"Where are you looking for?"

The cold voice sounded again, and then the ground trembled suddenly.

Martial God Tai Tian immediately realized something, and suddenly got up and looked down.

I saw the ground under my feet cracking rapidly, and a wave of evil spirit gushed out from the crack.

"Dark sky!"

Taitian Martial God roared and roared, directly urging his energy to blast towards the crack.

But before his arm fell, an evil light suddenly appeared.


The evil light directly penetrated Taitian Martial God's arm, cutting it off...

Blood gushed out, staining the ground red.


Martial God Taitian retreated again and again clutching his broken arm, screaming in pain resounded.

"Protect Lord Valkyrie!"

"Protect the adults!"

All the subordinates of Taitian Martial God surrounded him.

Xuantong and the others here just came back to their senses, and immediately rushed to support Taitian, but they were stopped by Langya.

"Don't move!"

Langya stared at the crack, suddenly realized something, and immediately shouted: "Quick, retreat!"


Everyone was dumbfounded.

But I saw the person rushing towards Taitian Martial God suddenly shake.

At first glance, it turned out that the ground under their feet trembled again, and then inch by inch cracks appeared, and hideous and terrifying hands stretched out from the cracks, directly grabbed their ankles, and dragged them into the cracks.

"What is this? Let me go! Let me go!"

"Ghost! Ghost!"

"Help! Help!"

People screamed and struggled frantically.

Someone raises a sword to chop, intending to split the palm, but even if one palm is split, another hand will immediately drag it.

In a short while, hundreds of people were dragged into the crack.

Then there were miserable howls and roars from the crack, and a lot of blood splashed out from the crack.

Martial God Taitian widened his eyes, looking at this strange scene in disbelief.

The rest of the people also had scalp numbness and trembling to the extreme.

Have they ever seen such a terrifying and weird sight?

Xuantong and the others gasped, and only then did they react.

If they just ran to support Martial God Taitian involuntarily, they might also be dragged underground, right?

Martial God Taitian stabbed the severed arm with needles, temporarily stopped the bleeding and relieved the pain, then stared at the shattered earth and roared angrily: "Antian, get out of here, what is hiding in the ground? Are you shy? Get out!"

He growled and swore.

At this moment, the ground trembled again, and then a huge crack appeared.

Endless evil energy gushed out of it like a stormy sea.

Tai Tian was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes became more ferocious.

I saw a phantom slowly rising from the endless evil energy.

Taking a closer look, it was Antian Martial God.

But at this moment, he is a little different from usual, those eyes filled with evil spirit are incomparably blood red and strange.

He came out of the crack, as if he had stepped out of an abyss, and stepped on the icy ground, as if he wanted to freeze the ground.

Martial God Taitian looked at Martial God Antian, and his heart beat suddenly.

For some reason, he feels that the Antian Martial God today seems to be different from before.

"Antian, you can be considered to have appeared, today is your death day."

Martial God Taitian said coldly.

"Death date?"

However, Martial God Antian muttered lightly, then stepped forward, picked up the severed arm of Martial God Taitian, and weighed it in his hand.

"Today won't be my death day, and of course, it won't be your death day either."

"Today, you will live forever!"

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