Dr. Lin took the pharmacy?

Many people in the special pharmacy were still a little confused and thought they were dreaming for a time.

But... That falls on the ground motionless, leaving only one breath of strange medicine, the owner will not have false ah!

Feng Shi was stunned.

Lecturer Zhou, lecturer Tang and so on were dumbfounded.

Lecturer situ sighed and shook his head.

And those talented people have been standing in the same place for a long time...

"Feng Shi, go to arrange the handover ceremony now!" Lin Yang took the blood book and said calmly.

"Dr. Lin, you... You hurt my homeowner, you want to... Still want to occupy my special pharmacy? "How can this be true..." Feng Shiduo, trembling, pointed to Linyang and called out.

Everyone can join Lin Yang's command in Qi pharmacy, but he can't.

Because he was against doctor Xuan many times!

What's more, it was he who asked to abolish doctor Xuan's idea. If Lin Yang investigated him, he would be finished.

So Feng Shi has only one way to go!

Knock on Dr. Lin!

But this fell, and Lin Yang stepped forward.

Feng Shi was stunned.

"What do you want to do?"


Lin Yang slapped Feng Shi in the face.

Feng Shi makes a turn in place, covers his face and looks at Lin Yang in shock.

"Dare you hit me?"

"As the owner of the special pharmacy, why don't I have the right to hit you? You're nothing big or small Lin Yang light road.

"You... You, you, you... Surnamed Lin, I tell you, even if you use this method to occupy my Qi pharmacy, I will never identify with you! Even if I die here today, I will never recognize you as the owner of our special pharmacy! You will die of this heart Feng Shi was so angry that he yelled at him.

"That's right, Dr. Lin. are you too far? Vice owner Feng is our landlord at least. Even if the owner is changed, his position will not be changed. Why should you be so aggressive to Mr. Feng? " At this time, a student stood up.

Anyone who knows this student knows that he is a disciple of Feng Shi. At this juncture, he naturally wants to speak for Feng Shi.

"Are you dissatisfied with me?" Lin Yang looked at the student and asked faintly.

"Of course, I think that the matter of the owner of the house is still open to discussion. What's more, you're too vicious. The owner Yao is fighting with you, but you're paralyzing him! Don't you think it's more vicious? I'm afraid you won't be convinced if you do this! " The man hummed coldly.

As soon as the words fell, the people behind him came out one after another.

"Yes! I don't like it anyway! "

"Dr. Lin, you are too cruel

"That's how you treat the homeowner. What about us? If you become the homeowner, will we have a good life? "

"We support vice owner Feng!"

"If the owner of the house is such a cruel and cruel guy, I would rather leave the special pharmacy!"

"Yes, I'd like to leave too!"

"Me too!"

"And me

All the students of Feng Shi stood up and directly stood behind him.

The doctor Xuan, who was just full of joy and excitement, was confused again.

This is the Forbidden Palace!

"What are you doing? Don't admit it? "

"If you lose, you have to admit it! What's more, the blood book is here! If you don't recognize it, we'll hand in the blood book, and you'll have to finish it! "

Someone scolded.

But Lin Yang raised his hand and motioned to the public not to be impatient.

Doctor Xuan sent someone to stop talking.

However, seeing Lin Yang staring at those people standing behind Feng Shi, he turned and looked at the lecturers and students of other metaphysical medicine schools. After a moment's silence, he exclaimed, "who else wants to leave the special pharmacy?"

As soon as this word comes out, people are hesitant when you look at me and I look at you.

However, quite a number of people expressed their attitude and went directly behind Feng Shi to expound their determination.

Some people stand out, there will follow the trend, slowly, more people.

Even Deng Qiang, one of the top ten talents, stood behind Feng Shi.

Obviously, they were more familiar with Feng Shi than Dr. Lin.

Feng Shi looked at Lin Yang with pride on his face and sneered: "Lin, have you seen it? Although you can seize our special pharmacy, you can't take away the people's heart of the special pharmacy. The people's heart is still towards me and to the owner of Yao's house. Even if you can use your best means, what's the use? Justice, freedom from the hearts of the people! "

He's very proud!

Nothing in his life is more proud than today.

Because he found that he was better than Yao Fang.

For now, at least, he won! He held down Lin Yang.

Lin Yang was silent.

It took about three or four seconds to look up.

"But I come to Qi pharmacy, and the target is not you." He looked at Feng Shidao.Feng Shi and others were stunned.

"What do you mean?"

"It's very simple." Lin Yang said lightly: "if you don't want to stay in the special pharmacy, you can immediately pack up your things and leave. I will never detain you. I have never cared about you from the beginning to the end. What I care about is only the odd pharmacy, just the medicine in the strange pharmacy, that's all!"


The scene exploded instantly.

All the people in the fancy pharmacy exploded.

"You... How dare you look down on us?"

"Dr. Lin, you... You are too much!"

"Who do you think we are? Without us, the special pharmacy can't last at all! "

"It's arrogant. It's disgusting."

The whole body of the crowd trembled, and their faces were flushed.

But Lin Yang turned a deaf ear.

He waved.

The people of Xuanyi sect lifted all the stretchers blocked at the gate, made way for the road, and calmly said, "those who want to go, the gate is here, don't send them off!"


Feng Shi roared with rage and his eyes were red.

He glared at Lin Yang like a wild animal and roared, "do you know, these are the elite and pillars of the strange pharmacy. Without them, the odd pharmacy is even a small pharmacy that doesn't flow in. No one pays attention to it! Do you want to ruin the pharmacy? "

"Destroyed the special pharmacy?"

Lin Yang snorted coldly, and said coldly, "do you think the odd pharmacy should be destroyed by me? If I can create a Xuanyi school, can't I create a second special pharmacy? What's more, what are you people doing here? Maybe some of you come here to learn medicine, but most of you just use it as a way to make a living and a tool to make money! What's a pity if such a special pharmacy is destroyed? Say it again! I have stronger medicine skill than Yao Zhaobin, and more excellent medicine skill than your Qi pharmacy! Even if there is only one shell left in the odd pharmacy today, I can easily reappear its former glory, and even, I can make it reach a new height! The scale of Renqi pharmacy is bigger and more magnificent than it is now!!

Feng Shi! Is this strange pharmacy worthy of being destroyed by me? "

Lin Yang's words are so loud that the world is shocked.

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