"never mind!"

Lin Yang shook his head, and said softly, "Let the Qin and Sword Girl go, so I can still show mercy to you!"

"This matter is beyond your control!"

The woman squinted her eyes: "I originally thought you would retreat and cultivate in the reward building, and I wanted to take advantage of your retreat to carry out a sneak attack, but I didn't expect that you didn't retreat. In this way, if I fight with you head-on, I'm afraid it will be difficult to take advantage. After all, you still have the peerless evil sword of the Dark Sky Martial God..."

"But now I have the advantage! Listen, if you don't want this woman to die, then you can do whatever I say!"

When the words fell to the ground, the woman grabbed Qin Jiannv's stamina with one hand and held her tightly, and lightly stroked Qin Jiannv's fair face with the other hand, and then stroked her finger lightly.

Chi la!

A long and narrow crack immediately appeared on Qin Jiannv's face.

Immediately afterwards, a blood-red flame burst out from the fingertip of the finger that pierced the face of the Qinjian girl.

"Heavenly fire?"

Lin Yang was a little surprised.

"Miraculous doctor Lin is really well-informed, and he knows that this is a strange fire. It seems that Linghu Yu was defeated by you, it is not wrong!"

The woman narrowed her eyes.

Seeing this, Lin Yang fell silent.

"Doctor Lin, you can easily understand the disguise technique I used on this woman, so your medical skills are extraordinary, and you must be above me! Such life and death are not a problem!"

"But no matter how good your medical skills are, how can you revive a body of ashes and charcoal?"

The woman's fingertips swayed in front of Qin Jiannv's eyes, and the frightened Qin Jiannv's pretty face turned pale, her delicate body stiffened.

For people with underground dragon veins, the power of different fires is far higher than that of swords.

After all, sword wounds, as long as the body is intact and the time of death is not long, can still be saved by medical skills.

But once it is contaminated with the strange fire and burns the body instantly, it means that Da Luo Jinxian will not be saved even if he comes.

I didn't expect this woman to know about different fires...how terrifying?

"Don't mess around!"

Lin Yang said slowly: "What exactly do you want, just say it!"

"Throw the Peerless Evil Sword!"

The woman narrowed her eyes.

Without any hesitation, Lin Yang immediately untied the saber from his waist and threw it towards the woman.

The peerless evil sword landed at the woman's feet.

In an instant, the temperature around the woman dropped sharply.

"As expected of the Dark Sky Martial God's sword, it is indeed extraordinary!"

A trace of fear flashed in the woman's eyes, but she did not dare to grab the evil sword, but raised her foot and kicked it.


The Peerless Evil Sword flew directly a hundred meters away.

"Such a divine sword, why don't you use it?"

Lin Yang said.

"Doctor Lin, if it were an idiot like Linghu Yu, he would definitely be greedy for this magical weapon, but I'm not stupid. The reason why the evil sword is called the evil sword is because the sword itself is extremely evil. If this person who is not good at using swords takes the evil sword, if he is a little careless, he will be bitten by the evil sword and manipulated by it!"

The woman smiled faintly, her eyes filled with wisdom that sees through everything: "The reason why you gave it so happily is because you hoped that I would pick up the evil sword and be affected by it, right?"

Lin Yang was silent again.

It seems that this woman is much more difficult to deal with than I imagined...

"Okay, next, please take out the silver needles on your body, and prick the acupuncture points one by one according to what I said."

The woman continued to speak.

Lin Yang hesitated for a moment, then took out the silver needle.


Qin Jiannv struggled frantically.

But to no avail.

She had guessed what the woman was going to do next.

But she could do nothing but cry silently.

"Baihui point, drop the needle!"

"Tianshu, drop the needle!"

"Tianji, Tianxuan, drop the needle!"

The woman yelled straight away.

Lin Yang received two injections, and then said hoarsely, "You want me...self-proclaimed Qimai?"

"What? You don't want to?"

The woman squinted and asked with a smile.

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