"No, no, I'll go! I don't have any opinion!"

Lin Yang smiled suddenly and said directly.

Linghu Yu was overjoyed.

Martial God Canglan nodded just now: "In this case, please prepare quickly, Lord Lin, don't waste any more time!"

"Lord Valkyrie, am I going alone? You must send some helpers to help me?"

Lin Yang spoke suddenly.


Martial God Canglan hesitated, and said in a deep voice: "We are also short of manpower, who do you... want?"

"I see that there are quite a few masters in the Linghu family, why don't we recruit some masters and go up the mountain with me?"

Lin Yang said with a smile.


Linghu Yu's face suddenly changed.

Martial God Canglan saw that Lin Yang didn't want people from his Canglan mansion, so he nodded directly: "Alright, so, let you choose some people from the Linghu family to go up the mountain with you!"


Linghu Yu became anxious, and quickly looked at Martial God Canglan.

But Martial God Canglan wouldn't talk to him.

Going up the mountain is death, and everyone knows it well.

But the person who died was not from Canglan Mansion, so how could Martial God Canglan care?

"What? Master Linghu, don't you want our operation to be a complete success? Or do you mean you don't support me going up the mountain? If so, I won't go!"

Lin Yang shrugged with a nonchalant attitude.

"Linghu Yu, hurry up and call your masters from the Linghu family to come over and let Master Lin choose!"

Martial God Canglan drank heavily.

"Teacher, my people will follow me to block the south entrance..."

Linghu Yu wanted to cry but had no tears.

"Can it be sealed if there are fewer people?"



Martial God Canglan scolded.

Linghu Yu was completely at a loss, sighed, and had no choice but to bite the bullet and leave.

When he left, he still stared at Lin Yang with resentful eyes.

He knew that Lin Yang was taking revenge.

"Dog, you know you're going to die, but you still want to drag our family to be buried with you?"

"Okay! Very good! Just wait for me, I will make your death ugly!"

Linghu Yu secretly cursed in his heart.

After a while, Linghu Yu led a group of experts from the Linghu family to this place.

"Listen, when you get to the mountain, you just need to find a way to escape, don't care about that guy's life or death, understand?"

Linghu Yu lowered his voice and said to these family members.

"Master, we might as well kill him on the mountain!"

A master of the Linghu family shouted ferociously.

"Idiots, why do you need to do it? If he goes to the top of Buyue Mountain and dares to move the mountain, the Dao we have opened up will definitely be affected. At that time, the miasma will be unstable, and it will immediately submerge the Dao we opened up. The kid will be melted by the miasma, do you need to kill him?"

Linghu Yu snorted.

"Then, master, we... what should we do?"

"When you get to the top of the mountain, you just run! Find a way to get back safely."

Linghu Yu squinted his eyes: "When this kid surnamed Lin is dealt with, we'll go to the mansion to offer a reward and kill all his subordinates as a sacrifice to my brother's spirit in heaven!"

"Hahaha, master, no problem!"

"Young master, those women under his command must be left to us! I have long wanted to practice together with them!"

"I book one!"

"I also want!"

Everyone was very excited and excited.

"Okay, after this matter is resolved, those bitches are at your disposal!"

Linghu Yu snorted coldly, and then led people to Lin Yang.


Linghu Yu said coldly.

Lin Yang nodded, and glanced at these people, all of them were vicious, with bloody breath in their palms.

I think they kill a lot on weekdays.

"I want all of you."

Lin Yang pointed to the group of strongest Linghu family masters on the right, and said directly.

Just now, Lin Yang saw the scene of these people whispering to Linghu Yu.

I'm afraid that this group of people is not only powerful, but also has an extraordinary relationship with Linghu Yu.

"Success, you all go up the mountain with Master Lin!"

The corner of Linghu Yu's mouth twitched secretly: "Remember, you must protect Mr. Lin's security, and don't let him get hurt in the slightest, you know?"

"Don't worry, son!"

"With us here, Mr. Lin will never be hurt in the slightest!"

Everyone joked and laughed, each of them patted their chests and laughed.

"Master Lin, can we go?"

Martial God Canglan said lightly.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's go now!"

Lin Yang nodded, waved his hand directly, and carried the dozens of masters from the Linghu family to the top of the mountain.

People watched the team leave.

"Teacher, it's done!"

Linghu Yu laughed and said, "This time, this bastard will definitely die on the mountain!"


Martial God Canglan frowned slightly, and said hoarsely: "Whether he is dead or not, I don't really care about it at all, I really hope that Martial God Antian is hiding in this Buyue Mountain, and this son can lure him out, so, It's not in vain for me and Taitian to spend a lot of trouble!"

In the eyes of Martial God Canglan, Lin Yang has never been an opponent.

Perhaps Lin Yang's displayed strength shocked Martial God Cang Lan, and his talent was also extraordinary.

But if Martial God Canglan really wanted to kill Lin Yang, it wouldn't be too difficult.

He has only one thought now, and that is to get rid of Antian Martial God.

As for Linghu Yu, it was different.

After hearing the woman's advice, he knew that Lin Yang would not die, and his Linghu family would have trouble sleeping and eating.

Linghu Yu didn't speak, but exchanged a glance with the woman in red, and each left with someone else.

At the same time, not about the foot of the mountain.

There are dozens of people standing here, all of them are from Canglan Mansion.

Lin Yang looked towards the mountain road.

However, the mountain road leading to the top of the mountain has been covered by a layer of lustrous light at this moment.

This band of light directly cuts off the miasma on the mountain, and the area covered by the band of light is not affected by the miasma at all, and people can walk freely on the band of light.

It's just...the light belt is very fragile, and the energy on it is extremely unstable.

If Lin Yang hacked the rock, the light belt would be affected and it would be shattered on the spot.

Once the light strip dissipated, Lin Yang would have no way to go down the mountain.

This line of work is really close to death.

Lin Yang exhaled and walked to the entrance.

But he didn't immediately set foot on the mountain road to the top of the mountain, but came to the first floor, stared at the miasma floating in front of him, and then stepped straight inside.


Everyone was stunned.

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