and could only keep up.

The fluctuation of the reward building soon affected half of Longxin City.

Countless people were shocked when they heard the siren of the reward building.

The woman naturally heard it too.

But she didn't care, and ran out of the city.

Although her disguise was broken, there was still half a piece of skin on her face. She believed that her identity had not been recognized by the people in the reward building.

As long as it doesn't get recognized, it's fine.

The city gate has been closed, and a large number of guards are standing at the gate of the city.

"Stop!" Seeing the woman running towards this place, all the guards drew their swords and shouted in unison.

However, the woman didn't intend to stop at all, she was rushing forward like a ferocious train.

The power of ascension gushed out from her body, and it became extremely bright red.

His person is like a fierce god rushing out from under the Nine Netherworld, which makes one's scalp tingle.

The terrifying aura directly shocked all the guards who dared not look directly at it.

Looking at the aggressive woman, these guards all jumped to the sides in the end, how dare they stop?



The city gate was directly smashed into pieces by the woman's life.

The whole city wall shook.

Dust was flying and debris was flying.

When all the dust fell to the ground, the woman had already rushed out of Longxin City and ran towards the path outside the city.

At this moment, Qin Jiannv was still dragged by the woman.

The energy channels in her body have been sealed, and she can't use her strength at all. She is dragging her whole body like a puppet.

"Oh, it seems that they can't catch up with us."

The woman turned her head and glanced in the direction of Longxin City, then ran forward for half an hour before stopping.

She took off half of the broken human skin mask hanging on her face.

In an instant, a beautiful face was reflected in Qin Jiannv's eyes.

"I do not know you."

Qin Jiannv gritted her teeth and said, "But I know you must be someone close to Linghu Yu, right?"

"Of course, besides Martial God, I think Linghu Yu is the person who most wishes God Doctor Lin to die."

The woman smiled lightly.

"You want to use me to threaten Brother Lin? I'm afraid you've made a mistake! Even if I die, I won't let you succeed!"

After all, Qin Jiannv wanted to take the opportunity to break free from her opponent and slammed into the stone beside her.

But the woman dodges and pulls her back.

"Want to die? It's not that easy. Let me tell you the truth. Even if you commit suicide, as long as your body is not destroyed, I can bring you back to life. Except for self-immolation, you don't have any conditions for suicide, but you think I will let you touch fire?"

The woman narrowed her eyes.


Qin Jiannv was in a hurry.

"Okay, it's time to give you a new look. There are still many capable people in the reward building. After you change your appearance, we will go to the village in front to hide and avoid the eagle dogs in the reward building. I can use you Slowly deal with Miracle Doctor Lin!"

The woman said lightly, and then found a small bag from her body, opened the small bag, and inside was a piece of medicinal paste with a look close to the skin of a human body.

The woman's technique is very professional, dabbing on the eyebrows, lips, and cheekbones of Qin Jiannv.

After a while, Qin Jiannv's small face changed, and she could no longer see her previous appearance.

"Next is your voice!"

The woman suddenly grabbed Qin Jiannv's cheek with one hand, forcing her to open her mouth, and then smacked her mouth with the other hand like lightning.


Qin Jiannv spat out a mouthful of blood in an instant.

And in the spit out blood, there is still half of the tongue.

The woman actually cut off her tongue so that she could no longer speak.

Qin Jiannv twitched in pain, her eyes were wide open, and she seemed to faint.

"You've changed your appearance and lost your voice. Even if the person offering the reward stands in front of you, you won't be able to tell them our identities anymore!"

The woman looked at the Qinjian girl who was in great pain, and smiled with satisfaction: "Now, we can continue on the road!"

Qin Jiannv couldn't resist, and was dragged by the woman to continue on her way.

She shed tears silently, and the blood at the corner of her mouth stained her clothes red.

what to do?

what to do?

Qin Jiannv's heart was full of despair.

But just when she was dragged forward by the woman, suddenly...

The woman stopped.

Qin Jiannv froze for a moment, endured the severe pain and looked forward.

But he saw a tall and straight figure appearing on the path ahead.

The figure was wearing a straight suit, but there was a long black sword hanging from his waist, and a cigarette was hanging from the corner of his mouth, and he was walking towards here quickly.

Brother Lin?

Qin Jiannv was stunned.

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