On the spacious avenue, Tai Shangshan, Linghu Yu and Lin Yang walked slowly.

Linghu Yu looked forward and saw Buyue Mountain in the distance, the corners of his mouth raised.

"We're almost there!"

Lin Yang looked at the mountains in the distance.

It was a low mountain with stretching peaks and a lot of mist on the surface, which looked very mysterious and desolate.

Tai Shangshan closed his eyes and meditated all the way, as if in trance, only the thin horse under his crotch carried him all the way.

"Mr. Lin, what kind of stuff is in the box in your hand?"

Linghu Yu glanced at the box in Lin Yang's hand, couldn't help laughing, and asked with a smile.

"You don't understand, what I have in this box is a treasure specially developed for me by my subordinates!"

Lin Yang said lightly.

"Baby? What baby?"

Linghu Yu hurriedly asked.

"It is the super weapon overlord who has assembled ten kinds of weapons in one body after the people under my command expended countless energy! The name is called Thirty Thousand!"

Lin Yang didn't hide it, he opened the box directly, and presented the contents to Linghu Yu.

Linghu Yu was stunned, and hastily glanced.

"Look, there's an electromagnetic gun! There's poison! There's also a dagger...."

Lin Yang's introductions one by one were very serious and serious.

Linghu Yu was dumbfounded, and laughed out loud after a while.

"Hahahaha, amazing! It's amazing!"

He gave a thumbs up while applauding, laughing so much that he almost fell off his horse.

"Doctor Lin, you don't intend to use these things to deal with Antian Valkyrie, do you?"

"If the Dark Sky Martial God is caught by me, I will definitely make him come and go!"

Lin Yang said with a serious face.

"Okay! Great! Great! By the way, you just said, who developed these things?"

Linghu Yu asked with wide eyes.

"My subordinate, is there a problem?"

"You...your subordinate? No problem! No problem!"

Linghu Yu's stomach ached with a smile, and tears were about to flow out. He waved his hands again and again and said, "There are countless strange people and strange things under Lin Miracle Doctor's command. Admire! Admire! I think that if the Martial God of Dark Sky really touches you, it must be a corpse." Wucun, the soul flies away! Hahahaha..."

Lin Yang didn't speak, and closed the box silently.

At this time, several people from Canglan Mansion rushed over quickly.

"Greetings to Mr. Taishangshan, and Mr. Yu!"

"Where's Teacher Canglan?"

Linghu Yu wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, and tried her best to ask with a serious expression.

But Lin Yang's box did amused him, and the smile on the corner of his mouth could not be concealed.

Several people were quite confused, but they didn't dare to make mistakes, and immediately said: "Lord Valkyrie is right ahead."

"Good! Good! Lead the way!"

Linghu Yu smiled, and then turned her head: "Master Lin, you must show my teacher your treasure later, hahahaha..."

"Have chance."

Lin Yang was perfunctory.

After a while, the three of them came to a small slope in front of Buyue Mountain.

Martial God Canglan was discussing something with a group of masters from Canglan Mansion.

Lin Yang's eyes locked on the woman in red next to Martial God Canglan for the first time.

In an instant, Lin Yang's pupils burst out with a strong killing intent.

"It's you? It seems that you did not die last time!"

Lin Yang said coldly.

"Doctor Lin, don't come here without any problems!"

The woman in red smiled slightly: "It was a misunderstanding last time, please forgive me!"


Lin Yang shook his head again and again: "If you dare to touch my people, then it is not a misunderstanding!"

After all, I want to urge my hands.

"Lord Lin, wait a minute!"

Martial God Canglan immediately stepped forward and shouted: "They are all our own, Lord Lin, don't do anything!"

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